The Most Violent Upgrade

Chapter 1753 Strength and Rebellion

Hei Tianmo looked at Du Yuesheng in a daze, and then looked down at the blood hole in his chest, as if he felt a little unbelievable.

At this moment, he was finally moved, and looked at Du Yuesheng in disbelief, as if no matter how he thought about it, he couldn't understand why this guy was so strong?

Can a guy in the main god realm actually hurt him?

Although his physical body is not his true self, but after his demonization, it is not something that the main god realm can break through the defense anyway.

But the strange thing is that not only was his body pierced through, but the wound still couldn't heal, as if he was completely cut off from life.

Seeing this scene, those people inside the light curtain who originally wanted to make trouble suddenly became quiet, and they were also very surprised.

Even if that guy is the main god, he can't be so strong, right?

It directly pierced through the demon's heart as soon as he made a move. Even the Supreme God Bailong couldn't do this kind of means.

"The main god realm, is it so strong?"

Everyone was stunned, even Xiao Jian, Lan Ling'er and other arrogances were greatly shocked, and their eyes were also full of disbelief.

"If it goes straight through the heart, he won't be able to survive, right?"

Bai Xiaoling was different from others, she didn't seem to have much surprise on her face, but was excited and excited, as if she was very happy for Du Yuesheng's successful blow.

"You are tenacious, you can't die like this."

Du Yuesheng stood opposite Heitianmo, and smiled slightly, but his face was very calm, and there didn't seem to be much surprise.

There is no complacency, it feels like dealing with something so ordinary that it can no longer be ordinary.

At this time, Hei Tianmo's heart had already been pierced by Du Yuesheng's sword, and his vitality was extinguished, but he couldn't die like this. Others might be surprised, but in his opinion, it was no big deal.

If this guy died so easily, why did Bai Long bother?

"Jie Jie, although he won't die, he still has to pay a price..."

Hei Tianmo's expression finally calmed down. He looked at Du Yuesheng gloomyly, wondering what he was thinking.

"It's you who surprised me. It's really rare to see such a combat power in the main god realm."

At this time, Hei Tianmo had completely recovered his calm. He smiled, as if he had already won the battle.

"However, no matter how strong you are, you are only the main god after all, and it is still difficult to kill me..."

His tone became colder and colder, and his eyes suddenly shot a terrifying light.

"You are right, but I don't quite agree with it." Du Yuesheng smiled slightly.

The two fell silent at the same time, and the aura on their bodies continued to rise, becoming stronger and stronger, and finally reached the limit, turning into two terrifying shock waves.

They collide with each other, but they are in a stalemate, and no one can do anything to the other.

The faces of the two of them became more and more solemn, that terrifying power turned into waves of world-ending storms, swept out to the surroundings, and suddenly the mountains collapsed and the ground cracked, that momentum was not much weaker than the collapse of the world just now.


Hei Tianmo moved first, and with a cold snort, his figure disappeared in place, turned into a black whirlwind, and came to Su Yu in an instant, and slapped out a palm in the void, and it turned into a huge palm.

"Swallowing the sky and destroying the sun!"

That huge palm was as black as ink, and it was covered with evil magic lines. Before the big hand even reached it, Du Yuesheng was engulfed by a monstrous devilish energy like a sea wave.

"This is not possible!"

Feeling the overwhelming demonic energy, Du Yuesheng didn't panic at all.

He smiled slightly, raised his head and his eyes were like lightning, piercing through the billowing devilish energy and reflected in the eyes of the black sky demon, which shocked his mind, as if he had seen some terrible scene, and his face turned pale for a while.

Just at this moment, another ray of bright sword light flashed across. This sword was extremely radiant, extremely dazzling, and surprisingly powerful, like a shooting star piercing the sky in the dark night sky.

flashed by.

The whole world fell into a brief silence. After a few breaths, the monstrous demonic energy disappeared, and the whole world became much brighter. The figures of Du Yuesheng and Hei Tianmo reappeared in front of everyone.

Du Yuesheng held the Zhuxian sword and stood with one hand behind his back, his face was so calm that there was no wave.

Opposite him, Hei Tianmo's body trembled. His eyes were filled with astonishment, and even more anger. Following his line of sight, his entire arm was gone, and there were ink-like spots on the wound. Blood spurted out.

"I really underestimated you..." Hei Tianmo slowly raised his head, and there seemed to be some kind of light shining in his dark eyes.

Two clashes! Two big wins!

Du Yuesheng's performance boosted the morale of many monks inside the light curtain.

They saw hope from Du Yuesheng, and no one would be so stupid as to make trouble.

Bai Xiaoling was so excited that she almost couldn't help cheering Du Yuesheng up. She stared at that slender figure with a strange look in her beautiful eyes.

Even with Xiao Jian's heart, he was greatly shocked at this moment, just now Du Yuesheng's two swords not only cut through Hei Tianmo's body, but also cut through his proud heart.

He is unparalleled in swordsmanship, and has few opponents at the same level. But after seeing Du Yuesheng's astonishing sword move, he realized that he had been watching the sky all along.

One sword breaks all spells!

A real strong man, like Du Yuesheng, doesn't need any moves at all. With the power of a sword, he can open mountains and crack the ground, and cut down the sun, moon and stars.

That is the real way of the sword!

Xiao Jian shook his head and smiled wryly. In front of Du Yuesheng, he realized how ridiculous he was, but he couldn't bear the slightest bit of competition. He could only pale in comparison in front of those truly amazing Tianjiao.

Lan Ling'er on the side stared out of the light curtain from time to time, and glanced at Xiao Jian from time to time, thoughtful light flashed in her cold eyes.

"This physical body is really too weak..."

Hei Tianmo raised his head again, and there was a cruel smile on his ferocious face. After he finished speaking, he suddenly stretched out his remaining left hand and grabbed it into the light curtain.

The fiery red light curtain was as fragile as a thin piece of paper in front of his ever-extending big hand. Amidst the pale faces of many monks, that palm grabbed several figures and crushed them fiercely.

Before those monks even reacted, they died directly, turning into streams of pure blood energy, which were sucked into the mouth by the black sky demon, and turned into streams of pure demonic energy.

This scene made Du Yuesheng's face change greatly. Hei Tianmo's action was too fast and unexpected, even he couldn't stop him. He just watched those monks being crushed into flesh and blood.

Du Yuesheng's face became gloomy. Whether these monks live or die has nothing to do with him.

He wouldn't help him either, but Hei Tianmo touched his reverse scale just now!

Because, in that light curtain, there are people he cares about!

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