The Most Violent Upgrade

Chapter 1755 Killing the Demon Lord

That feeling is so familiar, yet so strange!

Because that is a smell from death!

Hei Tianmo didn't know how long he hadn't had this feeling, probably from the moment he became the Demon Lord, he never encountered that feeling again, right?

Even back then, when he was suppressed by Bailong, he never felt such a strong threat!

He didn't know how terrifying the power of this sword array was, or rather, he didn't want to know at all, because he didn't have the confidence to survive after the sword array was activated!

The tenacious vitality of the Heavenly Demon clan is astonishingly tenacious. Even if there is only a drop of blood or a hair left, they can be reunited and revived.

Even back then, he was suppressed by the white dragon and his body was crushed, but his soul was immortal. After spending tens of thousands of years in that purgatory-like place, he finally found a chance to be reborn!

This kind of ability is impossible for any human monk, even if he is also a supreme god! Their souls can be immortal, but they require unimaginable consumption, and they simply cannot last such a long time.

Even if it is Bailong, the reason why he still has a remnant soul is that he used his great magic power to seal his soul, and it will only reappear when the black sky demon breaks the seal.

Hei Tianmo felt very aggrieved, obviously possessing resilience that ordinary people could hardly match.

But he happened to meet Du Yuesheng, the sword in his hand seemed to restrain him by nature, every time a wound was left on his body, it seemed to completely cut off the vitality of that place.

This makes his proud vitality useless!

That's why Hei Tianmo is so afraid of this Zhuxian sword formation. He doesn't even doubt that once he is strangled by this sword formation, he will fall completely and there is no possibility of surviving.

He didn't dare and didn't want to try the power of this sword array!

The threat of death made him feel terrified. Even though he lived an incomparably long time, he was still afraid of death!

"With the power of the lord god, you can push me to this point, boy, you are proud!" Hei Tianmo's voice sounded faintly, and he seemed very aggrieved by this.

"Magic world!"

In his voice, those strange magic patterns on the ground spread again and turned black all of a sudden, billowing demonic energy rose from all directions. It didn't take long before the whole world was shrouded in this extremely evil demonic energy among.

This scene made the expressions of those monks change drastically. They could feel that the surrounding world had been completely demonized, and even the spiritual energy between the heaven and the earth had been transformed into an evil demonic energy.

This made them feel very uncomfortable. Reiki has an air-like effect on monks, making them feel suffocated and bored.

But they knew that if they dared to absorb even a little bit of demonic energy at this time, they would be eroded by the subsequent demonic energy in all directions, and then they would be completely demonized!

"This world is already under the control of this seat. Here, this seat is the ruler. What else can you do to me?" Hei Tianmo's unscrupulous voice sounded amidst the billowing devilish energy.

At this time, Du Yuesheng suddenly realized that it was no wonder that Hei Tianmo, who had been delaying time with him intentionally or unintentionally, was taking the opportunity to erode this world!

Now the entire world has been completely demonized, that is to say, he has successfully taken control of this world from the hands of the dead white dragon.

Here, he is the god who really dominates everything, controls everything, but with the help of the mighty power of heaven and earth, no one can be his opponent, even if he is also the devil, but the supreme god of the same realm!

"Here is already the Demon Realm of this seat!"

Hei Tianmo's voice became more and more serious, and he chanted some kind of strange spell in his mouth. With the transmission of his voice, the surrounding world changed.

In the pitch-black sky, thousands of terrifying monsters suddenly appeared, with huge mouths open, blue fangs exposed, and terrifying roars, they rushed towards Du Yuesheng to kill them.

"Execution Immortal Sword Formation!"


As Du Yuesheng's words fell, the Immortal Execution Sword in his hand soared into the sky, turned into a ten thousand zhang lightsaber, and landed in the very center of the sword formation. This huge sword formation slowly began to rotate.

A chilling aura that could destroy everything came overwhelming.

The entire world was submerged in the sword light that filled the sky at this moment, and the endless flashing sword energy burst into bright light, illuminating the world.

Every corner was filled with sword energy all over the sky. In an instant, the dazzling white sword light covered everything, and the whole world was completely white, and nothing could be seen.

It's been a long time.

When people's sights returned to normal again, although the dark sky still existed, the monstrous devilish energy had already been shattered.

Du Yuesheng stood with his hands behind his back, the Zhuxian sword in his hand seemed to have been put away, his eyes were full of indifference, and he looked ahead coldly.

Because he knew that the Demon Lord was still alive, and if the system prompt in his mind didn't sound, it proved that this person was still alive.

At this time, Hei Tianmo was dripping with black blood, his body was already fragmented, only half of his body was left, with a crumbling head hanging on it.

The victory and defeat have been divided!

"Not dead yet?"

In the horrified eyes of those monks, Hei Tianmo's body had already been broken, but he was still lingering on his last breath. With such vitality, he really deserved to be a member of the Heavenly Demon family!

However, anyone could tell that the Black Sky Demon was at the end of his strength at this time. Although he was still alive, he was extremely weak and could be suppressed by raising his hand.

"Hahahaha..." Hei Tianmo's miserable smile echoed non-stop in this world, his body could no longer move, only his head could move.

He had a ferocious expression on his face, and after laughing, he stared at Du Yuesheng, "If that's the case, then you all will be buried with me!"

After he finished speaking, it seemed that he had imitated the previous old white dragon and burned his soul, and there was a terrible black fire burning on his head.

Seeing this scene, even Du Yuesheng's expression changed.

"Not good! He's going to destroy this place!"

The faces of those monks changed drastically, and they were extremely pale. No one expected that this would be the result. Seeing that victory was in sight, the final result was still the same?

Under the desperate gazes of these monks, the world began to collapse again. The space continued to shatter, the ground cracked, and terrible cracks like abysses rolled up waves of space storms!

After looking through the storm, he seemed to be able to vaguely see the emptiness of chaos!

"You are really troublesome..."

Du Yuesheng shook his head, sighed, he still underestimated the boss, and saw the Immortal Execution Sword appearing in his hand again, and he slashed towards the back with the sword, which directly tore open the crack in space.

"You go first!"

While Bai Xiaoling was still watching in a daze, Du Yuesheng suddenly appeared beside her in a flash, grabbed her and threw her into the space crack.

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