The Most Violent Upgrade

Chapter 1634 Double Repair Furnace Cauldron (first update)

In the world of spiritual consciousness, after a long silence, the ten-tailed fairy fox finally spoke.

"How... how can I believe the conditions you said?"

Driven by the instinct of seeking advantages and avoiding disadvantages, the ten-tailed fairy fox finally made his own choice.

Although being an ant to the human being in front of him is simply humiliating his fairy fox blood, but...

Can stand in a higher position, no matter who he needs to look up to!

Even if he didn't follow Du Yuesheng, there was still a stronger existence above the God Realm that made the Ten-tailed Fairy Fox submit.

But surrender is surrender, ten-tailed fairy fox is not only suspicious, but also wants to seek the greatest benefit for himself.

Du Yuesheng saw it in his eyes, and didn't point it out, but said with a smile: "I knew you would say that a long time ago, here, the soul contract is here, and there is no room for regrets!

Now, you should believe in the sincerity of the Emperor of Heaven, right? "

With the existence of the soul contract, Du Yuesheng is not worried that the cunning and changeable ten-tailed fairy fox will turn against the master. As long as he is the master, one thought is enough to wipe out the latter's ten thousand years of cultivation.

Looking at the contract floating in front of his eyes, imprinted with Du Yuesheng's breath of soul, the ten-tailed fairy fox Zheng nodded. Since he absolutely surrendered, he would definitely show the most satisfactory loyalty.

At least on the surface.

A divine bead flashed in those eyes, and after Du Yuesheng confirmed that it was the breath of the ten-tailed fairy fox, he pressed one finger on the contract.

"As the Emperor of Heaven, I signed a soul contract today, accepting Chenyi, the ten-tailed fairy fox, as my spiritual pet. I will definitely trust you in the future, and I will never let you down!"

At the same time, the ten-tailed fairy fox also said solemnly: "As a ten-tailed fairy fox, I signed a soul contract with my master Du Yuesheng, the emperor of heaven. As the soul of the emperor of heaven, I will be loyal and assist him in the future! I will never betray!"

These words are deeply imprinted in the souls of both of them, they cannot be changed, and any thoughts of disobedience are not allowed!

"Okay! As a meeting gift, the Emperor of Heaven will break this seal for you!"

Du Yuesheng exploded, since the contract has been signed, as the master, he should also show the master's means!

A ray of divine fire landed on the seal of the gods, and the shackles that could imprison the peak of the main god were instantly shattered!


Countless holy gold chains were broken into pieces, which was enough to cause earth-shattering changes, causing the world in Yufu to collapse.

Du Yuesheng looked up at the ever-distorting colorful sky, and with a single finger, it returned to normal.

Even considering Liuli's future, Du Yuesheng did not hesitate to incorporate a trace of his natal deity into it, making the colorful sky have a bright golden awn!

"Now, follow the Heavenly Emperor to dominate the God Realm!"

Above the Gangfeng, in a temple, the eyes of a man sitting cross-legged were staring, making the divine power of thousands of miles around tremble!

"This kind of change, could it be that... the Palace of the Dry Qin has changed!?"

Surprise flashed across his perfect and handsome face, the man stamped the formula, and after a while he smiled: "So it's such a mutation, I was too worried.

But... since this person didn't steal the secret to subdue that evil animal, I have no reason to stop it.

Speaking of which, Jinghong and Qianye must have been too vigilant to call all His Highness's disciples together? "

Looking through the thousands of clouds, the man looked at the Jinghong and Qianye temples where divine power gathered, and when Void pointed out, they turned into two clones in midair.

"'s a pity, what a pity. If it wasn't for the time when retreat was particularly important, I really wanted to see that child Yuesheng.

It seems... the only way to meet him is when I step through the last threshold! "

At the same time, Martial God Qianye, who originally gathered his disciples and was full of murderous intent, could not help but kneel down on one knee as he watched the man who had descended from the sky, and hurriedly saluted: "Principal, the Kuqin Palace...has changed!"

"I know."

The man's tone was exceptionally calm, as if it was just an insignificant matter: "I came here for this very reason.

Tell Mo Yu and the others that there is no need to go to the Kuqin Palace. "


His eyes were startled, and Qianye, who was a master god, almost suspected that he had auditory hallucinations!

But looking at the man's unusually indifferent face, he nodded heavily, not daring to disobey the dean's intention at all.

"I see, Master Dean, what else can I order?"

After pondering for a moment, the man who wanted to step away on the cloud seemed to remember something, and added: "By the way, after three days, let Elder Yan's cultivation base be suppressed to the peak of the gods.

I don't want to lose the face of being in charge of the punishment hall, and Elder Yan will never allow any mistakes. As for victory or defeat, don't worry about it. "

At the end of the sentence, the man's magnetic and hoarse instructions echoed in the cloud: "Before I leave the customs, if anyone provokes Du Yuesheng again, he will be responsible for the consequences, and don't let the dean take revenge for him.

Especially that guy Sheng Yi, if he insists on doing something reckless, just let him go. "

Du Yuesheng, who was far away in the Kuqin Hall, did not know that his act of subduing the ten-tailed fairy fox caused such a big commotion in the Supreme Academy.

The person who can make Qianye Martial God obey what he says, naturally... Only Mu En, the president of the Supreme Academy who is above everyone else, can do it!

At this time, in the green bamboo forest, Du Yuesheng's smile was still so indifferent.

"Phew... I didn't expect the process of subduing the ten-tailed fairy fox to be so smooth, but it saved me a lot of trump cards. You are really clever."

Beside him, a young man with... oh no white hair and handsome appearance, with evil facial features but not a bit disgusting, is slightly bowing, and replied: "I can only look up to the majesty of the Emperor of Heaven, how dare I commit suicide?" road?"

Although he has become Du Yuesheng's spiritual pet and has the brand of a contract, the loyalty of the ten-tailed fairy fox is unquestionable.

But letting him say these words in person always has a depressing feeling.

But compared to the ten-tailed fairy fox, the expressions on the faces of Ku Qin and the others are truly wonderful.

When they felt that the seal of the gods was broken, they immediately wanted Yuanshen to enter the Liuliyu Mansion to support them, but they didn't expect to bump into Du Yuesheng who was telling the rules to the young people with an old-fashioned look.

"Hey, come and say hello, this is the heavenly emperor's spiritual pet—the ten-tailed fairy fox, you can also call him Chen Yi."

After finishing speaking, Chen Yi looked at Ku Qin and the two, raised his slender eyebrows in disgust, and said in dissatisfaction: "This kind of ants are worthy of being equal to the Emperor of Heaven?"

"Depend on!"

Before he finished speaking, Du Yuesheng gave him a big reward: "Didn't I tell you just now, these two are friends of the Emperor of Heaven, don't be presumptuous!"

Chen Yi was given a big reward, if it were the same as in the past, he might be able to destroy everything that can be seen in front of him.

But at this moment, he just stroked his disheveled silver hair in a slightly depressed manner, tried his best to make a friendly voice, and stretched out his hand: "Hey, the ants who are lucky enough to be friends with the Emperor of Heaven, when they see this deity, they still kneel and salute obediently." ?”

Before the words fell, another burst of chestnuts struck head-on.

"Damn! If you dare to speak in such a tone again, the Emperor of Heaven will reward you as a double-repair stove for this woman to warm her bed!"

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