The Most Violent Upgrade

Chapter 1726 Devoured by the Heavenly Demon

"You all have to die!"

Mo Tian didn't lose his mind, but compared to his original appearance, he looked much crazier, and the light in his eyes was like a beast.

"Let the horse come here, you will die an honorable death!" Galen held the big sword in his hand, facing the strange demon sky without the slightest fear, but with a strong fighting spirit.

"The phantom of the heavenly magic body is overwhelming!"

A strange cry came from Mo Tian's throat, and he folded his hands in front of his chest, and a ball of strange black fire slowly appeared, as if swaying in the wind.

Immediately behind Motian, in the direction of the back of his head, bursts of black mist rolled up, and countless demon heads with terrifying faces appeared from them, screaming bloodthirsty and greedy, and rushed towards Galen.

Du Yuesheng looked at Galen, and said softly, "Galen, make it quick!"

"Demacia will win!"

Galen held up the big sword in his hand, as if he was cheering, or a slogan for the confrontation between the two armies.

The great sword in his hand emitted an incomparably bright light, like a blazing sun, illuminating the entire world.

"Must win!"

When the sword swung down, all the demon ghosts and black haze receded and disappeared! The bright golden light seemed to purify everything, and everything dissipated.

Seeing the brilliance in front of his eyes, and the long sword swung down like a rainbow, Mo Tian's expression changed instantly, and he was shocked in his heart. His face was pale, and he spit out a mouthful of black blood.

"Fight, fight, fight!"

Galen seemed to be a born God of War, his eyes were burning with fighting intent, like a combat lunatic who instantly became insane when he met his opponent.

Under his almost crazy offensive, even Mo Tian, ​​as the supreme god, began to show his defeat and retreated steadily.

The more he got in touch with Mo Tian, ​​the more shocked he became. The big sword in Galen's hand seemed to have some kind of strange magical power, like light restraining darkness, and there was some kind of indescribable suppression of his kung fu.

He became more and more terrified. If this continues, maybe even he may fall here. This is not a joke, it is a real hunch!

When this thought flashed through his mind, Mo Tian himself was taken aback, and his face suddenly became ferocious.

Mo Tian's face suddenly became extremely ferocious, and the black mark on his forehead exuded a gloomy light, like a will-o'-the-wisp swaying in the wind in the dark night, looking extremely terrifying.

"You forced all of this!"

Motian's eyes suddenly became gloomy and cold, with a strange emerald green light flickering, like a wild beast waiting to hunt in the dark.

Seeing him like this, Galen's heart beat for no reason, and he had some kind of bad premonition. The feeling was like being stared at by a man-eating beast in the dark, which made people creepy.

"have some problem."

Du Yuesheng, who was watching coldly from the sidelines, suddenly frowned, as if he was talking to himself, but he didn't make a move. Instead, he watched with anticipation, as if curious about what Mo Tian would do next.

"Hmph! Playing tricks!"

Galen snorted disdainfully.

At this moment, Motian opened his mouth slightly, and there seemed to be some kind of terrible roar in his throat, which made people feel very uncomfortable like howling ghosts and wolves.

Immediately afterwards, from his throat, a black fire suddenly floated out. The black fire slowly transformed into a head in the void. In the monstrous devilish energy, one could vaguely see that it was a terrifying face. , a demon with blue fangs protruding from the corner of his mouth, and a head of long black hair that was about Zhang long, hanging down on the ground.

When this demon appeared, the entire sky suddenly darkened, the wind and clouds changed color, and the entire sky was so dark that people felt extremely oppressed. A monstrous demonic energy, full of evil aura, enveloped the world in an instant.

"What it is?"

"It's so scary, what kind of terrifying existence did Lord Motian summon?"

"Why do I always have a bad feeling? It seems extremely depressing..."

When they saw a demon suddenly appearing, the expressions of many monks in Baidi City changed drastically. The monstrous evil aura made it difficult for them to even breathe.

"Great Demon King, please enjoy the humble essence and blood!"

Mo Tian put his hands up, his face changed, and he spit out a mouthful of extremely pure blood, which was so bright red, when Mo Tian spit out this mouthful, his face suddenly turned pale, and he seemed to be much weaker.

This is his natal blood essence, one mouthful can be worth a thousand years of cultivation, and the price paid is extremely high, ranging from damage to the foundation, to the root cause of the disease, which will cause demonic obstacles to the future cultivation career.

Generally speaking, only some kind of weird and ancient secret method needs to use the essence of life.

The devil seemed to feel a pure breath of energy and blood, and became excited. Two ghostly fires appeared in his eyes, and he roared excitedly.

It opened its mouth wide, revealing two cyan fangs, a pungent bloody aura came towards it, emitting bursts of disgusting stench, and sucked in the mass of blood in one gulp.

That demon head, after devouring Motian's natal essence and blood, had an unsatisfied expression on his face, as if he was still not satisfied, but there were many strange patterns on its face, and its size became several times larger.

The incomparably evil breath became stronger and stronger, giving people a very uncomfortable feeling.

At this moment, the devil suddenly set his target on Motian, it showed a greedy and bloodthirsty smile, with a grin on its face, as if it regarded Motian as its blood food.


This thought flashed across Motian's mind, and his face turned pale with fright. He swallowed his saliva, and said with a trembling voice, "Demon...Master Demon King, what are you going to do..."

Regarding Mo Tian's words, the devil ignored him, opened his big mouth with blue fangs, and rushed towards him, as if he wanted to swallow him whole.


Motian let out a shrill scream, his eyes were full of horror, he wanted to escape but found that he couldn't move, his whole body was extremely stiff, it seemed that it was extremely difficult to take a step forward.

Amidst his shrill screams, the demon head bit Mo Tian's neck, blood gushed out like a blowout, but the devil greedily sucked the blood, as if he was enjoying the delicacy of the world.

Seeing this scene, Du Yuesheng and Galen frowned at the same time, but there was no sympathy in their eyes, all this is Mo Tian's own fault!

Time passed slowly in the desperate struggle of Motian, and in the end his hands slowly dropped, and his whole body became extremely stiff, as if his blood had been sucked dry.

The devil seemed to have lost interest in Mo Tian's body, he let go, showed a satisfied smile, licked the blood from the corner of his mouth, and slowly turned his head to look at Du Yuesheng and Du Yuesheng, with a strange green color in his eyes. Mans flickering.

"You... delicious..."

After the devil sucked the whole body of Motian's blood, his skill seemed to increase greatly all of a sudden, and he was able to spit out human words. Looking into the eyes of Du Yuesheng and the two of them, he emitted a demonic light like a hungry wolf.

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