The Most Violent Upgrade

Chapter 1678 The Lord God Triple Layer

"Tsk, Tangtang Tingyulou's head is only so strong, isn't he?

Why, are you still planning to show off your insignificant status in front of the Emperor of Heaven? "

Condescendingly stepping on the rain, Du Yuesheng's face was joking, but the latter's injuries were extremely fatal, and there was a bloody gap in his abdomen, and the golden blood was very eye-catching in the dazzling blue.

The Yu Mansion was destroyed, Ting Yu knew that even if he survived this time by chance, his realm would definitely drop drastically, not to mention how could Du Yuesheng let himself go! ?

Gritting his bloodshot teeth tightly, Ting Yu's face was ferocious, not only fearful of Du Yuesheng's strength, but more unwilling, he said sternly:

"I am the head of the high-ranking sect, even if my strength is not as good as yours, it is not your turn to humiliate me in every possible way!

Du Yuesheng, if you have the guts, let me die happily, but I Tingyu promises that as long as I Tingyu Lou still has a disciple, I will seek revenge on you sooner or later! "

Hearing this, Du Yuesheng raised his eyebrows, stepped on Tingyu's face even harder, disdainful.

"Even you, the head of the sect, was trampled under by the Emperor of Heaven, and you still want to take revenge in the future?

I'm really curious, with your IQ, how did you get into the position of the transcendent sect in the God Realm? "

After raising his eyebrows, Du Yuesheng leaned over slightly with an indifferent sneer, and through Ting Yu's eyes full of humiliation, he had a panoramic view of his inner emotions:

"But for the sake of your trash who would rather die than beg for mercy, the Emperor of Heaven assures you that the first thing you will do after leaving the Sea of ​​Light is to remove Ting Yulou from the God Realm!"

Hearing the rain and hearing the words, his eyes widened: "Du Yuesheng, how dare you!!"

Anyway, Ting Yu was just disrespecting Du Yuesheng's words.

Even if he is killed by the former, although he is resentful and unwilling, he can only accept his fate, but why is Ting Yulou?

For Du Yuesheng to do this, the means are too ruthless!

You must know that Tingyulou is not a miscellaneous sect, but a top power in the God Realm that dominates a state!

Du Yuesheng will be destroyed as long as he says it will be destroyed. Could it be that he has no king's law in his eyes! ?

"Du Yuesheng, I warn you! I am the head of Tingyu Tower, one of the most recognized powerhouses in the God Realm. If you dare to destroy my whole family, aren't you afraid of becoming a public enemy of the God Realm?!"

Du Yuesheng dismissed Tingyu's threat.

"Being praised for a few words makes you think you are a strong one? Isn't this Emperor of Heaven trampled under his feet like a dead dog?

As for the Public Enemy of the God Realm... do you know that the miscellaneous old Taoist of Yuxu Palace also threatened the Emperor of Heaven in this way before he died, and as for the consequences..."

Before Du Yuesheng finished speaking, his raised palm crushed Tingyu's godhood into pieces!

"The godhead is turned into a god, and the soul flies away! This is the consequence!"

"Ding, congratulations to the player Du Yuesheng for killing the main god and gaining 900 billion divine points!"

"Congratulations to the player Du Yuesheng's level upgrade: the current level is the second level of the main god."

"Congratulations to the player Du Yuesheng on his level upgrade: the current level is the third level of the main god."

Until death, Tingyu's face was still full of resentment.

Du Yuesheng's figure turned into a reflection in his eyes, frightened and gloomy...

Even if the leader of the dignified faction ended up in such a miserable death, even if he had heard about Du Yuesheng's methods for a long time.

But Jin Wujue, who was watching the battle, couldn't help feeling a little palpitated.

At the same time, he is more aware of how wise it is for him to stand here and watch with cold eyes!

As for Lei Yun, apart from the fleeting shock, it was much more ordinary.

