The Most Violent Upgrade

Chapter 1807 The old man was injured

A wry smile appeared on his resolute face. He clearly knew that the White Demon Palace could not withstand the attacks of so many supreme gods, and it was already the limit to be able to withstand the attacks of so many supreme gods.

"Sect Master, I have asked the disciples of the Master to pack up their things." Bai Xin looked at the suzerain, feeling very uncomfortable.

"Let them go."

Under the arrangement of the various elders, many disciples left one after another from the secret passage of the White Demon Palace, which can be regarded as leaving many seeds of life when the White Demon Palace perished.


In the blue sky, the setting sun gradually sank, and a ball of light full of extreme destructive aura slowly formed in the formation.

The disciples of the main god cultivation level below directly soared into the air, and ran frantically towards the periphery of the mountain range. If this ball of light came down, the entire White Demon Palace might disappear.

"Here we come." Daoist Baiyang looked at the extremely dense energy above, and the fighting spirit in his body also burst out.

More than a dozen Supreme Gods roared in unison, and the group in the formation brought the terrifying energy of more than a dozen Supreme Gods to rush towards the White Devil Palace below, and the dense spiritual power in the air quickly moved towards the air. The group of energy balls gathered in the past, this situation shocked the heart of the supreme god behind.

The energy ball touched the five-element formation, and rubbed against each other to consume it. The five-element formation was able to withstand the full blows of more than a dozen supreme gods before, but now the energy supported by the five-element formation does not know whether it can be executed. Terrifying energy.

At this time, there was a click on the five-element formation, and then a huge mushroom cloud rose from the sky, and a strong shock wave erupted, and the surrounding trees and mountains were turned into powder under the impact of this terrifying energy .

"Fortunately, I ran fast. It's really terrifying. Is this the combined power of the supreme gods?"


Many disciples in the realm of the main god looked in the direction of the White Demon Palace. They wanted to see if the White Demon Palace could survive under such an attack. They knew that the White Demon Palace, the overlord of a generation, was about to perish again.


The blow of the Supreme God United was terrifying, and it directly triggered at least dozens of storms. The trees within hundreds of miles were hit by the strong wind, and they rose directly from the ground. Many innocent villagers disappeared in the storm.

Du Yuesheng and Bai Xiaoling were flying rapidly in the air. In Du Yuesheng's perception, a terrifying storm came from a distance, and gradually turned into a strong wind in the air. This wind was very powerful, and there was faintly The power of the Supreme God.

Sensing this energy, Du Yuesheng's complexion changed drastically, and he simply put up a protective shield. With a movement of his body, he led Bai Xiaoling towards the White Demon Palace. Something must have happened to the White Demon Palace. The expression on Bai Xiaoling's face Also changed.

"Hurry up, hurry up, this speed is not enough."

Du Yuesheng's power exploded, and the speed of his body vaguely touched the state of subtlety in an instant. Du Yuesheng and Bai Xiaoling directly entered the interlayer of space, and Du Yuesheng and Bai Xiaoling directly crossed the limitation of space. This kind of state of subtlety is very good Someone can come in.

It is almost a mess here in the White Demon Palace. The Daoist of Baiyang looked at the supreme gods of the eight sects in front of him, and his heart sank. The power of the five-element formation is still okay, and it directly blocks most of the power. Otherwise, even the Daoist of Baiyang Under this force, they will all be reduced to ashes.

"Daoist Baiyang never thought that such a day would come."

The supreme gods of the eight major sects descended from the sky with overwhelming fighting intent, especially the supreme god in Tianyao Valley looked at Daoist Baiyang with murderous intent. Even more powerful.

"If you want to kill it, kill it. I, Daoist Baiyang, will not explain." After the plan to automatically reverse the holy river failed, he knew that this scene would eventually come.

"Hmph, then let me meet you." Tian Yaozun, the supreme god, disappeared in place with a thought, and attacked Daoist Baiyang with a flat punch.

"I guess Daoist Baiyang couldn't hold on to the five moves at all."

"Five moves, no matter how many moves he can stick to, he will die today."

Daoist Baiyang's complexion changed, his eyes flashed, and the Heavenly Demon Palm raised his hand to slap Tianyaozun. This palm contained all the power in Daoist Baiyang's body. The attack of the palm is very powerful, but after entering the previous battle, Baiyang Daoist's state of mind has been slightly broken.


The coquettish flame took advantage of the opportunity and directly pressed into his hand from the hand of the Heavenly Demon Supreme God. This flame directly entered the body of Daoist Baiyang, and the flame was very domineering and devastated the body of Daoist Baiyang.

Daoist Baiyang let out a scream, his originally pale skin was now like a piece of red iron, Daoist Baiyang burst into pieces under one blow, and the blood flowed continuously.

"Jie Jie Jie."

"We will accept your White Demon Palace with a smile, and now you can die with peace of mind." The terrifying coercion on the Supreme God of the Sky Demon Sect invaded the Baiyang Daoist who was half kneeling on the ground.

The tendons and veins were broken, and even the cultivated dantian turned into nothingness under this strange demon fire, and Daoist Baiyang's eyes turned ashen.

"Heavenly Demon Slash."

The invincible knife mark cut down from the air, and the knife mark slowly magnified in Baiyang Daoist's eyes. He slowly avoided his eyes and accepted the final death. He no longer had any expectations.


A dull sound rang from his ears, he opened his eyes slightly, and found a figure standing in front of his eyes, and took the knife mark with one hand.

Du Yuesheng exhaled nervously, fortunately he was not late.

He hurriedly walked to Daoist Baiyang's side, and used his spiritual power to carefully examine the physical condition of Daoist Baiyang. His meridians were all destroyed, and his dantian was also destroyed.

"Can the system replace the elixir to heal Baiyang Daoist's injury?"

Du Yuesheng looked at Bai Xiaoling, who was full of tears, and cried very sadly towards Daoist Bai Yang.

After systematic questioning, Du Yuesheng sighed deeply, feeling very helpless with this injury system of Daoist Baiyang.

Du Yuesheng couldn't bear to see Bai Xiaoling in pain, when he continued to ask, the system was silent.

Then he checked the system to see if there were any pills that could temporarily suppress the injury, such as the Heaven Returning Pill, Ningshen Pill, Tianshan Snow Lotus...

From the system, he exchanged for a Holy Heaven Pill that temporarily suppressed the injury.

After Bai Yang Daoist swallowed the elixir, he took a deep look at Du Yuesheng and sighed.

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