The Most Violent Upgrade

Chapter 1822 Monster breaking

Du Yuesheng stepped forward, and he and Bai Xiaoling directly entered a huge arena. Two six-headed monsters with the power of the Supreme God, each of these two monsters had six lives, this is a desperate thing.

"This is the legendary six-headed beast. It has almost disappeared on the mainland. I didn't expect to meet it here."

Du Yuesheng was relieved, this place was a secret place arranged by Martial Ancestor, so it was understandable to come here.


The monster beast on the opposite side roared in a low voice, and the monster beast with square eyes was very excited after seeing Du Yuesheng's little Bai Ling. There is a word in my mind, as long as the two people in front of me are killed, they can go out.


A monster slapped the ground fiercely, and suddenly a huge pit appeared, endless monster energy burst out from its body, and all the *qi accumulated for tens of thousands of years burst out at this moment .

The hair on Du Yuesheng and Bai Xiaoling's body was blown flowing, "Animals are animals." Du Yuesheng has no pressure to deal with these monsters, as long as he is an invincible existence among the Supreme Gods.


Du Yuesheng snorted coldly, and his body suddenly disappeared in place. A spray of blood streaked across the forehead of a six-headed monster. The six monsters lay heavily on the ground, making people look like Very miserable.


Another monster came to bite Du Yuesheng, its huge body was extremely shocking.


"What it is."

Many people looked at the sky above in horror and said in horror, a half body fell in the air, these are just ordinary people shouting, when some master gods with cultivation base saw this magical monster above , vaguely felt that the spiritual energy between the heaven and the earth was frantically gathering towards it.

"The strength of this monster has already reached the realm of the Supreme God."

This sentence speaks out the hearts of all cultivators, and many people who are masters of gods directly rise from the ground. They must tell the news to the Zhang elders in the sect, hoping that they can make a decision as soon as possible.

"Soon, soon." The devil looked at Du Yuesheng fighting in the nine-story tower, and he became a little anxious, because Du Yuesheng's action has exceeded his prediction, because Du Yuesheng's speed is really too fast , the performance is not the same as the general Supreme God.

"As long as it takes half a day, the exotic monsters can come down."

This monster is the monster that was sealed by the Martial Ancestor back then. Now the Demon Lord must unseal this thing, then control it, and finally enter the tomb of the Martial Ancestor to plunder all the resources. Break through the limitations of heaven and earth earlier.

Du Yuesheng is now on the sixth floor. The previous several levels were all about fighting, which was a piece of cake for Du Yuesheng. Now this level made Du Yuesheng frowned. This time it was about spiritual thoughts For things, use simple props to put together all the broken things in front of you.

There are densely packed things of unknown materials, and the combination of each piece will take a lot of time and brainpower for Du Yuesheng. Du Yuesheng directly bought various pills and spliced ​​them together frantically, and the uneasy atmosphere became more and more serious. , now is to go to the ninth floor as soon as possible, and arrive at the tomb of Wu Zu as soon as possible.

Both of them are buying time for themselves to see who can complete their plan earlier.

Time passed by little by little, and the sunset slowly set, one hour, two hours, three hours.

At the devil's place, he laughed loudly, and when the last trace of energy on the altar fell into the world, the whole world clicked, and the huge green monster jumped down from the sky with a cry. During the huff and puff, it directly absorbed the spiritual energy around it.


With its loud roar, the hill not far away exploded directly, which shows how powerful its random roar is. When the green goblin was about to vent, its body trembled, and it directly turned into a green streak. The light disappeared between the sky and the earth.

"After a long time of sealing, the strength of this exotic monster has dropped a lot, and it is vaguely at the level of not being able to produce much with me." If this monster exceeds his strength, it will not be so easy to control.

Under his control, this monster turned into an ugly man, but his strength is enough to shock the sky, so I have to say that his strength is still acceptable.

"It can be merged." The demon lord looked at his other avatar and said, the other figure took a deep breath, the two figures slowly merged together, the demon lord's eyes flashed, The aura of the body has directly reached the peak level.

"Finally this day has come, Martial Ancestor, here I come."


"Finally reached the ninth floor." The battle just now was really too uncomfortable. The ten monsters with six lives almost made Du Yuesheng feel sick. The bloodstains were washed clean, and then strode up the stairs to the ninth floor.

A fresh breath came over the surface, a dazzling clean crystal was suspended on the middle pillar, Du Yuesheng looked around and there was nothing strange, the space here is very large, surrounded by a square made of rocks, the road The pillars are rooted in the center of the square.

"Brother Du Yuesheng, we can finally enter the tomb of Martial Ancestor."

Bai Xiaoling also felt happy for Du Yuesheng, just now Du Yuesheng had gone through a lot to reach this level.

A layer of non-chemical mental fluctuations was scanned from the pillar in front of him, and Du Yuesheng's body was actually imprisoned, which made Du Yuesheng's expression horrified.

"The scan is over, the review is passed, and it is forbidden to open."

After the sound, the confinement on Du Yuesheng's body also disappeared, and the cover on the pillar in front of him also disappeared, which made Du Yuesheng sigh with ease, hoping that no accidents would happen at the critical moment.

Du Yuesheng strode towards the pillar in the middle of the square and ran quickly. Just when Du Yuesheng was about to catch the pillar, a big hand suddenly invaded from the space and patted him heavily. Du Yuesheng was afraid to avoid it Immediately, he was shot and flew out.


Du Yuesheng felt that his internal organs trembled and bled, and he couldn't help but spit out a mouthful of blood.

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