The Most Violent Upgrade

Chapter 1688 If you like it, the master will give it to you!

"Ants, court death!"

Looking at the furious Xinghe Rui Beast below him, Du Yuesheng was startled, and while grabbing Liuli's flickering figure, he didn't forget to give the girl a blowjob.

"You girl, what nonsense are you talking about? You even call the majestic beasts dogs!"

The moment the two of them left, they saw that the midair where they were standing a second ago was covered by a bright beam of light!


That beam of five-foot starlight, like a torrent, made the world tremble crazily...

Gaifeng and Jin Wujue saw it, and they couldn't help but reminded seriously: "Heavenly Emperor, be careful, I didn't expect that the star river auspicious beast would be so terrifying after ten thousand years!"

In these ten thousand years, rumors about the ruins of Xinghe have never stopped in the God Realm.

However, every time, the rumors disappeared from the sight of the God Realm together with the gods who entered the ruins to explore...

Now it seems that, including the main gods of the Seven Stars Gate ten thousand years ago, and those who have been entering the ruins for ten thousand years, they either died tragically in the mechanism, and the rest became the nourishment of the Galaxy Auspicious Beast!

Looking at the dense bones buried under the bright galaxy, even Du Yuesheng couldn't help raising his brows: "Rather than calling it an auspicious beast, it's more appropriate to call it a ferocious beast."

Although the words were playful, when Du Yuesheng turned his head to look at his previous position, he was suddenly startled, slightly astonished!

I'll go, fortunately, the Emperor of Heaven can hide quickly!

Although the star light beam did not hit Du Yuesheng, it actually blasted through the barriers of this world!

Like a vortex of a black hole, it also exudes the terrifying aura of stars, as if it wants to swallow everything in this world!

And Liuli next to him was rewarded with a chestnut, and couldn't help rubbing his head and said aggrievedly: "Didn't the master just say that this is the little guy's kennel? Then isn't it a dog?"


Du Yuesheng was speechless for a while!

But after a while, he smiled: "In the eyes of the Emperor of Heaven, he is still a biting mad dog.

Liuli, do you like this guy very much? "


Seeing Liuli nodding, Du Yuesheng couldn't help being slightly taken aback even though he was smiling slightly.

Please, the Xinghe Auspicious Beast under our feet looks like a brave beast. If we have to pick out something attractive, it is that the shining stars all over the body are not bad!

What kind of aesthetics of an ignorant girl has been destroyed by Kuqin for thousands of years!

But since Liuli wants to...

"Then the master will surrender it and give it to you!"

With a cold drink, Du Yuesheng's aura suddenly rose!

Originally, Xinghe Rui Beast was the old antique's soul pet, and Du Yuesheng didn't like it at all, but Liuli finally got what he wanted, and as his own master, how could he be disappointed...

However, Du Yuesheng's changes, in the eyes of Xinghe Ruishou, are even more arrogant and provocative: "A mere ants, also want to subdue this deity!?

Look at this deity devouring your divine body, and the godhead is reduced to a plaything in the palm of your hand! "

While roaring wildly, Xinghe Rui Beast's shining scales pierced Du Yuesheng like a rain of swords!

In an instant, the stars are like rain, shining all over the sky!

However, behind the gorgeousness, there is a creepy killing intent!

A sternness also flashed in Xinghe Ruishou's starry eyes: "Hmph, ants, just struggle to your death! It's been a long time since there's been anything that can please me!"

Looking at the starry sky, Du Yuesheng sneered unabated, but heard Gale's exclamation reminding him: "Xinghe Ruilin...Emperor of Heaven, don't underestimate the enemy!"

While speaking, Gaifeng couldn't help dodging again and again, only occasionally protecting Lingfeng in front of him to resist the star rain!

Even the wind at the peak of the main god did not dare to shake Xingyu, one can imagine how embarrassed Jin Wujue and the two were, but Du Yuesheng saw it and couldn't help smiling.

"Oh? Isn't it just a meteor shower? The aura is good, but the power..."

As soon as the topic changed, Zhu Xian pulled out his sheath, and in an instant, he drew an arc in front of Du Yuesheng and the two of them!

Surrounded by swords, the star rain is hard to shake!

"Ding ding..."

The starlight spurted on the invisible sword circle, bursting out sparks, but it was difficult to break through even the slightest crack!

Star River Auspicious Beast immediately flashed a look of astonishment: "How is this possible! Even if the main god is pierced by Xingyu, he will fall on the spot. Why can this ants block the deity's ultimate move!?"

That's a killer move that even the peak master god can protect himself! Galaxy Auspicious Beast has always been proud of the supernatural powers brought by its scales, and I don't know how many ants have been killed by this trick...

But to Du Yuesheng, it's not worth mentioning!

Even with the strongest combat body, he didn't need to sacrifice the Immortal Execution Sword at all.

The reason why he set up the fence is because he wanted to give Xinghe Ruishou a meeting gift...

"System, exchange it for a soul-spiriting collar for me!"

After finishing speaking, a collar appeared in Du Yuesheng's hand, and the silver gleaming pattern was engraved with seals that suppress the power of spirit beasts.

High above, Du Yuesheng's tone was contemptuous: "Little Ruishou, can you recognize what is in the hands of the Heavenly Emperor?"

Hearing the words, Xinghe Ruishou looked up, and when it saw the collar in Du Yuesheng's hand, its star eyes flashed, revealing unconcealable fear!

But after a short while, Galaxy Auspicious Beast was furious: "Ant, dare to lie to this deity!?"

Xinghe Auspicious Beast was extremely enraged. It thought that what Du Yuesheng was holding was a sleepy god collar that could subdue the beast, but it didn't expect...

What the ants have is just a spirit-spiriting collar!

"This deity is an ancient divine beast, how dare you make fun of it with the trash that subdued the spirit beast! You are killing yourself!"

Du Yuesheng shrugged, with a playful expression on his face: "Why use other things to deal with your mad dog? Be good, put the dog on the leash yourself..."

Saying that, Du Yuesheng flung out the collar in his hand lightly, with such a calm movement, it was a provocation to Xinghe Rui Beast!

"Death to this deity!"

For the first time in his life, he was treated like a straw dog one after another by the gods, which made the proud Xinghe Ruishou extremely furious!

In an instant, the radiance of the Galaxy Auspicious Beast soared, and the thousands of galaxies in this world were as weak as fireflies compared to it!


The spirit-spiriting collar floating in mid-air was shattered to pieces in an instant after being glared at by the star river auspicious beast!

"Ants, this deity guarantees that your end will be a hundred times worse!"

Looking at the Galaxy Auspicious Beast rushing towards him, Du Yuesheng felt strong winds blowing all over his body, but it couldn't change the indifference in his expression.

Even the corners of his mouth are even more contemptuous!

"Hmph, a mad dog is a mad dog, so you're losing your mind? Speaking of which, it matches Liuli's IQ quite well..."

Xinghe Ruishou didn't know that Du Yuesheng's actions just now were just throwing stones to ask for directions!

Even the soul-spiriting collar can surprise it, which means that although the star He Rui beast is an ancient beast, its fear of seals is no less than that of ordinary spirit beasts!

That being the case...

"Are you satisfied with the meeting gift that the Emperor of Heaven gave you?!"

In an instant, Du Yuesheng moved, and before he finished speaking, his body disappeared in place!

In the next second, he stepped on the back of Xinghe Rui Beast, staring at him as if he was king of the world...

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