The Most Violent Upgrade

Chapter 1651 Life and Death Status

The most important thing is that the people who walked behind Du Yuesheng to help him were even more shocking, unimaginable!

"Then... that's Senior Sister Yuqiu from Jinghong Palace? She even followed Senior Brother Du. It seems that the relationship between the two is very close!"

"Don't you forget that Senior Brother Du and Senior Brother Du were teammates during the training in the Twelve Main Cities back then. This kind of friendship born of fighting in the bloody road is incomparable to others?"

"Why is that man wearing a red robe? I haven't seen it before..."

It was still a king-level disciple with vicious eyes, and immediately recognized Ku Qin beside Du Yuesheng, and shouted sharply: "That's the Martial God Ku Qin! I didn't expect the Martial God Ku Qin to come to support Senior Brother Du in person today!"

"I'll go, I've heard that Martial God Kuqin thinks highly of Senior Brother Du, it seems the rumors are true!"

"The dignified Martial God is willing to walk half a step behind Senior Brother Du and silently support him. How dare you ask who has such a big face besides the dean!"

Finally, Du Yuesheng took a step forward, and immediately stood under the martial arts arena, and the restless crowd around gradually quieted down.

Looking at Du Yuesheng standing under the martial arts arena, Hua Jiu enjoyed the feeling of looking down on his opponent: "You are finally here, I can't wait to learn your so-called three moves..."

However, Du Yuesheng didn't care about the teasing in the other party's tone, he tiptoed lightly, and his figure instantly fell in front of Huajiu: "There is no rush to die, are you complaining that it took too long for the emperor to give you the will?"


Huajiu, who originally wanted to regain face in the aura field, never expected to suffer such contempt, and veins popped out of his originally handsome face!

On the other hand, Du Yuesheng was neither happy nor angry, but the corners of his mouth raised even more...

In terms of strength, this Heavenly Emperor has never been afraid of you!

Talking about talking, you can only be choked to the embarrassment of being speechless by the Emperor of Heaven!

"The hour is approaching, it seems that this duel has shocked the academy..."

Looking around, the guest seats conjured up by the five elder referees in charge of the martial arts field were almost full. Du Yuesheng glanced around, and saw the first-class seat where Kuqin was seated, which was full of conspicuous white robes!

What's more, there are several high-status old men in red robes, talking and laughing with Ku Qin.

Among these people, Du Yuesheng could even see Ren Hongyu's embarrassing expression of wanting to support him out of face...

After a while, Hua Jiu's eyes narrowed, and he fell on Du Yuesheng again: "If you are not blind, you should be able to see clearly, more than 70% of the audience support me.

Du Yuesheng, it is conceivable that your chances of winning are pitifully low! "

Hearing this, Du Yuesheng shrugged his shoulders and sneered, "Idiot! Don't tell me your duels are always determined by the number of brain-dead fans? No matter how many noisy ants there are, it can still affect half of the strength of the Emperor of Heaven?

What's more, I will return the same words to you. If you are not deaf, you should be able to hear the arguments of those elders, right?

By the way, I would like to ask, why didn't Ling Shisheng Yi Martial God come in person? Doesn't he like you very much? Could it be that he is not even willing to encourage his disciples? "

Huajiu's complexion suddenly changed again and again due to the words of slander, why didn't Saint Yi Martial God show up? Because I was too tired last night to use the secret method to forcibly transfer the divine power to myself, I couldn't come at all!

But Du Yuesheng's words may have pierced through Huajiu's heart. He thought he was talented and humble, but none of the elders and senior brothers of Shengyi Hall were present!

He even listened carefully, the elder servant who paid the most attention to him in the past, was laughing and talking nonsense with Kuqin just now...

After all, it was unknown who shouted in the crowd that diverted everyone's attention from Hua Jiu.

"By the way, who is that girl sitting next to Martial God Kuqin? I've never heard that there are other disciples in Kuqin Palace!"

There was a discussion in the auditorium of the disciples, but no one was sure, it was a middle-aged elder in black robe who narrowed his eyes for a moment, and then said in shock: "This person...isn't this person Liuli, the chief disciple thousands of years ago? In terms of talent, it is no less than Hua Jiu!

But according to legend, Liuli was not because of ten tails a thousand years ago..."

Before he finished speaking, he was interrupted by his companion beside him: "Elder Luo, you will lose your words if you talk too much... But thinking about it, Liuli was able to walk down the Kuqin Hall. Could it be that it was thanks to Du Yuesheng?!"

After finishing speaking, the two looked at each other, and both saw the astonishment in each other's eyes!

Du Yuesheng can even break the seal of the gods! ?

Besides him, who else in the academy can do it?

At this moment, Liuli, who was chewing rose cakes on her cherry lips, stood up, and the soft voice that was like the sound of nature made the outside of the venue instantly quiet.

"Master Yuesheng, come on..."

The sound of master, soft and glutinous bones, immediately made the blood of countless male disciples spurt!

Rumors of Liuli's identity suddenly spread in the auditorium. The genius girl thousands of years ago actually called Du Yuesheng her master?

Looking at the icy and pure skin like mutton fat, with a figure and appearance not inferior to Ku Qin, the female disciples who supported Ku Qin showed envy and hatred in their eyes.

But now, no one dares to stand up and humiliate themselves. There is still some self-knowledge about what kind of existence Liuli is and what kind of existence they are!

Finally, the time has come.

Hua Jiu raised his head to look at the scorching sun in the sky, held out the paper fan that never left his body, and shook it gently, the wind suddenly blew up, whistling sharply.

"Give me a trick, Du Yuesheng."

Like a mighty wind blowing suddenly, it fell in front of Du Yuesheng, but it was just a breeze: "No hurry, the status of life and death, it seems that it hasn't been signed yet, right?"

Life and death status? !

Du Yuesheng actually wanted to sign something!

You must know that once the certificate of life and death is signed in Tianzihao Yanwuchang, it is not an ordinary personal grievance, but the joint name of the ten Martial Gods of the academy, coupled with the witness of the Hall of Punishment, the absolute authority of life and death is not allowed to pursue revenge!

Without waiting for a long time to respond, Du Yuesheng took out a simple and simple secret seal from the mustard bag, on which it was written impressively, within three moves, if you don't kill me, the Emperor of Heaven will blew himself up in public...

What an arrogant tone!

You really thought you could beat me with three moves! ?

"Sign and sign, whoever is afraid of whom!"

As soon as the life and death certificate comes out, no matter how harsh the requirements are, they must be followed!

Otherwise, the top ten martial arts gods and the Hall of Punishment will be investigated together until the person who signed the life and death certificate completely promises!

The originally suppressed crowd suddenly shouted like thunder!

"Life and death status?! That turned out to be a life and death status at the level of Tianzi. I am afraid that only Martial God Kuqin has it!"

"Senior Brother Du actually signed the certificate of life and death a long time ago. It seems that he has no intention of retaining his strength..."

"I'll go. From this point of view, the temple behind Huajiu may not even fart! Otherwise, he will be provoking our Supreme Academy!"

After waving his hands to signal for everyone to be quiet, Du Yuesheng turned his head to look at the red-robed Martial Gods who were above the guest seats.

"All warrior gods, once the life and death certificate is signed, there will be no regrets, right?"

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