The Most Violent Upgrade

Chapter 1632 Playing with the Fairy Fox!

I go!

Dare to call yourself the deity in front of the emperor, you are quite arrogant!

Reining in your mind and thinking about guarding the Jade Mansion, the wailing of countless resentful souls will be destroyed in an instant.

Du Yuesheng looked at the ten-tailed fairy fox that was gradually showing its face, glanced at the corner of its mouth, and said with a disdainful smile: "This is the existence of the super beast level that caused chaos in the Supreme Academy. It looks ordinary."

I saw the ten-tailed fairy fox, about a thousand feet high, with snow-white hair all over, and the ten tails stood up like silver feathers like giant dragons, and there was a terrifying power that was hard to penetrate from all over the body!

In terms of realm alone, the ten-tailed fairy fox is almost comparable to the existence of the Supreme God, but in front of Du Yuesheng, there is no threat at all.

"Ant, I advise you not to be ashamed, otherwise you will be the first one to kill on the day when I come into the world!"

After waving his hands, Du Yuesheng stood in the air and said, "You want to come to the world, right? The Emperor of Heaven is enough for you, how about it?"

"What did you say!?"

Even the ten-tailed fairy fox who has practiced for thousands of years as a fairy fox was shocked by Du Yuesheng's words!

Could it be... the human beings in front of them wanted to let themselves out?

A trace of suspicion flashed in the blue and blood-red eyes. As a sky fox, the ten-tailed fairy fox has unfathomable scheming, how could it be so easy to believe: "Ants, don't even try to deceive this deity, you still have the smell of the Supreme Academy on you!" taste!"

The aura of the Supreme Academy probably came from the amethyst jade card, but Du Yuesheng didn't care about it: "Use your brain, you've been imprisoned here for a thousand years, won't your IQ go offline too?

If the Emperor of Heaven is really sent by the Supreme Academy, why would he want to talk nonsense with you? Already strengthened the Seal of the Gods and left! "

Although this reasoning is simple and even forced, it is extremely convincing. I saw those dark blue blood eyes blinking, and then came a gloomy voice: "So, you really saved the deity?"

Nodding his head, Du Yuesheng didn't deny it, but the curve of the corner of his mouth that seemed to be a half-smile became more playful.

After a moment of silence, I heard an earth-shattering ecstasy from the Liuliyu Mansion: "Okay! I will believe you for a while today, as long as you uncover this seal, after I descend to the world and dominate the God Realm, I will How about making you the supreme dean above ten thousand people?

Ants, you cannot refuse such conditions! "

To be honest, if someone else could negotiate with the ten-tailed fairy fox to such an extent, they might agree. After all, being a younger brother with a heaven-defying existence who breaks through the divine beast is better than practicing hard on your own.

But this condition fell into the ears of Du Yuesheng, it seemed extremely ridiculous...

Immediately, Du Yuesheng couldn't help raising his head and laughing wildly, the laughter was full of sarcasm: " stupid! It seems that the Emperor of Heaven has to reconsider, the IQ of the soul pet who signed the contract is so low, what if it affects the master!"

"Ant, what are you talking about!?"

While drinking, the ten-tailed fairy fox's eyes suddenly burst out with lava brilliance that could melt any stubborn stone in the god world, but before it fell on Du Yuesheng, it was completely dissolved by the power of the seal of the gods.

However, once the ten-tailed fairy fox got angry, the seals of the gods on the countless holy golden chains would gradually sway, ready to fall at any moment.

Du Yuesheng saw it, and couldn't help sneering: "Tsk, but remaining anger can shake the seal of the gods, it seems that this cage is not so strong for you!"

The ten-tailed fairy fox didn't deny it either, but said in a low voice with a little more pride: "Hmph, ants! Have you seen the strength of this deity now?"

However, Du Yuesheng seemed to have turned a deaf ear to it, and sneered unabated: "I think the reason why you have not broken free from the cage for so long is to deceive others, and to restore your strength, right?

There are only a handful of existences that can shake the Divine Consciousness of this Heavenly Emperor, and there are only a handful of them in the entire God Realm. Even if you came to the Supreme Academy a thousand years ago, your strength has suddenly decreased and you cannot use the more terrifying supernatural powers, but it is no problem to escape, at least you will not be blocked by the seal of the gods. Forbidden curse.

It seems that this seal of the gods has lost its function of imprisoning you as early as a few years ago, or even earlier. Instead, you used the divine power in it for your own use, and constantly restored your own strength, right? "

After a pause, Du Yuesheng praised in another tone: "Tsk tsk, what place can be more reassuring than the seal of the gods? Ten-tailed fairy fox, it turns out that when you came here thousands of years ago, you have completely destroyed the Supreme Academy. Calculate it!"

Du Yuesheng had a deep understanding of the cunning of the fairy fox, at least he never believed it, if the ten-tailed fairy fox didn't want Kuqin to see the flaws of seizing the house, the latter would never find out anyway!

If this is the case, why does he occasionally seize the house but not kill? It is clear that he wants to create a false appearance that although the seal of the gods is shaken, he can still persist, so that the Supreme Academy can relax its vigilance...

Du Yuesheng reckoned that if he didn't come, the next time, that is, when the supreme dean and the ten martial gods gathered in the Jade Palace to recast the seal of the gods in a few months later, it would be the time when the ten-tailed fairy fox showed its minions!

Unknowingly, Du Yuesheng actually saved the life of a high-ranking member of the academy, but unfortunately no one will know about this kindness, let alone reciprocate it.

But it doesn't matter, to be able to accept the ten-tailed fairy fox as a spiritual pet, what is the kindness of the Supreme Academy?

Thinking of this, Du Yuesheng folded his arms around his chest and said condescendingly: "How about it, what the Emperor of Heaven said is not wrong, right?"

His answer was a long silence.

The blue and blood-red eyes of the ten-tailed fairy fox were filled with rage, but under the rage, it was difficult to hide his heart palpitations!

"This...this deity's thoughts, why are all the ants in this district guessing?! Damn it!

Even the guys who were the main gods at the beginning didn't realize that something was wrong, what kind of supernatural powers do these ants have! "

However, the cunning of the ten-tailed fairy fox lies in seeking advantages and avoiding disadvantages. Du Yuesheng completely guessed it, so he simply didn't admit it or deny it, but changed the subject and said: "Ant, didn't you say that you want to let this deity out?

How did you think about the conditions just now? "

When Du Yuesheng heard the words, he even disdainfully said: "Cut, it seems that you haven't answered the words of the Emperor of Heaven, right?

But besides being cunning, the ten-tailed fairy fox is also bloodthirsty, if he could really kill me, an ant who knows your plan, why would he spare my life?

If you guessed right, it is true that you can break free from this seal of God, but you are unwilling to pay the price. At least after breaking free, you are not 100% sure that you will be able to beat the strong man from the academy who came after hearing the news, right? "

After finishing speaking, the eyes of the ten-tailed fairy fox were already filled with unconcealable astonishment!

This guy... just how scheming is he? !

The ten-tailed fairy fox clearly wanted to perfunctory the past and shifted the pros and cons to the negotiation conditions, but he didn't expect Du Yuesheng to be completely unmoved. Instead, he analyzed the other party's details from the former's words in just a few breaths!

Such a city, with great wisdom and close to demons...

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