The Most Violent Upgrade

Chapter 1672 Galewind Sword God!

The fierce battle between the Dark Temple and Gale has become more and more intense.

Xuanyuan Ying's strength really exceeded Du Yuesheng's expectations. Judging from the violence of the Leng Yue scimitar in his hand, it might not be any different than the painting in the martial arts arena that day!

What's more, beside Xuanyuanying, there are eight elite disciples of the Dark Temple, and the ghost formation jointly cast by the gods is difficult to break even the golden sword in Gaifeng's hand!

At this time, Heiji's eyes were fixed on Du Yuesheng, who shrugged his shoulders when he saw this: "If I said that the two are not helping each other, but just passing by, I'm afraid you wouldn't believe it, would you?"

However, Heiji laughed dryly, and jokingly said: "If you ignore Xuanyuan and walk around, then I will naturally believe it, but since you are here, you want to leave without making a move? I'm afraid it's not that simple!

I know your record in the academy, Du Shaoxia is very powerful, but because of this, I have to guard against you! "

Du Yuesheng raised his eyebrows, and his tone was also joking: "Oh? It seems that in the eyes of your Dark Temple, I am far more threatening than Gale Wind Sword God!"

"Of course! Haifeng is fighting with you now, who knows if you will reap the benefits after the winner is decided! I have heard that Du Shaoxia's contemptuous and arrogant way of doing things is not much better than that of our Dark Temple. !"

The last sentence was extremely joking, which made Du Yuesheng's slightly raised eyebrows frowned immediately.

Damn! The reason why the Emperor of Heaven does not take a detour is because you are not qualified to order the Emperor of Heaven to take a detour!

Originally, I thought I was just passing by, so I could see what Xuanyuanying's intentions were, but I didn't expect you to be ignorant of flattery and insist on treating me as an enemy!

That being the case, don't blame the Heavenly Emperor for being rude...

"Hmph, this Heavenly Emperor has seen through it, I am afraid that anyone passing by here will be a threat to you, the difference is only in strength.

It seems that your dark temple has done too many backstabbing tricks, so you are so vigilant, right? "

While speaking, Du Yuesheng sacrificed the Immortal Execution Sword, and his whole body was ignited with a dazzling golden light that seemed to be incompatible with the black arm: "For the sake of Xuanyuanying, I will warn you at the end, if you have to express your position, you decide Will regret it!"


Heiji heard the words, and sneered: "Regrets are better left to you kid on the way to Huangquan!"

Before the ridicule was over, he saw the death light condensed by thousands of resentful spirits in the hands of the black arm, and threw it at Du Yuesheng impressively!

"Black Soul Killing God!"

This is enough to make the Dark Temple and the Gale Sword God a final blow, and the black braids attacked Du Yuesheng without hesitation!

Now that he has decided to declare war, as one of the Five Killing Gods, Heigao is extremely powerful both in terms of strength and fighting instinct!

Heiji knew that killing Gale was only a matter of time, and it was better to solve Du Yuesheng's variable right now!

In fact, from the very beginning, Heiji was not prepared to let Du Yuesheng leave safely. This is not trust, but the former has already threatened to destroy the Temple of Light. Who knows if the Temple of Darkness will become his next stepping stone?

That being the case, it is better to strike first!

If this confidant's trouble is eliminated today, his black arm will be the biggest hero of the temple!

What's more, Hei Gong has absolute confidence. In terms of strength, he is one of the five killing gods, and his strength is comparable to that of the Academy Martial God. The record against the sky is indeed a threat to him, but it is only a threat!


After a loud noise mixed with countless wailing ghosts, Du Yuesheng's figure was surrounded by hundreds of meters, but was swallowed by darkness, and even the holy golden sea water turned into a surging vortex!

Heiji felt that there was not even the slightest vitality in his ultimate move, and immediately raised a tricky joke: "Hmph, what a heaven-defying evildoer, vulnerable to a single blow!"

However, Xuanyuan Ying, who knew Du Yuesheng's supernatural powers well, saw this, and while avoiding the blast, she exclaimed and reminded: "Uncle Master, be careful! Don't be attacked by the enemy, why don't you let me and Du Yuesheng discuss it before it's too late!"

Heiji was dissatisfied when he heard the words: "What else is there to discuss! Since that kid doesn't want to stand by my dark temple, he can only die!"

However, as soon as the words fell, there was a sneer of disdain in the darkness that was devoid of vitality.

"Tsk, I finally showed my true colors. It seems that Senior Sword God is right. They are really a bunch of dirty bugs!"

While speaking, the darkness dissipated, revealing Du Yuesheng who was covered in golden light!

Seeing this, Heiji gasped, and the eyes under the bamboo hat were filled with disbelief!

impossible! Just now I obviously didn't notice any vitality from Black Soul Killing God! How could it be possible for Du Yuesheng to pick up a killer move that was enough to make the sword god fall? !

And...Du Yuesheng didn't have any injuries all over his body, as if his trump card just now had no effect on him at all!

The ultimate move that has been stored for a long time by the black arm can not hurt Du Yuesheng, but if it is said to have an impact, it is not without it...

At least his behavior angered Du Yuesheng!

"Hmph, this level of attack is not even a tickle for the Emperor of Heaven, and the Temple of Darkness, the Emperor of Heaven wants to learn something today!"

With the peak strength of the master god of the black arm, he is indeed qualified to break through Du Yuesheng's strongest battle body, but he can't leave any traces on the ripples around the sword that the Zhuxian sword slashes at will!

Changes happened suddenly, Xuanyuan Ying didn't have the mind to deal with Gai Feng, she immediately withdrew from the battle and stood in front of Du Yuesheng, persuading in a trembling voice: "Brother Du, calm down, my uncle is just used to stabbing in the back, so he was too defensive.

Even if it's not for the sake of the Dark Temple, you and I are still in the same school. If senior brother Du calms down, even if he refuses to help, you can choose half of the treasures of heaven and earth with a radius of thousands of miles, and I will give it to senior brother Du Sorry! "

Yo, you kid is pretty good at being a man...

But just now, when Heiji found out that he was no longer alive, why did you gloat so much with that sneer at the corner of your mouth!

Immediately, Du Yuesheng sneered even worse, but he didn't touch the black arm hiding behind Xuanyuanying who was secretly accumulating divine power: "For your sake? Hmph, Xuanyuanying, don't you think you're pushing yourself too far?

To tell you the truth, if you were not present, who would dare to come to this Heavenly Emperor's way, you should know the consequences!

Now I give you two choices, one is to persuade your uncle to kowtow to the Emperor of Heaven to admit his mistakes until the Emperor of Heaven is satisfied. "

As soon as the topic changed, Du Yuesheng's eyes flashed a playful murderous intent: "Or, before you die, report to your master for help!"

"Senior Brother Du, what do you mean, there is nothing to talk about!?"


Du Yuesheng snorted coldly, ignored it, but suddenly said coldly: "Liuli, do it!"

"Dare to provoke the master, you must die!"

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