After all, they are all well-known masters in the God Realm, who didn't step on the bones of countless people to rise to the top: "Du Shaoxia's strength is amazing, we admire, admire..."

However, Lei Yun was really not good at flattering Liuxu, etc., but fortunately, Jin Wujue was stunned for a moment, and then stepped forward to smooth things over.

"I didn't know it was Du Shaoxia who arrived just now. We were rude, so please invite Shaoxia Haihan."

"Well, Master Jin is being polite."

Although he knew that the politeness of the two was only because he was afraid of his own strength, Du Yuesheng, who knew that everything cannot be killed, still waved his hands in a perfunctory manner.

"I don't know if I am qualified to enter this galaxy ruins according to the opinion of the head of Jin?"

Although it was perfunctory, the coldness of Du Yuesheng's words immediately made Jin Wujue tremble slightly, and his smile froze.

"Du Shaoxia is ashamed to say that, I don't know how to praise you, but I, Jin Wujue, have long respected the reputation of the young hero.

Not to mention there are young heroes, we can rely on the strength of young heroes to explore the ruins of Xinghe, and the treasures in the ruins should naturally be selected first by young heroes, how dare we be greedy? "

The Tianyu city lord of the famous town can speak so politely.

No matter how picky Du Yuesheng was, he didn't get angry, so he nodded and said: "Master Jin, you are being polite. I just want to enter the inner sea as soon as possible. As for the treasures in it, I will never take them all by myself."

After hearing this, Jin Wujue smiled more sincerely: "Then thank you young hero."

Ignoring the awe-inspiring gazes from the disciples of the two sects, Du Yuesheng walked straight into the outer hall. Lei Yun behind him was repeatedly ignored, feeling a little unhappy in his heart, but seeing the corpse listening to the rain in the distance, how dare he complain?

In the end, Du Yuesheng and his party of three, as well as Jin Wujue and his real head, seven people walked into the outer hall in a mighty manner.

Originally, with the power of Tianyu City, it is impossible for the dignified master to be accompanied by only the chief disciple.

But everyone knows the dangers of the inner sea, so instead of carrying so many burdens, it is better to only seek the elite.

"Master Jin, let me ask, what were you discussing with the people from Tingyu Tower just now?"

Hearing Du Yuesheng's question, Jin Wujue considered it for a moment, then smiled and said: "Don't make jokes, young heroes, it's just arguing over treasures. Speaking of Tingyu, that guy is really hateful. He thinks that the elders of the sect have repeatedly If you break through, you will win the championship, and one person will get half of the harvest in the ruins!"

To Du Yuesheng's words, it was just a little contemptuous, but Lei Yun beside him was startled.

Although Jin Wujue was talking about listening to Yu, he was actually alluding to him!

In the outer hall just now, the one who opened his mouth and wanted to monopolize half of the treasure was not Ting Yu but him!

"Jin Wujue, this guy sounds good-looking, but in fact he's just a fool! What did you say in the hall just now that you are a mere junior, but he licked his face and said that he has admired Du Yuesheng's reputation for a long time? I have admired you for a long time!"

Although the bottom of his heart was filled with anger, Lei Yun was able to distinguish the situation, and immediately said a few soft words with a sly smile, which made Jin Wujue secretly proud.

"Du Shaoxia, the entrance to the ruins is just ahead, let me remind you, the one next to Shaoxia..."

With a smile, Jin Wujue's slightly playful eyes fell on Liuli, met Du Yuesheng's questioning glance, and then he fisted and said: "Young hero, don't misunderstand, we are just kind.

You must know that the internal variables of the ruins are unpredictable, my incompetent disciple was lucky enough to break through the main god and dared to let him follow, the safety of this heroine..."

"You don't have to worry about that."

After waving his hand, Du Yuesheng didn't give Jin Wujue a chance to test his details:

"I will be responsible for her safety. Even if there is a sudden change, it doesn't matter if the two masters don't help each other, as long as they don't use some dirty tricks to make things worse!"

The last half sentence seems to be an obvious warning...

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