The Most Violent Upgrade

Chapter 1763 The Supreme God Comes

"What magic method did you use?!"

Wang Heming was startled and angry, and his face suddenly turned pale.

Du Yuesheng ignored it as if he didn't hear it. He looked at Wang Heming coldly, his eyes were full of indifference, as if he was looking at a dead body, he slowly raised his hand and pressed it down.

His palm turned into a huge palm print in the air, covering the sky and the sun, like a huge mountain, covering the ground with a layer of shadow, before the palm print arrived, the majestic momentum had already The surrounding area became a vacuum.

It seems that that level of power is too terrifying, even the ground is shaking, it is difficult to withstand the oppression from the sky.

Under Wang Heming's horrified eyes, the palm print slowly fell. At this moment, his face was ashes, full of despair, in front of the huge palm print.

He felt so insignificant, in front of that indifferent and disdainful figure in the sky, he felt as humble as an ant.

The difference in strength is too great, even if he possesses the supreme magic weapon, the Skybreaker Spear, he is still invincible. That seemingly insignificant figure, at this moment, looks like a god of war descending from the sky in front of him, possessing unrivaled combat power.

He couldn't resist at all, that kind of destructive power had already made him feel a threat from death from the bottom of his heart, and the strong breath of death seemed to have infected his soul.

"Hmph, even a mere master god dares to act presumptuously in my royal family!"

Suddenly, an old and powerful voice vibrated in the sky like a thunderbolt from the blue sky, and in the end it turned into waves of sound, surging like raging waves.

"Break the sky, get up!"

I heard his voice before I saw him. In the old voice, the pitch-black spear stuck upside down on the ground trembled excitedly as if meeting a familiar old friend, and soared into the sky amidst the trembling sound. rise.

This gun is as powerful as a rainbow, and its power is far more terrifying than what Wang Heming displayed not long ago. It can be called peerless, fierce and powerful enough to penetrate everything.

In the aura that bloomed, people have no doubts, as if even the sky can pierce it!

The spear pierced through the huge palm print that covered the sky and the sun, and under the violent force that could tear everything apart, even the extremely thick palm print slowly cracked open.

An old figure slowly came out from the sky, with a layer of mist covering his body, looking rather mysterious.

However, judging from the signs of chaos in the surrounding air caused by every step he took, this is definitely a veritable supreme god!

"Old Ancestor!"

When the old man appeared, Wang Heming felt relieved as if he had grasped at straws.

He cast a grateful look at Mrs. Wang who was standing not far away. It seemed that this lady went to wake up the sleeping ancestor. If not, he might have died just now.

Wang Heming's voice caused an uproar among the guests in the hall. They had all heard of the name of the ancestor of the Wang family. This is one of the four ancestors of Huangling City, and he is also the oldest one.

"It turned out to be the ancestor of the Wang family!"

"I didn't expect even this one to come out. It seems that Du Yuesheng really angered the Wang family!"

"No, there is something wrong with the aura of this ancestor of the Wang family, that kind of fluctuation seems to be... the Supreme God!"

"What? The patriarch of the Wang family has stepped into that supreme realm?!"

All of these monks have extraordinary cultivation, and it can be seen at a glance that the aura of the ancestors of the Wang family is obviously no longer at the level of the main god, but the realm of the supreme god that exists in the legend!

No matter where it is placed, for the domain of death, any supreme god is the supreme existence, the strongest who truly stands at the peak!

Huangling City can only be regarded as a medium-sized area of ​​influence. Generally speaking, it is already very remarkable for a large force to have a strong master god sitting in the city.

Like the ancestor of the Wang family who has reached the realm of the Supreme God, with him, even if he looks at the whole continent, the Wang family is enough to compete for the qualifications of the top power!

This makes those monks not surprised. They are all very famous people who can come to this banquet. Originally, the Wang family was already the dominant family. Now that there is such an ancestor of the supreme god, wouldn't it be unstoppable?

I'm afraid that in the near future, the entire Huangling City will be annexed by the Wang family!

After all, the existence of a supreme god has a completely different meaning. Looking at the entire Huangling City, even if all the forces unite, it may be difficult to stop the expansion of the Wang family.

When seeing the ancestor of the Wang family appear, those patriarchs from all major forces all frowned involuntarily, silently planning in their hearts, planning how to deal with it in the future.

But no one is worried about the troubles facing the Wang family anymore. In their view, even the Supreme God has appeared, so can't they solve a main god? Even if Du Yuesheng is against the sky, how much trouble can he cause in front of a supreme god?

The result of this turmoil seems to have settled in the hearts of these people.

"It's a pity, if the patriarch of the Wang family hadn't stepped into the realm of the Supreme God, maybe Du Yuesheng could really bring a lot of trouble to the Wang family."

Lan Yutian, the lord of Huangling City, smiled and whispered to his daughter next to him.

Lan Ling'er heard the words, but didn't react much, her cold and beautiful eyes stared at Du Yuesheng closely, as if she didn't agree with her father's point of view.

As the person who was in the underground palace that day, she knew very well that Du Yuesheng was on par with the Hei Tianmo who was comparable to the Supreme God!

Even, to a large extent, Du Yuesheng had the upper hand!

Could it be that an ancestor of the Wang family can change the situation of the Wang family?

Lan Ling'er didn't think so in her heart, she even felt that the Wang family might be in danger this time.

"Junior, you are very courageous."

The patriarch of the Wang family stood in the void with his hands behind his back, looking down at Du Yuesheng below, with a hint of detachment in his tone, as if he didn't take him seriously at all.

However, this ancestor of the Wang family is really a strange person. Although his voice is old, he has a childlike face and a hefty hair.

It seems that there are several times of immortality.

"well enough."

Du Yuesheng said expressionlessly, his expression was indifferent, he didn't seem to be surprised by the appearance of the ancestor of the Wang family, he still looked so indifferent.

"You are calm, hum!"

The patriarch of the Wang family was quite surprised to see that this kid was not afraid of him at all, but he didn't take it to heart.

How could a mere guy in the God Realm threaten him, "You step back first."

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