The Most Violent Upgrade

Chapter 1766 The whole family perished

This sword looks so ordinary, but it is so amazing.

In the horrified eyes, this sword was like a divine rainbow piercing the sky, just passing silently.

The avenue is simple, the epee has no front, and the immortal does not work.

Du Yuesheng's sword seems to confirm this supreme truth, there are no fancy tricks, some are just plain swords, but it is this sword that cuts out a chilling intent, crazy and cold, All around is a vast expanse of whiteness.

He couldn't see anything, but if he listened carefully, he might be able to feel the fierce sword energy raging wildly, as if nothing could stop the sharpness of the sword.


After the sword qi passed, people slowly recovered their sights. At this time, people were shocked to find that in their eyes, the ancestor of the Wang family, who was once so powerful and unmatched, looked so embarrassed.

Blood was continuously flowing from his whole body, falling drop by drop, and in less than a moment, most of the ground was stained red. His face was pale without a trace of blood, and he was very weak. At this time, the ancestor of the Wang family looked like All of a sudden, I am hundreds of years old.

On the contrary, Du Yuesheng was opposite him. Du Yuesheng was holding a sword in one hand, standing with his hands behind his back, with an indifferent look on his face.

" is this possible?"

The monks in the field were too surprised to speak.

At this moment, their world view was completely overturned, and their previous cognition was overturned! Du Yuesheng, who was clearly doomed to die, stood there perfectly. On the contrary, the patriarch of the Wang family, who was supposed to be strong and invincible, looked so fragile and embarrassed!

"Who is this Du Yuesheng?"

Lan Yutian slowly closed his eyes, even he felt inconceivable about what happened, and it was difficult to accept this fact for a while. Beside him, Lan Ling'er stared at the void with the same complicated expression, and that voice looking down at the world made her feel quite uncomfortable.

"Yes, Du Yuesheng, who are you?"

In a horrified gaze, the patriarch of the Wang family coughed up blood from his mouth again, even mixed with some internal organs. He braced his body, stood up slowly, and looked at Du Yuesheng. Bloodshot, he became a little crazy, with white hair flying wildly like a demon god.

"Damn... No one has made this old man so embarrassed for so many years!" The tone of the ancestor of the Wang family became extremely serious. He slowly raised his head and looked at Du Yuesheng, his eyes were full of crazy killing intent, piercing In the process, his expression became extremely ferocious.

"You forced me to do this!"

Wang Tianzhong looked like he was insane. He had practiced so far, and he didn't know the years, but this was the first time he was so embarrassed in the hands of a junior, let alone a junior who only had the main god realm! This made him feel an indescribable aggrieved heart, and in the end this aggrieved completely turned into endless anger.

"I'm going to kill you!"

The patriarch of the Wang family let out a hysterical roar. This roar seemed to come from a prehistoric beast, which made people feel frightened. The waves of sound formed terrifying shock waves, which continuously oscillated towards the place where Du Yuesheng was.

But Du Yuesheng in the field was unmoved, he stood there as if nothing had happened, letting the strong wind blow, only his clothes fluttered, but he didn't feel any discomfort.

On the contrary, he was behind him, and the hall shrouded in the light curtain seemed to be unable to withstand such a terrible impact any longer. After a few cracks appeared, it exploded completely, falling to the ground in pieces.

"not good!"

At the same time that cracks appeared in the light curtain, Lan Yutian had already reacted, his face changed, he waved his big hand, and carried his daughter to the sky, trying to avoid the terrible sound wave impact.

Although he reacted quickly enough, facing the anger and roar of the Supreme God, even his face changed and he coughed up blood.

The monks in the field, when Lan Yutian fled, they all reacted and retreated one after another. However, except for those who were deeply cultivated and suffered a little injury, many monks were seriously injured by the impact of the sound waves. Some even exploded into a cloud of blood mist.

Just like Mrs. Wang, she didn't react to anything, and under the terrible sound wave, she exploded into a cloud of blood mist, leaving only a few pieces of clothes. In the end, she couldn't figure out why she died in her own home. In the hands of the ancestors.

Perhaps, among these people, only the thousand-faced Taoist with the most profound cultivation could escape unharmed.

The gorgeous and bright hall was blown into ruins in an instant.

"Break the sky, lore array!"

The Wang family patriarch who was completely insane, his whole face was distorted due to anger, he looked so hideous and terrifying, he kept waving the spear in his hand, and in an instant, he formed a terrifying killing formation in front of Du Yuesheng.

When the big formation was in motion, a frightening fluctuation slowly rippled around with the rotation of the big formation. Even Taoist Qianmian couldn't bear the destructive aura. Zhu's face changed, turned into a streamer, and fled to the distance without looking back.

The power of the lore-killing formation, even a strong man in the realm of Taoist Thousand Faces, would not dare to face its power.

"Ah! It's all because of you! I'm going to kill you!"

The patriarch of the Wang family was completely insane. He watched the Wang family, which he had painstakingly managed for most of his life, become a complete ruin in his hands. He saw the descendants of the Wang family turned into blood mist under this terrifying formation. .

The shrill screams before death pierced his heart like needles.

Although the Wang family was destroyed by himself, the patriarch of the Wang family still believed that all of this was because of Du Yuesheng. Without this guy, he would not have become so crazy, nor would he have been able to operate the building that claims to be able to burn millions of lives. The lore array!

Looking at the mad ancestor of the Wang family in front of him, Du Yuesheng shook his head imperceptibly. His expression was also indifferent, as if he didn't feel any sympathy for the loss of life caused by this battle.

The lives of the Wang family are valuable, and they are nothing compared to a Bai Xiaoling!

Even if you kill tens of millions, you can't get back a Bai Xiaoling!

At this moment, black flames surged in Du Yuesheng's eyes, and an insane killing intent emerged from his pitch-black eyes. Every time he thought of Bai Xiaoling, he would have a burst of anger that could burn the sky!

Your anger has been vented, but who will bear my anger?

Du Yuesheng's eyes became extremely gloomy and cold. In his hands, the Immortal Jade Sword burst into dazzling light, turning into a ray of light that soared into the sky, and finally landed in the center of a formation that was raging with sword energy everywhere.

"Execution Immortal Formation, strangle!"

At this moment, Du Yuesheng showed no mercy.

This world is immersed in a chill.

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