The Most Violent Upgrade

Chapter 1641 King-level disciple, Yu Chuan!

He treats friends as coldly as Du Yuesheng, and he never hesitates to hug him. Speaking of which, the two have not been in touch for a long time since they parted, and it really puts Du Yuesheng in a good mood to be able to meet in the college at this time.

Feeling Chen Yang punching his chest like a joke, Du Yuesheng couldn't help laughing, and said: "Isn't this being chased by Yan Laohei and others recently? Fortunately, I met you in the academy. It's just fate!"

"Brother Wow, you say that, why do I feel a sense of love?"

"Damn, my aesthetics are normal, okay, let's leave your genius physical chastity to some 800-pound senior sister to enjoy!"

"Don't dare, I'm afraid only Brother Du has the ability to subdue the 800-jin senior sister..."

After the two laughed and chatted for a while, Du Yuesheng finally found out that after Chen Yang entered the Supreme Academy, he was actually favored by the elders guarding the Shenji Pavilion and accepted as his disciple. The status of a deacon is something that many true disciples cannot envy.

Sure enough, wolves travel thousands of miles to eat meat. Du Yuesheng also understood earlier that a genius like Chen Yang would not bury his talent even if he came to an academy full of masters.

"Who is this……"

After chatting, Chen Yang came to Chen Yi who was standing beside Du Yuesheng.

Seeing this, Du Yuesheng glanced at the pet ten-tailed fairy fox with an inexplicable expression, and then said with a smile: "Oh, this guy is my servant, you can call him Chenyi.

Well, why don't you say hello to the friends of the Emperor of Heaven? "

Hearing this, Chen Yi curled his lips in disdain. He just wanted to be contemptuous, but he thought of the misery of being rewarded twice in the Kuqin Hall. Well, you are indeed a friend of the master, you have such cultivation at such a young age, I admire you!"

It is conceivable how depressing it is for the ten-tailed fairy fox, who regards the god world like an ant, to call a human being, even a talented human being, a brother!

Especially in Chen Yi's eyes, Chen Yang could only be regarded as mediocre, but he forced himself to look like a talented Ling Ran. As the master, Du Yuesheng almost laughed out loud.

But Chen Yang sized it up and saw that there were two fox ears hidden in Chen Yi's silver hair, and his face was strange and handsome, and he couldn't see through the realm, so he couldn't help laughing and said: "Brother Du, is this your wife or a servant? What? I doubt it!

And judging from Brother Chen's appearance, he should be a spirit beast like a spirit fox, right? To be accepted as a servant by Big Brother Du is quite a chance! "


Du Yuesheng could hear clearly, the extremely dissatisfied roar of the pet came from his soul...

"God... Emperor of Heaven! Isn't your friend too blind? He even compared me to spirit foxes and other creatures from the lower world! Ahhh, I'm so pissed off, I really want to kill people to vent my anger! Why don't you kill all the ants in front of you, How about it?"

"It's not good! You can't calm down, Chen Yang is just joking, don't take it too seriously."

After laughing and cursing, Du Yuesheng didn't bother to say anything more. After all, Chen Yi was his own spiritual pet, and being his own master couldn't make him suffer too much. Besides, as a ten-tailed fairy fox, he was in a bad mood and wanted to kill some ants to vent his anger. It's normal, but if I often control or even be harsh, I'm afraid it will cause fear in the soul contract.

Hey... I don't even know what a joke is for this guy who is born to be a supernatural beast!

After sighing lightly, Du Yuesheng changed the subject and said: "By the way, Chen Yang, since you are a deacon, why don't you just mention the trivial matter just now?"

What Du Yuesheng said, of course, was about beheading Tian Hu outside the Shenji Pavilion. If it were someone else, Chen Yang would inevitably capture him and hand him over to the Palace of Punishment, but as the former's friend...

What kind of brother is a royal disciple? You deserve to provoke yourself, and you will die if you die! Is it possible that you still want my Shenji Pavilion to pay for the coffin?

Chen Yang immediately smiled and said: "Of course it's no problem, and if you want to go to the illusion, brother Du, how can I let you line up with me!"

When Du Yuesheng heard the words, he couldn't help but tease: "Hey, you are a cold and dull guy who will give friends the back door now, won't you?"

"Damn, Brother Du, are you mocking me? Geniuses need to be flexible too..."

While talking, the two walked side by side, talking and laughing happily, Chen Yi followed half a step behind him, and the people lining up on both sides involuntarily moved out of the way!

Just kidding, even if it's not for the sake of Du Yuesheng's terrifying strength, he must not offend the deacon disciple of Shenji Pavilion!

After all, if someone is charged with "Shenji Pavilion heavy spitting", he will never be able to enter the illusion again in this life...

However, Du Yuesheng had just walked to the end of the line, before Chen Yang introduced the illusion, a young man with a dignified face and a luxurious dagger came over and said politely: "Your Excellency, even Du Yuesheng from the Mingzhen Academy recently, Brother Du, right? "

When Du Yuesheng heard this, he glanced at him, but he didn't recognize the man in front of him, so he couldn't help frowning slightly: "I am, who are you?"

Hearing this, the man showed a little apology and said: "Oh, I was negligent and forgot to introduce myself. I, Yu Chuan, have heard about Brother Du's name for a long time. I was lucky enough to meet you today. Can you form a team and enter the fantasy world together?"

After Yu Chuan finished speaking, Du Yuesheng hadn't answered, but Chen Yang beside him said in surprise, "Are you Yu Chuan, a disciple of the Four Great Kings?"

Being recognized, Yu Chuan didn't deny it, and said with a light smile, "It's just a false name, it's just being praised by others, why bother to talk about it in front of Brother Du?

By the way, I don't know if Brother Du agrees to the request just now. If he agrees, I have two past partners who are capable. Let's form a team together. With Brother Du in charge, it may not be impossible to clear the three-story illusion perfectly! "

The sentence that Brother Du was sitting in the town immediately lifted Du Yuesheng to a position higher than others...

Of course, with Du Yuesheng's strength, he is absolutely qualified to be superior to countless others.

However, he didn't like the arrogance of Yu Chuan's facial features when he smiled lightly.

It seemed to him that he was eager to form a team with him.

Is the king-level disciple very powerful? The bald man who died under the thunder of the Heavenly Emperor just now seems to be an imperial senior brother that you Yu Chuan can't afford, right?

The rule of reaching out and not hitting smiling people is of no use to Du Yuesheng. She originally wanted to find an excuse to refuse Yu Chuan, but Chen Yi beside her said via voice transmission: "Emperor of Heaven, according to our opinion, we agree to agree with this Waiting for the ants to form a team is never a bad thing!"

When Du Yuesheng heard the words, his face was calm, but Yuanshen played with it: "Oh? You said you were an ant, why did you let the Emperor of Heaven put down his posture and form a team with them?"

You must know that with Du Yuesheng's city and strength, not to mention the third floor of the illusion, even the upper floors can be crushed with confidence. Forming a team with Yu Chuan is no different from bringing three burdens.

But if there is no abnormality, it is absolutely impossible for Chen Yi to disobey himself.

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