The Most Violent Upgrade

Chapter 1644 Legion Battle

On the city wall, arrows filled the sky, divine power burst out everywhere, ruined walls, and signs of being devastated by the flames of war everywhere.

And after Du Yuesheng woke up from the sudden awakening of consciousness, he walked around the armored corpse at his feet with a slight frown, and stood on the city wall. With a slight movement of divine power, the arrows that hit him were broken and difficult to enter.

Although he had long been prepared to choose the most difficult illusion, Du Yuesheng still couldn't help being startled when he saw the dense black shadows under the city wall.

This... there are at least ten thousand enemies in the city!

These ten thousand people are not ordinary soldiers, but well-organized generals!

Among the god generals, there are also high-level generals such as the god king and the god emperor, floating in mid-air with divine power, and constantly destroying the crumbling city wall with spiritual methods.

Moreover, Du Yuesheng could clearly feel that among the army under the city, there were at least five assassins at the level of gods, waiting for the opportunity, ready to cross the city wall that was no obstacle for them at any time.

Such a huge and vast killing machine, once it is in operation, its power will not only increase by ten thousand times?

For the city wall to last until now, it is already favored by the heavens...

"General! You... you finally went to battle in person! The guards in the city have already called for the battle repeatedly, and the defensive formation of this Juncheng can last for another two hours at most, how about... please lead us to defend the country to the death!"

I don't know when, a blood-soaked general with injuries all over his body half-kneeled in front of Du Yuesheng to report the military situation. Although this man, who has the cultivation level of a god emperor, was filled with righteous indignation, he was more determined.

Defend the country with death?

Du Yuesheng frowned slightly when he heard the words. Before he could speak, Chen Yang beside him exclaimed: "Juncheng? This... This is the border of Wu Kingdom!?"

Although I don't know why Chen Yang, the deputy general who protects the country, would ask such a strange question, but the general still replied loyally: "Reporting to General Chen, Juncheng is the most guarded gate of our great Wu Kingdom. If the city is destroyed break……"

After speaking for a while, Pian Jiang suddenly stopped speaking, and looked at Du Yuesheng with a stern face in awe.

Although this is a plant and tree simulated by the illusion, there are so many mysteries in the Shenji Pavilion. Even if he knows it is a puppet illusion, Du Yuesheng still understands the worry of the general in front of him...

In the army formation, anyone who dares to shake the morale of the army will be killed without mercy!

After hearing this, Chen Yang hurriedly whispered in Du Yuesheng's ear and explained: "Brother Du, I have challenged this illusionary experience of the destruction of the martial kingdom before, but..."

"But when you practiced, the force you were in should be the army under the city?"

Chen Yang was startled when he heard the words, looking at Du Yuesheng's sparkling eyes, he couldn't help feeling that the latter was still as wise as before, and he couldn't hide any details.

"That's right, when I entered the illusion with a junior brother, we were in the kingdom of Jin under the city, and the requirements for training were naturally... to break through the city of Jun and destroy the kingdom of Wu!

Originally, based on the cultivation of my junior brother and I, it would be easy to lead an army to attack the city, but who would have thought that the general who defended the country of Wu Kingdom would serve the country loyally before he died, and repeatedly broke through the realm in danger, and the soldiers under his command regarded death as home. very miserable. "

Although it was only a few words, Du Yuesheng could still imagine the tragedy and tragedy of the general protecting the country.

"Then what happened afterwards? Juncheng fell, what happened to Wuguo?"

Shaking his head, Chen Yang did not rush to explain: "Later, the process of breaking Juncheng and going straight to the imperial city of Wu Kingdom went very smoothly, but we are actually in the power of Wu Kingdom. Brother Du, you were even appointed as the Grand Protector of Wu Kingdom by Mirage. General, I have never heard of this kind of experience challenge being triggered by anyone in the same sect!

In short, let’s defend Juncheng first before discussing.”

Nodding his head, Du Yuesheng took the fighting spirit surging from Chen Yang's body into his eyes, and turned to look at the general: "This general asks you, how many personal guards are left in the city?"

"No... less than a thousand people."

Less than a thousand people?

This battle situation is really a bit tragic...

It's not just Du Yuesheng who thinks so, even Chen Yang and the others turned serious after hearing this. There are tens of thousands of enemies under the city, with a difference of ten to one troops, even if the God of War comes, it will be difficult to turn defeat into victory...

But Du Yuesheng is not a military god.

But even more against the sky than the God of War!

An army of ten thousand people may be able to destroy a city-state, but as long as there are enough strong masters in charge, no matter how many people there are, they will just die!

Since he is the general who protects the country, Du Yuesheng naturally cannot do such a shameful act of throwing away the city!

"Li Yanan, quickly heal this partial general. Yu Chuan leads a team of personal guards to guard the city wall. Chen Yang and Sun Zhipeng will follow this general to gather the personal guards. Let's... go out of the city to kill the enemy!"

After all, Du Yuesheng with a stern face fled towards the city, but the half-kneeling general said in disbelief: ", what are you talking about? Go out of the city to kill the enemy?"

Hearing this, Du Yuesheng glanced slightly and said, "Why, why not?"

Indeed, in the eyes of ordinary people, with such a huge disparity in military strength, going out of the city to meet the enemy would be death. At least no qualified general would give such an order.

But after Du Yuesheng understood the challenge of the illusion, he didn't think about defending Juncheng to the death, but... counterattacked the enemy's country!

Looking at Du Yuesheng's stalwart back, the general wanted to persuade him again, but for some reason, a sense of arrogance surged into his heart, causing him to shout hoarsely: "The general will go out in person, the natural momentum is like a broken bamboo, the last general... Welcome the general's triumphant return! "

"Where is the pro army!? Open the city gate!"

The news that General Du personally went out to the battle quickly spread among the guards, and the morale of grief and hatred was instantly ignited!

Perhaps taking the initiative to fight against an army of ten thousand people with a remnant army of less than a thousand people is tantamount to death, but it is this solemnity that makes all the guards' eyes blood red.

Fighting to the death has been like this since ancient times!

"The general is here, open the city gate quickly! Kill all the bastards from the Kingdom of Jin!"

"Let's line up, use the blood of our Wu people today to defend every plant and every tree in Juncheng!"

"Kill! Go out of the city with General Du to meet the enemy, and those who retreat will die!"

Finally, the gate of Juncheng, which is full of mess, opened.

Du Yuesheng rode like a thousand horses, holding the Zhuxian sword in his hand, wearing a white martial arts robe, and behind him were his personal guards who regarded death as home!

The blade was shining with dark red blood.

That is the blood of the soldiers of the Kingdom of Jin. As the personal guards of the general who protects the country, the power of this dead soldier who also has the cultivation of a god general cannot be underestimated!

The charge of thousands of people seemed extremely ridiculous to Jin Guo, but when Du Yuesheng beheaded a thousand households in an instant, they could no longer laugh.

"Bastards, call out your general, this general will not kill unknown people with his sword!"

Drenched in blood, caught in the enemy's midst, Du Yuesheng's eyes swept across, only the lingering killing intent all over his body forced the enemy back again and again!

"Chen Yi, do you know what to do now?"

Chen Yi, who was helping Du Yuesheng to kill a bloody road, wiped off the blood stains on his face, and said with a smile: "Don't worry, the emperor, those ants hiding in the dark, just leave them to us..."

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