The Most Violent Upgrade

Chapter 1745 The Turtle Bastard

Seeing that he was about to stab Du Yuesheng's chest, Wang Yu even had a cruel smile on his ferocious face.

But at this moment, his face suddenly became extremely pale.

He saw that Du Yuesheng raised his hand with a calm face, and in his eyes full of horror, he lightly touched the spearhead with the power to destroy everything.

At this moment, he only felt that there was a qualitative change in Du Yuesheng's body. At this moment, Du Yuesheng seemed to be a different person, and his aura was amazing.

It's like a high-ranking emperor who looks down on everything, as if all the people in the world are just ants in his eyes.

Those indifferent and indifferent deep eyes seemed to have a terrifying scene of stars being shattered and the world collapsing.

You can suppress the eternal stars at your fingertips!

This is how Du Yuesheng felt for Wang Yu.

The blood flower he imagined did not appear, he only felt a terrifying force that made his heart tremble, like an endless wave, quickly passed from the other end of the spear.

When Du Yuesheng lightly tapped his magic weapon, the Red Spirit Spear, his invincible long spear with the power to destroy everything unexpectedly broke every inch.

At that scene, it was as if the bamboo couldn't bear the huge pressure, and it began to shatter from the beginning to the end, like a flowering chip.

Wang Yu's complexion changed drastically, and he looked at this scene in disbelief. He never imagined that Du Yuesheng could destroy his magic weapon with just one finger.

But before he could react, the terrifying power coming from Du Yuesheng's fingers, which seemed endless, extended to him along the red spirit gun.

What kind of terrifying power was that? Wang Yu only knew that before he even had time to react, he saw that terrifying beam of light passing through the spear and piercing through his chest.

In his horrified gaze, he subconsciously looked down at his chest, where there was a bright blood hole.

He raised his head slowly, looked at Du Yuesheng blankly, his throat opened, but he couldn't say anything, his body fell down slowly.

With one finger, his vitality was completely cut off, even his soul was directly annihilated.

"Ding, the player Du Yuesheng killed the god monster and gained one billion divine points."

Normally speaking, as long as someone who has reached the level of godly status is not fatally injured, he can basically recover with great strength.

Even if the body is shattered, the soul can still escape, and even survive through the seizure.

But who could have imagined that the force of Du Yuesheng's finger was so terrifying. The seemingly simple finger directly cut off Wang Yu's vitality, and even directly shattered his soul.

Until the moment he fell down, he couldn't understand why the ants in his eyes became so strong? With unwillingness, he died unwillingly.

This scene happened too fast.

In the entire hall, there was a deathly tranquility.

It was so weird that even the sound of breathing was never heard. Under their horrified gazes, Wang Yu's body lay there quietly.

Even Xiao Jian and Lan Linger, who were fighting fiercely on the other side, stopped at this moment, staring blankly at this scene, with incredible expressions in their eyes.

Only Mo Dacheng in the distance, after the initial shock, he spit out a few words from his mouth in a daze: "The power of the main god..."

His voice was silent, but at this moment the entire venue was almost deathly quiet, and his weak voice slowly echoed in the vast hall.



They opened their mouths wide, wanting to express their shock and disbelief, but at this moment they found that they couldn't say anything.

Du Yuesheng turned a blind eye to the stunned reactions of the people around him, he glanced at the corpse on the ground lightly, and the disgust in his eyes quickly disappeared.

He turned around, but saw Bai Xiaoling with an O-shaped mouth.

"you you you……"

Bai Xiaoling's reaction was the most excited, she stared at Du Yuesheng in a daze, hesitated and couldn't speak, she was really shocked.

At this moment, she even wondered if she was dreaming!

Are you still Du Yuesheng? Are you still that stupid young man who doesn't understand anything? My God, you are obviously so weak, how could it be...

At this time, Bai Xiaoling had a lot of questions in her mind, but she found that she couldn't say a word.

She stared blankly at Du Yuesheng, her eyes seemed to be looking at a monster.

At that moment, she had an illusion, as if the man in front of her was no longer the Du Yuesheng she knew, but an emperor who looked down on the world and ruled the ups and downs!

And she is just a humble speck of dust hundreds of millions of stars away.

"I'll explain to you later."

Du Yuesheng seemed to have seen Bai Xiaoling's inner thoughts, he smiled and restored his usual approachable smile.

He patted Bai Xiaoling's shoulder, ignored her still exaggerated reaction, turned around and scanned the crowd slowly.

"People don't offend me, I don't offend others, but if someone asks for trouble, then no one can blame me."

Du Yuesheng smiled calmly, but his words made those who were hostile to him tremble and trembled.

It seemed that there was a terrible chill, which penetrated from the top of the head to the bottom of the feet, making them shudder. At this moment, many people may feel rejoiced.

Fortunately, I didn't make a move just now, otherwise, the cold corpse lying on the ground might not be Wang Yu, but themselves.

"The main god realm?"

At this moment, Xiao Jian, who came to his senses, suddenly raised his head to look at Du Yuesheng, and asked in surprise.

After getting Du Yuesheng's nod, he smiled slightly, and said with a bit of self-deprecation, "It seems that I was unnecessary before."

"No, it's really inconvenient for me to take action in front of me, and I don't want to intervene. Thanks to you for taking action to solve some troubles."

Du Yuesheng smiled lightly, he always had a clear distinction between grievances and grievances, this Xiao Jian had nothing to do with him, but he was still willing to help in the situation just now, he was naturally very grateful.

Even if he made a move or not, it doesn't make any difference to the result, but at least it's a wish, isn't it?

There was an uproar in the entire hall, and everyone's expressions were moved. Although at the moment Du Yuesheng killed Wang Yu, they all guessed that the hidden Du Yuesheng might be a peerless powerhouse in the main god realm, but after all, it was just guess.

It is very different from getting Du Yuesheng's personal confirmation.

"Hey, Du Yuesheng! You guy, are you hiding too deeply?"

Bai Xiaoling finally came to his senses at this time, and she said blankly, as if remembering something, her face blushed, and she muttered to herself, "So you are the real master..."

It was only at this moment that she suddenly realized.

No wonder this guy has a calm face when he encounters everything, no wonder this guy looks down on everything, no wonder he seems to understand everything...

All kinds of mysteries before were solved at this moment.

Hmph, this nasty guy has deceived me so much, it's a shame that I pretended to be an expert in front of him before! It's all your fault, Du Yuesheng, you are a bastard!

After realizing it, Bai Xiaoling didn't feel as excited as she imagined, but felt cheated. She angrily scolded Du Yuesheng a hundred and eight times in her heart.

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