The Most Violent Upgrade

Chapter 1720 Blood Demon Patriarch

At this moment, a blood cloud of thousands of miles suddenly appeared in the sky, galloping towards it at an extremely fast speed, and within a short while, the surrounding air emitted a disgusting smell of blood.

"Old Gorefiend, what kind of strong wind brought you here?"

Mo Tian knew why and asked, looking at the cloud of thousands of miles of blood, and asked with a smile.

I saw a cold snort coming from the blood cloud, and then slowly condensed into a human form, turning into a blood-colored long-haired old man with a haggard appearance.

"Mo Tian, ​​what are you doing here?!"

The blood demon patriarch did not answer the question, but said in a deep voice.

"Hmph, the blood demon patriarch is really becoming more and more domineering. Do I have to ask for your consent wherever I go?" Before Mo Tian could answer, the Wan Gui King, who was covered in black mist, sneered.

"Stop talking nonsense! Fight!"

The blood demon patriarch had a very hot temper, his long blood-colored hair stood on end, and he was about to strike. He and the King of Ten Thousand Ghosts had always been rivals, and they were naturally at odds. The two had been fighting for countless years.

"Okay, okay, you two have been fighting for so many years, it's time to rest." Seeing that the two were about to fight, Mo Tian hurriedly persuaded them to fight.


The two who were persuaded by Motian snorted coldly at the same time.

When the Gorefiend Patriarch appeared, Du Yuesheng's pupils suddenly shrank several times, as if he was facing a formidable enemy in an instant, his expression became more dignified than ever before.

Because, the newcomer is the ancestor of the Blood Demon Sect, the blood demon old monster!

So far, a total of four supreme gods have appeared in front of him, like this existence that is almost invincible in the entire domain of death, he does not think that these four old guys are here to play.

Obviously, these four people came for Du Yuesheng!

"My grandson!"

The blood demon patriarch suddenly found the corpse lying on the ground, screaming in grief, he looked at Du Yuesheng on the ground viciously, and said angrily: "Boy, you killed the old man's heir? Take your life!"

Before his words fell, he had already made a move. Without moving his body, a wave of his sleeve condensed in the air, turning into a big bloody hand, and grabbed Du Yuesheng.

When this big bloody hand appeared, Du Yuesheng's face changed, the terrifying coercion actually made the surrounding space freeze, making him unable to avoid it, so he had to fight it!


Du Yuesheng snorted coldly, the bright light in his hand flourished, and the Zhuxian sword appeared in his hand. Facing such a formidable enemy, even Du Yuesheng did not dare to be careless in the slightest. Here it is.

After all, there is more than one Supreme God here!

Supreme God, the strongest existence in the realm of death, each of them is an invincible powerhouse who will deter thousands of years. No matter which plane it is, the Supreme God is the strongest existence!

Unless, it is the supreme powerhouse above the God Realm, beyond the God Realm!

But those characters are too far away, and they are not within reach of Du Yuesheng right now. The four supreme gods in front of him are already the strongest opponents he has ever encountered in his life.

He didn't dare to be careless, and directly summoned the Zhuxian Sword. Facing such a supreme existence, even he had to go all out.


Du Yuesheng yelled, and a bright light flashed across the Immortal Execution Sword in his hand, and he bravely rushed forward with the sword and man, and with a stabbing sound, he tore the huge bloody hand apart.

Seeing this scene, the eyes of Mo Tian, ​​Wan Gui Wang and others standing above the void were all fixed, and a flash of surprise flashed across them, as if they were quite surprised.

A mere kid in the God Realm was able to break the attack of the Gorefiend boss.

They knew that just now, the blood demon patriarch shot out with anger, but that blow was merciless. Only those who really faced it knew how terrifying it was.

At the very least, if it were any of the three of them, they wouldn't dare to be careless in the slightest.

"Hmph, you won't be so lucky next time!"

The ancestor of the blood demon found that the boy in front of him could not be killed with one blow, and suddenly felt a little embarrassed on his face. He snorted coldly and planned to make another shot, but was stopped by Motian.

"Mo Tian, ​​what do you want to do? Could it be that you want to help this kid?"

The blood demon patriarch had a fiery temper, and when he saw Mo Tian standing in front of him, he immediately asked angrily.

Mo Tian was not angry, smiled slightly, and said: "The ancestor of the blood demon is happy and angry. I don't want to save this kid, but this kid is still useful. After I ask him a few questions, you can kill him as soon as you want. Never stop."

Hearing what Mo Tian said, the blood demon patriarch looked at the King of Thousand Ghosts and the old monster of all spirits next to him, and found that they also meant the same thing, so his expression softened, and he gave a cold snort as his acquiescence.

Mo Tian smiled in satisfaction, turned around and looked at Du Yuesheng, released a coercion that enveloped Du Yuesheng, and said: "Boy, I will ask you a few words next, and you should answer truthfully."

What he said was plain, but in fact, even a fool could see that his threat was obvious. Just the coercion of the Supreme God, an ordinary person would have collapsed long ago.

"Hmph, are you taking me for a fool?"

However, Du Yuesheng didn't appreciate it. With a cold snort, he directly dispelled Mo Tian's coercion and sneered.


Mo Tian's expression changed, and he looked at Du Yuesheng thoughtfully.

"You ask me, and I have to answer truthfully, and kill me when I finish the answer? Oh, your Excellency's deal is really a bargain!"

Du Yuesheng sneered.

"So, you don't want to say it?"

Motian's face became ferocious, and his tone was serious. No matter how good-tempered he is, he is the supreme existence of the Supreme God after all. He already felt demeaned when he asked this boy who was no different from an ant in his eyes. The other party didn't appreciate it.

"I will ask you again, where did those elixir come from?!"

Mo Tian's face was gloomy, and his tone was full of unquestionable majesty.

After he asked this question, the blood demon ancestor next to him was slightly surprised, and then showed a thoughtful expression. It seemed that he had also received some rumors about the appearance of the Concentration Pill in the auction.

At this time, Du Yuesheng suddenly realized, no wonder he has such a big face, he provoked so many Supreme Gods all at once, and it turned out that they all came for the Concentration Pill.

Only then did he understand how important alchemy is to the backward realm of death, and even the Supreme God was alarmed!

"If you want to fight, you can fight, the Supreme God has nothing to fear!!"

To Motian's question, Du Yuesheng gave an extremely strong answer. He didn't change his face, but he was actually prepared in his heart.

Once these old guys plan to make a move, he can only use summon cards.

"good very good!"

Motian sneered, he turned his head to look at the blood demon ancestor, and said: "Old blood demon, you can kill this son if you want to, just leave a soul behind."

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