The Most Violent Upgrade

Chapter 1783 Ancient Zhu Yan

That big guy in the abyss seemed to be disturbed by someone's dream, and it roared more than a dozen times in a row before it stopped. Fortunately, its whole body was locked and could not move, otherwise it might cause a great disaster.

That roar was shocking, extremely terrifying, and full of aura of destruction. When it subsided, most of the surrounding valleys were turned into flat ground. Bai Xiaoling turned pale with fright at this scene.

"What the hell is that?"

Bai Xiaoling only patted his chest, even though Du Yuesheng stood in front of him and withstood all the impact.

But the momentum still made her feel scared for a while. She had no doubt that if Du Yuesheng hadn't stood in front of her, she probably wouldn't be in this world anymore.

At that moment, even though she was hiding in the light curtain, she could still feel the terrifying aura beneath the sound waves.

Du Yuesheng remained silent, and he frowned. Even he felt suppressed by the aura released by that guy in the darkness just now, which is enough to prove that that guy is at least the existence of the peak of the Supreme God.

Facing this kind of opponent, even with Zhu Xianjian in hand, Du Yuesheng couldn't guarantee that he could kill him 100%.

It can be said that the big guy in the abyss is the most tyrannical and also the most difficult existence among the opponents Du Yuesheng has encountered since he came to the realm of death. This made Du Yuesheng a little apprehensive, but also a little excited.

After all, with his current terrifying combat power, it is very rare to meet an opponent who can really face up to him.

"Hmph! Let me go!"

These thick smogs are very eye-catching, and Du Yuesheng felt that these smogs seemed to contain a trace of poisonous gas. If he inhaled too much, it would be harmful to the human body. Haze dispelled.

When the smog dissipated, the appearance of this abyss was finally revealed. After seeing it clearly, Du Yuesheng discovered that this place was really split open by someone else's sword, because in the midair, there was a knife sticking out. A stone sword of silvery white color.


Amidst the mighty roar, Du Yuesheng and the others finally saw clearly the guy trapped at the bottom of the abyss.

It turned out to be an extremely huge white giant ape, with many scars on its body, which seemed to have healed after a long time, but still left shocking scars.

The size of this giant ape is as high as one thousand feet, about one-third of the height of the entire snow peak. Its head is as big as a cow, its eyes are like roulette wheels, its white head is barefoot, and its red eyes have a terrifying aura. let go.



The white giant ape struggled crazily, its eyes showed a terrifying murderous intent, as if it wanted to kill the two guys who disturbed its slumber.

During its frantic struggle, the ground trembled, and even the two snow peaks seemed to be trembling, with rocks constantly rolling down.

While the white ape was struggling, a sapphire collar was worn on its neck, emitting a green divine light. Every time the light came on, it seemed to make the white ape feel a burst of pain.

And the iron chains that locked his body also shone with a silvery white light when he was struggling, making his expression even more painful.

It didn't take long for the white giant ape to calm down, but it looked at Du Yuesheng and the two with terrifying killing intent in its eyes, as if it wanted to swallow the two of them as blood food.

"This, is this a soul beast? It's scary..."

Bai Xiaoling's face turned pale with fright, looking at the gigantic ape in front of her, she almost thought she was going to be eaten by it, and she still feels terrified to this day.

"No, this is a real beast." Du Yuesheng looked at the white giant ape solemnly, and explained, "It is still alive, not a dead soul beast, but trapped here by people."

"Hmph, trapping a fierce beast at the peak of the Supreme God here is really a big deal."

After explaining, Du Yuesheng suddenly sneered to himself.

"To, the peak of the Supreme God?!"

Bai Xiaoling opened his mouth wide open, what kind of concept is the peak of the Supreme God?

In her understanding, it is the top and most invincible existence in the world, it can almost run across the continent, even the eight major forces can't stop it.

She vaguely remembered that the master of the White Demon Palace was at the seventh level of the Supreme God, and he was already one of the strongest in the world. She had never seen a stronger existence than him, even those of the eight major forces who were hiding in the dark. I'm afraid it's not as good as the old monster.

But she actually met a white ape at the peak of the supreme god here?

At this time, Bai Xiaoling felt a little lucky, fortunately it was trapped, otherwise it's really hard to say whether they could get out of here today.

"Hmph, now that you know, why don't you kneel down and pay respects?" At this time, the white ape actually spoke up, and it was still uttering words, which surprised Bai Xiaoling, but then he thought that he was the most invincible existence in the world , I'm relieved, at this level, it doesn't seem to be a big deal to speak out, right?

"It's just a pet, what qualifications do you have to make me kneel down?"

For the arrogant tone of this white ape, Du Yuesheng felt very disdainful, not to mention that it is trapped at the moment, even standing in front of him, it is impossible for him to retreat half a step, after all, he is the emperor of heaven!


Du Yuesheng's words completely angered this white ape. What it hates most is being treated as a pet.

Those terrifying beast pupils were about to burst into flames, and he let out a series of terrifying roars, creating a world-ending storm, but it didn't hurt Du Yuesheng at all.

"Humble ants! When I see the light of day again, I will definitely eat your flesh and blood!"

The white giant ape finally said viciously, there was a terrifying killing intent in its eyes, but it was still suppressed by it, after all, it was already trapped here, and Du Yuesheng couldn't do anything about it.

Hearing the threat from the white ape, Bai Xiaoling couldn't help shivering, but after thinking about it, she felt relieved. She mustered up her courage, took a step forward, and shouted: " Hey monkey, why are you stuck here?"

The corner of the white ape's mouth twitched slightly when he heard that, it was an ancient beast, Zhu Yan, and it was actually taken as a monkey by a little girl?

It wanted to have an attack, and even opened its mouth to eat the little girl, but seeing Du Yuesheng who was guarding beside her, it still stopped the urge.

"I am not a monkey, this king is the ancient Zhu Yan!"

After being silent for a long time, perhaps unable to bear it anymore, Bai Yuan actually spoke by himself.

"Oh, ok, I see, monkey, you haven't answered my question yet?"

The corner of Zhu Yan's mouth twitched again, a murderous light was about to erupt from its eyes.

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