The Most Violent Upgrade

Chapter 1761 Kneel down to worship the spirit of my disciple in heaven

"Even if you are a master god, you can't be so defiant, can you? My Wang family is not a place where everyone can come and play tricks!"

Wang Heming sneered all the time, and at the end, the smile on his face had disappeared, and there was only murderous gloom, and a terrifying aura was released from him.

The fifth level of the Lord God!

As the Patriarch of the Wang family, he is not an idiot. He has reached the pinnacle of cultivation and has already reached the ranks of peerless powerhouses. His face was so gloomy that he was about to squeeze out water, and his drink was like thunder, turning into waves of sound and sweeping out.

What he said was full of confidence. The fact that the Wang family has been able to stand in Huangling City for so many years is not due to luck. In addition to various means, the more important thing is to have enough strength!

The power to deter everything!

There are quite a few people offended by the Wang family, but no one dared to seek revenge. Even if there were, they would have died somewhere.

Let alone a mere main god, even the Supreme God would not dare to act presumptuously in his royal courtyard!

"This guy Wang Heming has become stronger again, almost leaving me behind..."

Those guests who were still in the hall couldn't help sighing after feeling Wang Heming's powerful momentum.

"However, this time the opponent is not that simple."

In addition to sighing, there are also some patriarchs of other forces who watched this confrontation with great interest, as if they were looking forward to seeing how the Wang family would respond.

"The peak of the main god is only one step away from the supreme god, which is really tricky."

At first, many people were puzzled, but after waiting for the middle-aged man's explanation, they suddenly realized.

Then there was an uproar. Those people didn't expect that the man who looked quite young turned out to be a figure comparable to the ancestor!

Among the crowd, Lan Ling'er stared at the darkness in a daze. When she saw the face of the person coming, her whole body was shocked, and that beautiful face was suddenly pale and bloodless.

"It turned out to be him..."

Lan Ling'er was stunned for a moment, her heart was extremely complicated at the moment, she couldn't tell what it was like, it was like knocking over a bottle of five flavors, mixed flavors.

She looked at the face that became clearer and clearer, and her face became paler and paler. Finally, she couldn't help biting her vermilion lips, and the trace of blood that overflowed managed to calm herself down.

"Ling'er, what's the matter with you?" Lan Yutian was preparing to watch a good show with great interest, when he suddenly found out that he was messing with his daughter, he asked with concern.

Mrs. Wang at the side was comforting the guests. After seeing Lan Linger's reaction, she seemed to realize something, hurried over and asked in a low voice, "What's wrong?"

"No, I'm fine." Lan Ling'er shook her head in a panic, trying to make herself look more normal.

Little did they know that the woman was careful, and her premonition was terrifyingly accurate. Madam Wang watched her every move. Madam Wang seemed to realize something suddenly, staring at her and said, "Did you recognize that person?"

When Lan Ling'er heard this, her mind was like thunder, she turned her head and looked at Mrs. Wang in a daze.

What kind of person is Mrs. Wang? As the wife of the Wang family, she has long practiced the ability to observe words and expressions. After seeing Lan Linger's reaction like this, she became more certain of her guess.

"Ling'er, you and I don't speak two different languages. If you really know each other, you can tell your aunt."

Mrs. Wang's words were quite polite, but there was a hint of unquestionable taste, and the aura of a superior was hard to refuse.

Lan Yutian next to him, as a city lord who has been able to stay in Huangling City where fish and dragons are mixed for more than 20 years, is also an old fox himself, so he can naturally see what his daughter is thinking.

He sighed, put his hand on his daughter's shoulder, and said, "Ling'er, if you know, just tell Mrs. Wang, don't worry about it."

Originally, Lan Yutian didn't intend to get involved in this matter, but since his own daughter was involved, he couldn't just sit on the sidelines in order to offend the Wang family.

Anyone with a discerning eye could see that this time, the mysterious strong man might bring some troubles to the Wang family, but it would not hurt the Wang family. The final winner is still the Wang family, but they just need to pay the price.

After all, as a side that has stood for nearly a thousand years, it is not easy to be subverted.

Therefore, almost no one would be foolish enough to offend the Wang family. It is fine to stand on the sidelines, but if you are biased, it will be unreasonable.

"He, he's Du Yuesheng!" Sensing the gazes of her surroundings, Lan Linger gritted her teeth and finally revealed the truth.

After her words fell, there was an uproar around her, and the one who reacted the most was Mrs. Wang.

"What did you say?" Mrs. Wang stared at her intently, her beautiful face became extremely gloomy and full of resentment.

"What?! He is the Du Yuesheng who killed Wang Yu?"

"Isn't he already dead?"

"I didn't expect that he would dare to send it to the door by himself. He is really looking for a dead end!"

The monks present all had quite backgrounds, and they had obviously heard that Wang Yu died at the hands of Du Yuesheng. Hearing the name again this time, they naturally reacted quickly.

"It doesn't make sense, what is Du Yuesheng doing here?"

Someone was puzzled and looked at the man standing in the rain with a terrifying aura.

Hearing this man's muttering, Lan Ling'er took a deep look at him, and when she looked at Du Yuesheng again, she started talking to herself.

"He also came here for revenge..." Lan Ling'er murmured to herself in a weak voice.

Lan Yutian next to him looked at his daughter unobtrusively, but continued to look forward as if nothing had happened.

At this time, all the eyes present were attracted by Du Yuesheng, but no one noticed that the figure of Mrs. Wang had long since disappeared.

"So you killed my son! Hmph, you still dare to come here? Take your life!"

Wang Heming had reached this level, so he naturally knew what happened in the hall just now. After hearing these words, his eyes shot out murderous intent, anger erupted, and his whole body was instantly swept away.

"Today, I will sacrifice my son's heroic spirit with your head!"

Amidst the roar of anger, Wang Heming made a move.

"Just right, I want to use your flesh and blood to pay homage to my apprentice!"

"With the blood of all sentient beings, I bow down to the spirit of my disciple in heaven!"


Du Yuesheng sneered, his eyes were also full of cold killing intent.

Amidst the chill, a thick layer of frost condensed on the ground.


Du Yuesheng's words aroused those people's astonishment, they seemed quite puzzled, when did this Du Yuesheng have an apprentice?

In the audience, only Lan Ling'er showed a thoughtful expression after being stunned for a moment.

"Bai Linger?"

She whispered to herself.

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