The Most Violent Upgrade

Chapter 1686 Kill Galen in all directions!

"Leader of the Fearless Legion—Galen, come on, what orders does the Emperor of Heaven have!"

After finishing speaking, a burly man wearing heavy armor and holding a huge sword suddenly appeared in front of Du Yuesheng!

That sword-like brow that looked like a willow was very heroic, and Shen Drinking was full of righteousness, wasn't it Galen, the general of the Jiawen family! ?

Even though he had already bid farewell to the bustling world that shouted "Demacia", Du Yuesheng couldn't help feeling a little heroic in his heart when he saw Galen's familiar figure.

"Three levels of god respect, even stronger than the breath of loneliness and defeat, you are worthy of being the king in the grass!"

After sighing with emotion, Du Yuesheng looked at Fengtian and the others with cold eyes: "The bastards of the God of War Palace, have you thought about how to die?"

However, Fengtian and the others had a contemptuous and wanton sneer on their faces.

"Damn! What do I have to rely on when I think of this kid? It turns out that he is just a scum of the third level of god respect!"

"Hmph, the lifeless waste, I was taken aback. When did the gods dare to speak loudly?"

"Damn it, apart from his muscular body, this trash doesn't seem to have any supernatural powers. Looking at his sword, he doesn't even count as a Lingbao haha..."

Fengtian frowned, he didn't expect Du Yuesheng's cards to be so worthless, so he has nothing to worry about!

"Chen Yun, give it to me, first kill this muscular man who jumped out of nowhere and looks for death!"

With a cold shout, Feng Tian's battle order was like a mountain, and Chen Yun behind him couldn't wait. He would never let go of this opportunity to show his skills in front of the master.

"Look at the sword for trash!"

Gazing at the incomparably icy sword energy, Gaifeng really didn't understand why Du Yuesheng smiled so confidently.

"Heavenly Emperor, do you want us to step forward and help this hero?"

Even Gale couldn't see how strong Galen was.

However, when Du Yuesheng heard the words, he waved his hands indifferently.

"No need, for the gangsters in the God of War Palace, Galen can do it.

If you were a senior, wouldn't it make people laugh at the Heavenly Emperor for bullying them! "

After finishing speaking, Galen finally moved following Du Yuesheng's gaze.

The terrifying speed displayed by that burly mountain figure is completely opposite to that of the heavy armor!

"Come on!"

With a battle cry, the giant sword in the charging Galen's hand ignited a fiery golden glow!

Fatal blow!

In Ionia, an unknown number of people died tragically under this trick.

And Galen, whose aura was soaring like a rainbow, directly shook the sword energy that Chen Yun slashed, without slowing down, and even left only a faint white mark on the heavy armor...

Giant sword, breaking Yue Zhichuan!


Chen Yun's figure was split in half forcibly!

In an instant, blood splattered, and Galen, who was soaked in blood, was even more vicious, like a god of war!

Fengtian and others, who were still sneering and sneering at first, saw such a sudden change, their faces were as pale as paper...

Chen Yun, unexpectedly died? !

Just relying on that unskilled blow to the head!

The body of the majestic lord who can shake Gangfeng is so vulnerable!

"Hmph, bastards, do you now know how ridiculous you are in front of this Heavenly Emperor?"

Du Yuesheng's playful sneer woke up Fengtian suddenly, his eyes were tearing apart and he said: "Kill them and avenge Elder Chen Yun!"

"If you dare to kill the elders of the God of War Palace, you will all die today!"

"This reckless man has no brute force, everyone form an formation to avenge Chen Yun!"

Everyone in the God of War Palace is a ruthless character who is addicted to war, and their eyes are red with blood. Instead of being afraid, they have aroused their ferocity.

In an instant, with Fengtian as the leader, the War God's flag was raised, and the sword array that everyone in the God of War Palace jointly attacked was like a gust of wind and rain, and it was hard to hide!

But Du Yuesheng saw it in his eyes, and immediately snorted contemptuously.

Dare to confront Galen head-on, it's purely courting death!

What Du Yuesheng summoned was the fearless god of war Galen himself who dominated the battlefield in Ionia. Whether it was himself or the warriors under his command, he never knew how to retreat. The direction of the killing order was the direction of the sword!

Galen saw it, and raised his sword and laughed wildly: "Hahaha, well done, I haven't been serious for a long time! Compared to the scum of Noxus, you are trash!"


After the roar was over, Galen's golden armor suddenly shone with brilliance!

The majestic muscles that were already bulging with blue veins were as hard as a rock, impeccable!


The attacks of more than a dozen main gods each showing their magical powers only caused a few sparks on Galen's body!

"How can this be?!"

"Damn, this guy is rough and thick! Don't be stingy with your power!"

If they failed in one blow, Galen was not going to give them another chance.

"Haha, just relying on you weak chickens, even if you exhaust your divine power, you still don't want to break through Lao Tzu's defense!"

While laughing wildly, Galen raised his murderous giant sword.

That burly figure like a mountain turned around with an incredible arc, as fast as a thunderbolt!


Du Yuesheng saw it in his eyes, and couldn't help a flash of light, secretly thinking that Galen, who was so powerful, could burst out such a terrifying sword force!

Judgment is a move that Galen mastered while fighting in the enemy's formation. Although it does not have earth-shattering momentum, the giant sword he keeps waving in his hand is like a Shura who takes people's lives.


Just being slashed by the sword, an elder of the God of War Palace flew backwards as if struck by lightning.


The moment the fairy armor all over his body was shattered, the man's chest also broke apart neatly!

Amidst the bloody wailing, the originally mysterious galaxy world was turned into a Shura field!

However, Galen's sword power has only just begun!

"You like forming formations, don't you? I'm best at breaking formations!"

The gigantic sword melted like a sword, and its edge flickered. In just a few breaths, it smashed the sword array of more than a dozen main god elders in the God of War Palace!

Resisting the pain of being broken by the shock, even Fengtian looked horrified, in disbelief: "Who is this guy? How can a mere god be so powerful!?"

"Hiss... to be able to break our sword array with brute force, what kind of supernatural power is this! So overbearing!"

"Master, let's retreat quickly, this person is just a god, Du Yuesheng hasn't made a move yet!"

The God of War Palace and the others were only at the moment when the primordial spirit communicated, and the giant sword in Galen's hand took the lives of the three of them again.

The remaining remnant soldiers were either broken from their natal weapons or broken, and they no longer had the courage to fight back!

However, before obeying the order to retreat, Galen's tiger's eyes flashed fiercely, and he said fiercely, "Want to run? If you offend the Emperor of Heaven, you have to save your life!"


When the giant sword was thrown, the body of the elder of the main god was pierced through his heart like mud!

They died without having time to use their divine power to retreat...

While Fengtian's eyes were red, he gritted his teeth fiercely and kept this hatred in his heart!

"Forget you! I have recorded this account at the God of War Palace. Du Yuesheng and Jin Wujue, I will definitely make you pay with blood!"

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