"Hmph! Du Yuesheng, so what if you guessed it? Since I dared to choose the path of surrendering to the Kingdom of Jin, I have never been afraid of you!"

While speaking, Yu Chuan kept shadows in his sleeves, and thousands of daggers flashed out, weaving a sharp web in an instant.

However, in front of Du Yuesheng, such an action is tantamount to hitting a stone with a pebble and seeking death...

"You rebellious boy who sells teammates, you should stop putting gold on your face. If you dare to hit the head of the emperor, ten lives are not enough!"


Du Yuesheng's figure flashed for a moment, and he jumped over countless daggers, crushing Yu Chuan's head into pieces.

The scarlet blood stained on the fingertips even disgusted Du Yuesheng.

Although this is an illusion, what is the difference between Yu Chuan's actions and traitors?

This kind of person is not worthy of mercy at all!

The blood mist all over the sky dissipated, and everything in the General's Mansion gradually fell apart. This seemed to be a sign that Chen Yang had activated the secret technique...

The vortex of the nebula flickered for a while, and when Li Yanan's vision returned to light, Du Yuesheng's figure was no longer in front of her eyes, but the core of the Holy Music tightly held by the girl exuded gentle warmth.

"Tsk, it's a bit of a pity that the illusion ended so quickly and I didn't see Brother Du's strength with my own eyes. But having said that, it's already very gratifying to meet again after a long absence..."

On the square of the college, even with Du Yuesheng's current illustrious reputation, he is not conspicuous among the crowd.

Nodding his head, Du Yuesheng couldn't help laughing and said: "That's right, but since we met again, you don't plan to go crazy with me in the God Realm again?"

Hearing this, Chen Yang couldn't help but stare blankly: "Brother Du, don't you even plan to go to the God Realm..."

"Of course, the God Realm is nothing more than a slightly larger stepping stone for me."

Looking at Du Yuesheng's extremely confident smile, Chen Yang did not refute. He knew that for the former, the world of the God Realm was really too small.

"Brother Du, if you need anything, come to me at any time, and together to dominate the God Realm, don't forget to bring me with you!"

After watching Chen Yang leave, Du Yuesheng brought Chen Yi back to the Kuqin Hall...

It's still that poor and greedy bamboo and wood attic...

What made Du Yuesheng unhappy was that just after they met, a certain female man with no lower limit was clamoring for a loan.

"Damn, three million top-grade divine stones, are you in the rhythm of confinement?"

Fortunately, the person who borrowed the money was Ku Qin, otherwise the others would have no face to open their mouths: "I'll go, with this money, this Martial God will directly bring all the handsome men in the God Realm's Rapture Cave into the harem!

Anyway, Yue Sheng, you just need to lend me the money, I swear by the Martial God, this time it will definitely be different from the debt owed to Zhenbao Pavilion, after three days, I will definitely pay you back? "

To be honest, it was precisely because of Kuqin's righteous oath that Du Yuesheng felt it was unbelievable: "Three days? Even if you serve as a dual-cultivation furnace for the Supreme God, you may not be able to earn so much sacred stones, let alone your skin, the Supreme God I can't even look down on it."

"No! This time, there is really a way to make money in front of me..."

The way to make money?

Du Yuesheng raised his eyebrows, and said with a smile: "You can still meet such a good thing, let's hear it."

"Here, isn't it just your two duels three days later? Now the college's bets are piled up into astronomical figures! If you don't do it again, you won't even be able to drink soup!"

Hearing that his duel was actually used as a bargaining chip for winning or losing, Du Yuesheng didn't know whether to be angry or funny: "Oh? Are you going to put three million on the Emperor of Heaven?

If that's the case, you can still think about it..."

Unexpectedly, when Ku Qin heard the words, Mei Mou rolled her eyes in extreme disgust: "Of course not, what the Martial God is talking about is the road to making money, not the road to bankruptcy!"


Du Yuesheng clenched his fist, although he still kept a smile that was not a smile, but he seemed to greet Kuqin all over the place in his heart!

Damn, blind your dog eyes, why don't you bet on the mighty power of the Emperor of Heaven, could it be that you want to support Yan Laohei?

Tsk tsk, really adulterous bitch...

"Damn! Don't get it wrong, I, the Martial God, have already known about Yan Laohei's abilities, this time I bet on Huajiu...to win!"

After finishing speaking, Ku Qin proudly raised her head to Du Yuesheng, but the latter could hardly hold back the divine power in her palm!

This female man actually... actually bet on Huajiu's little boy to win?

Du Yuesheng couldn't believe his ears!

It has always been him who has shown his strength against the sky time and time again to make others dumbfounded, but this time Du Yuesheng was completely convinced by Kuqin's lower limit.

Isn't this fucking blind? Could it be that using too much fairy cucumber turned this woman's brain into a plant?

"You... You borrowed money from me, so that you could bet on my opponent to win?"

"That's right! Don't be angry, although I know your strength very well, but who made you boast before, three tricks! Why can't Hua Jiu not catch it!?"

"Why can he catch it!?"

Being reprimanded by Du Yuesheng's seemingly substantive anger, Ku Qinying's lips parted slightly, as if she was really powerless to refute this question.

But the 300,000 god Shi Kuqin is borrowed: "Anyway, Yuesheng local tyrant, you have a lot of money, so if you throw away hundreds of thousands, you can give me a reward. If you really can't do it, you can pay the interest..."

"You really think that I dare not kill the Martial God Kuqin in the Kuqin Palace, right?"

After the anger passed, Du Yuesheng suddenly laughed again.

Isn't it just three million divine stones? It's a fart for this emperor!

Since you want it, I'll give it to you...

"Here, these three Xuantian Holy Spirit Stones are enough for three million sacred stones. How do you feel about the food you have come here?"

"Well... I beg the local tyrants to continue to use the sacred stone to humiliate me as a teacher."

"Go away! Shameless bitch!"

Throwing away Kuqin's jade hand on his thigh in disgust, Du Yuesheng did not forget to jokingly said: "However, the emperor of heaven said his ugly words beforehand, and based on the poor appearance of Kuqin Hall, it seems that there is no valuable treasure. You have already defeated me.

How about this, if you can't afford to pay back the three million divine stones then, the Emperor of Heaven will not force you to do anything, just promise me three things! "

"Are you so confident that you can win Hua Jiu with three moves? Be careful not to be too inflated..."

Hearing this, Du Yuesheng sneered even worse: "You don't need to worry about this, the Emperor of Heaven only asks if you agree or not?"

Kuqin thought for a while, and finally lost to the three Xuantian Holy Spirit Stones with only the slightest integrity left: "Okay! As long as it is not a matter of selling body and soul, this Valkyrie will definitely agree!"

If these words were changed to other martial gods, they would definitely not agree easily. How can the three favors of the dignified master god be measured by the god stone?

But Kuqin is a Kuqin after all, the lower limit is hard to guess, no matter what, she will never return the three Xuantian Holy Spirit Stones to Du Yuesheng again!


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