The Most Violent Upgrade

Chapter 1751 Just leave the offal to me

Under Bailong's horrified gaze, the surrounding world, as if being splashed with ink, was suddenly pitch black, and weird and eerie magic patterns began to appear all around.

He lowered his head in a daze, and found that on his soul body, those sacred flames had disappeared, replaced by a terrifying black imaginary fire, burning his soul.

A series of evil and disgusting magic patterns slowly climbed up his soul body, and not long after, half of his body was already covered with those black magic patterns.

At this moment, he suddenly realized that he had forgotten the most important point!

The Heavenly Demon Clan possesses a terrifying supernatural power that can demonize everything, even the heaven and the earth.

If he was in his heyday, Hei Tianmo certainly couldn't do it.

But just now, in order to pursue the limit of strength, I burned my soul. It looks powerful, but it is actually the weakest moment. Hei Tianmo took the opportunity to change the day and invaded his soul with demonic energy!


Bai Long's eyes were startled and full of anger, and there was a flash of anger on his expression, but soon after, he laughed miserably, "I have calculated thousands of times, but I missed this point..."

Speaking of this, he stopped suddenly, his face turned blue and purple, and he spit out a mouthful of soul blood. He seemed to be weaker all of a sudden, and he could no longer resist the invasion of the devilish energy, and there were tens of thousands more magic patterns all of a sudden.

"Even so, the big deal is that today, everyone will be buried here together!"

Bailong suddenly looked up to the sky and laughed, looking like he was insane, and his soul burned with a golden flame again. Although it was not as vigorous as before, it still temporarily resisted the invasion of the magic pattern.

As soon as his words fell, his divine thoughts moved, and he regained control of this half-demonized world, but he did not use the power of heaven and earth to attack Hei Tianmo again, but destroyed this world!

The sky is falling apart!

The entire world, the space was shattered inch by inch, as if it was going to explode, and the sky collapsed for a while, just like the realm of annihilation.

"You! Bailong, you want to bury everyone here?!"

At this moment, Hei Tianmo was finally moved, his expression changed drastically, he was startled and confused, and roared angrily.

He understands very well that once the entire world collapses, the terrifying explosion will contain the power of various laws. No matter how strong he is, he will not be able to resist it. What's more, even if he barely survives, he will not be able to survive in the chaos !

"I will never let you return to the world!" Bai Long looked a little crazy, he suddenly turned his head to look at Du Yuesheng and the others, and smiled miserably, "My friends, I am sorry for you, please understand, we must not let This fellow returns to the human world."

Everyone's face changed drastically when they heard the words, they were startled and angry, and they finally understood at this moment, it seems that Bailong intends to detonate this space, so as to completely kill Hei Tianmo.

But once Hei Tianmo died, it was impossible for them to survive!

Looking up at the fiery red light curtain above their heads, it has become fragmented and the light is dim. It seems that they can't last long, and soon they will face the terrifying power of the collapse of the world.

"Good! Very good! White Dragon! You are crazy!"

Hei Tianmo gritted his teeth in hatred, but his face was already pale.

"I'm sorry..."

But Bailong ignored them, he looked at Du Yuesheng and the others, his tone was apologetic, his voice became weaker and weaker, his soul and body became extremely dim, more and more transparent, already exhausted.

There was a panic among the crowd. At this moment, facing the threat of death, no one could remain calm, even Xiao Jian and the others, whose faces were all fluctuating.

"What should we do? Are we going to die?" At the moment closest to death, Bai Xiaoling was calmer than ever. She looked up at Du Yuesheng, but her face was full of despair.

Du Yuesheng glanced at her, was silent for a moment, sighed, patted her on the shoulder, and said, "Don't worry, you won't die."

Under Bai Xiaoling's stunned gaze, he slowly walked out of the light curtain, cupped his hands towards Bailong, and said: "Senior is righteous, I am ashamed of it."

After finishing speaking, he slowly raised his head and stared at the Hei Tianmo whose face was changing in the void, with a smile on the corner of his mouth, he said leisurely: "However, just leave it to me, no need to pay Such a heavy price."

At this time, Bailong's soul body was almost transparent, and he was about to disappear completely in this world. He was stunned when he heard Du Yuesheng's words, and then took a deep look at him, revealing a thoughtful expression. Seeming to understand something, he smiled wryly and said, "It's really scary for young people."

After his words fell, his eyes were full of determination, and he raised his hand again to pinch the seal, and chanted an ancient spell in his mouth.

It didn't take long for this already shattered world to suddenly stop the collapse and return to tranquility again.

"Then please!"

But at this time, Bailong completely exhausted all his strength, and his soul body slowly turned into a little bit of light, floating in this world. He only left one sentence as his last wish before he died.

Du Yuesheng took a deep look at the already clear direction in the sky, took a deep breath, and said solemnly for the first time: "I will definitely live up to my expectations!"

"Ha ha ha ha……"

At this moment, Hei Tianmo finally came to his senses, the frightened look on his face had long since disappeared, and he laughed unscrupulously, "Hahaha, that old man Bailong is so naive, he actually believed what you say?"

"That guy's brain is flooded, hahaha, does he think that a mere waste in the main god realm can kill me?"

Heitian Golem seemed to have heard the funniest joke in the world, and the unscrupulous laughter resounded in this world.

Seeing his unscrupulous appearance, the faces of many monks who were still in the light curtain darkened at that time, and they had just ignited hope, but suddenly they were shrouded in a layer of haze.

"Oops, we're still going to die now!"

"Du Yuesheng is indeed very strong. If you give him a few more years of training, he might be able to deal with this devil, but...but he is only the main god after all!"

"Hmph, what is this guy trying to do? Does he really regard himself as a savior? He thinks he is so great. In my opinion, he just killed us."

Hearing these people's complaints, a look of anger appeared on Bai Xiaoling's face. She turned her head, her eyes were red, and she angrily said: "You people really don't know what to do!"

"Without Du Yuesheng, would you be able to survive the collapse of the world? Whether he can beat him or not, at least he will give us a glimmer of hope, right?"

"You people are really disgusting. You only talk sarcastic here. Why don't you go up and fight the devil?!"

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