The Most Violent Upgrade

Chapter 1668 Holy Golden Dragon Clan

"Ding, alone begging for defeat and beheading a god-level monster, the player will get 30,000,000 divine power points!"

"Ding, Qin Shihuang kills a god-level monster, and the player gets 50,000,000 divine points!"



With more than a dozen clear reminders in succession, the smile on the corner of Du Yuesheng's mouth could no longer be concealed!

It is really good to come to the Sea of ​​​​Holy Light to let the people of the Kingdom of God upgrade their level!

It is precisely because of the gap of several large realms that the system rewards the divine way value is extremely rich.

And what surprised Du Yuesheng was that even if they didn't kill everyone, they could equally share the experience of everyone in Lengyue Pavilion.

Everyone present was at the level of a god general a moment ago, but now they are all promoted to the rank of a god king!

The lingering sword intent of being lonely and seeking defeat has not completely faded, and with the powerful momentum of the peak of the god king, it reproduces the demeanor of the martial arts powerhouse back then!

In the Kingdom of God, Galen was the bravest, one person fought fiercely against several people, and finally ended with a complete victory.

It is precisely because of this that he made breakthroughs one after another and reached the God Emperor Realm!

"Hahaha... good! It is worthy of this Heavenly Emperor's Supreme Divine Kingdom. After this trip is over, you will definitely be able to help this Heavenly Emperor level the God Realm!"

The voice of Du Yuesheng laughing wildly with his head raised was so forthright that everyone couldn't help but straighten their faces and kneel down in unison:

"Thank you for the cultivation of the Emperor of Heaven! We are willing to accompany the Emperor of Heaven to conquer the God Realm and go through fire and water!

What the Emperor of Heaven is pointing at is the direction of our blades!

What the Emperor of Heaven thinks is the law of our triumph! "

"Okay, this trip to the Sea of ​​Holy Light will never treat you badly. You can choose the treasures within a thousand miles! Remember, this is just the beginning of this Heavenly Emperor's battle against the God Realm!"

"Thank you for the gift from the Heavenly Emperor!"

The Aspects are still alive.

The treasures of heaven, material and earth within thousands of miles have arrived at Du Yuesheng's hands, but he still needs to seize them by himself.

"Longqi, you should know what to do, right?"

As soon as Du Yuesheng finished speaking, Liuli looked at Longqi whose abdomen was bleeding profusely, and said with a distressed look:

"Master, why don't we heal senior first, as long as he promises to give us the treasure, isn't it all right?"

Smiling and shaking his head, Du Yuesheng did not break the girl's innocent fantasy.

But she knew very well that it would be better to take his life with a sword than to treat Long Qie with affection and kindness!

Because in the eyes of Long Qie, he is no different from everyone in Lengyue Pavilion, they draw their swords against each other for the sake of the treasures here, but Du Yuesheng's fist is bigger...

Of course, Du Yuesheng didn't care about Long Qi's opinion, he was so polite now, it was just a necessary courtesy to the guardian beast.

On the other hand, Long Qi took a deep breath before concentrating the divine power of the Sea of ​​Light to restore the shocking wound.

But compared to the speed of nourishing the wound, the vitality of the poison and serious injury is passing too quickly...

Unless there is a divine pill to continue his life, it will be a matter of time before the dragon loses its life.

Taking a deep breath, Long Qi made his voice a bit majestic: "Sorry, you can't take away the treasures of heaven and earth here."

Nodding his head, Du Yuesheng was not surprised by such an answer: "I knew it would be like this. If it is so, don't blame the emperor for being cruel."

Slowly closing his eyes, Long Qi's face turned out to be deathly indifferent: "Although you saved my life, as a dragon, I will never owe you a kindness, but the sea of ​​holy light cannot be polluted.

I promise you, after the old man becomes immortal, regardless of the dragon scales and dragon pills, it will be in your hands, and I will be the old man to repay your help..."

With a slight raised eyebrow, Du Yuesheng said slowly: "Long Qi, since the Emperor of Heaven respectfully calls you Senior, it means that Emperor of Heaven is different from those scumbags, and never thinks that the Dragon Race is inferior to human beings.

Besides, the senior is a golden dragon, if he is skinned and convulsed by the emperor after he becomes an eternity, wouldn't it cause anger and hatred? "

"What is the meaning of the young hero's words?"

There was a hint of vigilance in Long Qi's suddenly opened eyes.

With his golden dragon real body, the armor made of dragon scales all over his body is comparable to the holy weapon fairy armor, and the dragon core and dragon tendons are rare treasures that can't be found, how can Du Yuesheng not be tempted?

If he doesn't even care about dragon scales, why bother to kill everyone in Lengyue Pavilion, just sit back and reap the benefits of the fisherman?

However, when Du Yuesheng saw this, his smile was flat, and he didn't care about the other party's suspicion at all: "Senior, don't get me wrong, although this Heavenly Emperor can't save Senior's life, but after Senior's immortalization, this Heavenly Emperor will give a rich burial, and let the dragon soul go to heaven, or return to Xi Sea of ​​Light.

This Heavenly Emperor, I only have a few questions I would like to ask my seniors. "

"what is the problem?"

The holy golden dragon scales are not needed, but there are only a few problems. How could Long Qi not know that the matter is important, so he was immediately vigilant.

But Du Yuesheng smiled even more flatly: "Senior, if the emperor guessed correctly, the senior was able to recast the dragon soul and guard this place, it should be thanks to the supernatural power of the sea of ​​light, right?"

His eyes trembled, and the long and pale face was filled with astonishment.

This guy was able to see through the hidden magical powers of the Sea of ​​Light in such a short period of time!

Immediately, Long Qi hesitated for a moment, then showed his approval and said:

"That's right, you can see through the body of the old dragon soul, you are as godlike as a torch, but if you just want to ask for these, I'm afraid you will be disappointed.

Even if the old man doesn't answer you, you will surely discover the supernatural power of the Sea of ​​Light in time. "

After Du Yuesheng shook his head, he asked again: "Since that's the case, I think Senior Bi is the Holy Golden Dragon Clan who fell into the Sea of ​​Holy Light thousands of years ago.

But since the seniors can be resurrected, then some important figures may not really die, right? "


When Long Qi heard this, he suddenly felt abnormal in his heart, but before he could be alert, he heard Du Yuesheng sneer: "Who is the most noble person in the Sea of ​​Light?"

After a pause, Du Yuesheng gradually raised his voice and added playfully: "The Emperor of Heaven advises seniors not to say nonsense that the sea of ​​holy light is the equality of all living beings transformed by all thoughts, as long as there are living beings, there must be distinctions of status.

Otherwise... the first time we step into the sea of ​​holy light, all the creatures will attack it, but what the emperor of heaven sees is that senior is just a guardian beast on the periphery..."

After finishing speaking, even the fallen and reborn Long Qi was overwhelmed by Du Yuesheng's palace: " did you know that!?"


The understatement made the smile on Du Yuesheng's face even more unfathomable.

But after all, it is the Holy Golden Dragon Clan. Even if it is about to become a feather, the dragon still sticks to the bottom line:

"Since you know that the old man is just a guardian beast on the periphery, have you never thought about the depths of the sea of ​​holy light, are there any existences that you humans can't afford to provoke?"

Of course Du Yuesheng knew!

What is Dragon Clan?

The most arrogant existence, the Holy Golden Dragon is the top of the dragon clan.

Even if the dragon soul is recast, if there are no other changes, how can you be willing to be a guardian beast on the periphery?


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