The Most Violent Upgrade

Chapter 1805 Siege of the Eight Sects

"Feel if there is any strange place nearby." Du Yuesheng looked at Bai Xiaoling, although his strength was already invincible in the realm of the main god, but he was still a little weak in the mysterious power.

I saw that Bai Xiaoling's body was a little pale in the air less than ten meters away, and his body could not go any further.

"Come down, it seems that the rumors in the Qinghong Mountain Range are all true." Du Yuesheng's mouth moved slightly.

Even Bai Xiaoling's destiny was suppressed here.

A ferocious beast with eyes glowing with coquettish fire quietly crawled and crouched in the woods behind Du Yuesheng and Bai Xiaoling. For some reason, the air suddenly became silent, only the chirping of unknown insects remained.

Du Yuesheng couldn't help feeling the danger. The most powerful monster in Qinghong Mountains is the poisonous dragon, whose strength is only at the early stage of the main god. With its own terrifying poison, even the strongest of the main gods have to retreat three feet.


A group of black poisonous swords shot out from the jungle. The poisonous dragon was sinister and cunning. This poisonous sword was shot from Du Yuesheng's back. The poisonous dragon already had the wisdom to approach people, and the eyes of the poisonous dragon were shining with excitement.

Just when the poisonous sword was about to attack Du Yuesheng silently, Du Yuesheng's figure gradually disappeared in place, and the poisonous sword stabbed in the air.

There was a stinging, stinging, corrosive sound on the empty land, and a foul smell came from the red and fresh land.


Through the woods, Du Yuesheng saw sharp and long horns on his forehead, and a bulging poison sac under his mouth. His aura was around the main god. It was obviously a poisonous dragon.


A piercing cry came from the mouth of the poisonous dragon, and the poisonous dragon jumped into the air from the ground.

The piercing cry of the poisonous dragon can make people confused for a short period of time. Du Yuesheng looked at the poisonous dragon with a very calm expression, while Bai Xiaoling looked cold and a terrifying breath burst out from her body.

"The Body of Destiny is finally about to erupt." The poisonous dragon is nothing more than a trivial matter to Bai Xiaoling, and today it is good to see how he has absorbed many holy veins and immortal veins.

Bai Xiaoling's body erupted with brilliant light, and the seven-colored light directly surrounded her, and a seven-colored chain stretched out from Bai Xiaoling's hand.

The power erupting from the iron chain made Du Yuesheng feel a little startled. This kind of power was indeed astonishing. Du Yuesheng moved his body and stood aside, looking at Bai Xiaoling intently.

The poisonous dragon rushed directly towards Bai Xiaoling, and slapped down on Bai Xiaoling with its sharp giant claws. Bai Xiaoling's eyes were dazzling, and with a cold shout, he threw the iron chain wrapped in his hand at the poisonous dragon.

With a flick of the iron chain, the poisonous dragon didn't even utter a scream, and it directly became two halves in the air. The remaining power permeated the iron chain and directly ground the poisonous dragon into powder. Talking about what happened just now.

"This is the Chain of Destiny that I've awakened. Look how powerful it is." Bai Xiaoling's strength has been improved by more than one grade. When the chain is thrown out, a monster in the main god realm dies in her arms. hands.

"Fantastic, my Bai Xiaoling is just amazing." A smile appeared on Du Yuesheng's handsome face, and he stroked Bai Xiaoling's hair affectionately with his hands, and Bai Xiaoling also grew up.

"We have to save my father as soon as possible. He is in a very critical situation." Bai Xiaoling looked at Du Yuesheng worriedly, and Du Yuesheng could see the tension in his eyes.

"Don't worry, you don't know my strength, don't worry if I can rescue your father." Du Yuesheng looked at the blue sky in the distance.

Du Yuesheng and Bai Xiaoling shuttled in the Qinghong Mountain Range, no matter what kind of monsters they encountered, they were directly crushed by Bai Xiaoling's destiny chains, and Bai Xiaoling became more proficient in using his talents.

"Crossing the mountain range in front is the scope of the White Demon Palace." Du Yuesheng looked at the wide and deep mountain range in front of him. The mountain range was lying on the ground like a sleeping dragon, and the Qinglong Mountain Range was next to the Qinghong Mountain Range.

This mountain range has been occupied by the Phantom Sect all year round, and the strong immortal energy in it makes people practice faster.

Du Yuesheng released his divine thoughts. In his spiritual thoughts, there were only a few people guarding the Qinglong Mountains in front. It didn't look very strict, but these guards were all masters of the main god.

The conversation between the two gradually reached Du Yuesheng's ears, and their words made Du Yuesheng's face suddenly turn cold.

"This time, the White Demon Palace is about to end. It is a delusion to reverse the holy river and destroy the nearby sects. This time, the eight sects join forces. It is useless for the White Demon Palace to have the Supreme." Ye Lian's face was full of excitement, but What makes him regret is that he was not able to personally participate in the plan organized by the sect this time.

"Okay, guarding the Qinglong Mountain Range is heavy work. Although no one has come to provoke us since the Qinglong Mountain Range was occupied by us, it is considered easy." Another disciple sat on the ground leisurely.


The leaves moved slightly, and the two disciples stood up from the ground, looked around sternly, and took out the weapons in their hands. As the main gods, their vigilance was still good.

Du Yuesheng strode forward from below, the powerful aura on his body made the hearts of the two Demon Shadow Sect disciples tremble.

"The coercion of this man in front of me is too strong." The two disciples couldn't help swallowing deeply, trying to relieve the tense atmosphere in their hearts.

"Nonsense, I don't want to listen to the second side. Give me all your plans to attack the White Demon Palace, or you will know the consequences." Du Yuesheng looked at them with a strong murderous look in his eyes, and he took out the Zhuxian Sword.

Ye Lian looked at the young man in front of him, but his cultivation base was really terrifying. He nervously wiped the cold sweat from his forehead, and he had to sigh, even if it was the main god's cultivation base, there was still a huge gap. big.

Then Ye Lian took a step forward. As the saying goes, those who know current affairs are Junjie. For his own life, he thinks it's better to tell what he knows.

"The specific situation is like this. The eight major sects gathered a large number of master gods yesterday, and dozens of supreme masters went to attack the White Demon Palace. I am afraid that the mountain guard formation of the White Demon Palace has been broken. .” Ye Lian glanced at the man in front of him when he said this.

He continued: "Could it be that the young master is also here to participate in this peerless battle? Could it be that he also has hatred with the White Demon Palace?"

An afterimage flashed past, Du Yuesheng looked at the two disciples of the Demon Shadow Sect who were lying on the ground with a livid face, jumped up and hurried towards the White Demon Palace.

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