The Most Violent Upgrade

Chapter 1718 The Two Elders of Xuanming

Lord Divine Realm!

These two old men, black and white, turned out to be strong men in the main god realm.

"Hmph, the legendary Master Wang looks like this." Rakshazi's face flashed stern, and he sneered.

Du Yuesheng's face turned cold, and he quickly thought that this guy must have found out his identity from Tianlong Pavilion. It seems that Tianlong Pavilion still has a hand behind it.

"So, you're here to seek revenge?"

Du Yuesheng said calmly with a blank face.

"Hmph, boy, you can't escape today. In order to kill you, I specially invited the two elders, Xuanming, you are dead!"

Rakshazi's eyes were bloodshot, his tone was extremely serious, and his eyes were full of hatred. It was this guy in front of him who made him lose face at the auction, and even caused him to lose tens of billions in vain.

If you don't kill this person, it's hard to explain the hatred in your heart!

Luo Shazi has never felt so angry. As the young master of the Blood Demon Sect, he is used to calling the wind and calling the rain and acting recklessly.

He didn't even want to talk nonsense with Du Yuesheng, and if he said a word to him again, he was afraid that he would be pissed off first, so he waved his hand and said with a sneer: "The two elders, Xuan Ming, are the ones who harmed my sect. The loss is huge, please take action to capture this person, this young master will take him back and torture him!"

After finishing speaking, his tone became serious: "Boy, don't worry, I won't kill you so quickly, I will let you know what it feels like to live rather than die!"

Just now he wished he could kill Du Yuesheng right away, but then he changed his mind again, he wanted to torture this kid well, to let him understand that offending him, Rakshazi, would never end well.

Many times, living is more painful than dying!

After the words fell, the two old men, black and white, also shot at this moment. Their faces were expressionless, like zombie faces, and they slowly approached Du Yuesheng.

"Hmph, boy, I know you are a master of the main god realm, and today I specially invited the two elders, Xuanming and Xuanming. Together, these two can even fight the Supreme God. I advise you not to waste your efforts in vain, and just obediently capture them with nothing."

Luo Shazi said triumphantly from the side, he knew that Du Yuesheng was very strong, but he believed in the two elders, Xuanming and Ming, these two were his guardians, even in the Blood Demon Sect, the combined combat power of these two was even greater. Second only to the three ancestors.

Even if this Du Yuesheng is against the sky, it is absolutely impossible to escape under the hands of these two.


At this time, Du Yuesheng laughed playfully.

"Then just try!"

Luo Shazi's face turned cold, and he winked at the two elders Xuanming, the two elders understood immediately, their expressions suddenly became fierce, and they struck like thunder!

The two elders of Xuanming are both strong men at the peak of the Nine Layers of the Lord God. They have practiced a weird technique. It may not be strong in single-player combat, but once the two of them join forces, their combat power has more than doubled. No wonder Can fight the Supreme God.

Seeing these two people release their aura, it immediately turned into two terrifying pressures, covering Du Yuesheng, as if they wanted to seal off the space around him.

And the two of them also shot at the same time at this moment, attacking back and forth, and when they shot, it was like a thunderbolt, without sparing any strength.

"Mysterious Ice Palm!"

"Ghost Fist!"

Two icy shouts sounded in Du Yuesheng's ears at the same time. Once the aura of the two was released, the surrounding temperature plummeted, and within a short while, the ground was frozen into ice.

Even Du Yuesheng's body began to be covered with a layer of faint frost.

The air in front of him was icy cold, Elder Xuan swung with one hand, forming a huge palm of Xuanbing in the void, pressing down on Du Yuesheng's direction.

Behind him, Elder Ming came to Du Yuesheng's side like a ghost, with a ghostly figure. With a punch, the ice shattered immediately, and green liquid gushed out, as if a river of Styx was exposed underneath.

Countless ghosts and skulls overlapped, making terrifying roars, and attacked Du Yuesheng.

No wonder it is said that these two people can fight even the Supreme God together. It turns out that their skills are so weird. The former freezes the enemy with ice, while the latter sneaks up like a ghost. It worked.

If the cultivation base is relatively weak, facing this front and back attack, there is no way to survive!

However, this is not a problem for Du Yuesheng.


Du Yuesheng stood in the same place all the time, and waited until the elder Xuanming was about to approach him, and then suddenly opened his mouth. After his words fell, his aura shook, and an incomparably terrifying aura swept across the sky.

In an instant, around Du Yuesheng was surrounded by horrible winds, formless and seemingly tangible, that terrifying and incomparably coercive pressure, like an emperor who transcends nine heavens and ten earths, can make stars move, heaven and earth go retrograde, subvert yin and yang !

Beside him, the ice, Styx, and ghosts all scattered!

The Xuan Ming elders, seeing that they were about to come to Du Yuesheng's side, were suddenly blown away by this incomparably terrifying momentum, and both of them vomited blood.


Luo Shazi's eyes were horrified. He looked at Du Yuesheng in the center of the field in disbelief, and felt extremely shocked in his heart. Before he could react, that terrifying aura swept towards him. In front of that shock wave, he The whole person flew out uncontrollably like a cannonball, and finally hit a wall behind.

The next moment, Du Yuesheng's figure blurred for a while, and he was about to come to Luo Shazi's side.

"Little Lord!"

"court death!"

After all, the two elders of Xuanming are peerless powerhouses in the Lord God Realm. Seeing that Luo Shazi was injured, his face changed, and he quickly shot to stop him. If their reaction was a little slower, their young master would surely die.

"Go away!"

Du Yuesheng looked at the two old men coldly. Although the two claimed to be able to fight the Supreme God together, they were actually only qualified to fight against them. When they met Du Yuesheng, who was invincible at the same level, they were definitely not opponents.

"Hmph, boy, you are very strong." Elder Xuan looked at Du Yuesheng solemnly, and his tone suddenly became serious, "However, you will not escape this disaster today!"

After the words fell, he and Elder Ming exchanged glances, and said, "Kill him!"

After speaking, he shot directly, stretched out his old hand like a dead branch, and grabbed Du Yuesheng's chest. At the same time as he shot, countless black shadows appeared around him, like ghosts, and let out terrifying roars.

"Ghost Shadow Claw!"

This move is one of the blood shadow sect's sect-restraining skills, and when used in the hands of the two elders, Xuan Ming, its power is many times stronger than that of Luo Chazi.

"Jie Jie!"

"Take your life!"

The horrific bloody faces roared and roared, as if begging Du Yuesheng for life, making people's hairs stand on end and terrified.

Just when Du Yuesheng was about to make a move, Elder Ming on the other side suddenly yelled, and seemed to be reciting some kind of ancient spell in his mouth, he saw that he was pinching the seal with his hand, and finished reciting.

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