The Most Violent Upgrade

Chapter 1827 War Fortress

Du Yuesheng's spiritual thoughts radiated out, he didn't feel anything about the breath of life from here, there were no living things in the palace, they were all dead things, Du Yuesheng led Bai Xiaoling towards the palace with big strides.

The sculpture of Martial Ancestor was just in his prime, he was dressed in a white robe, with brilliance flowing between his brows and eyes, and the carving was so exquisite that he didn't look like a dead thing at all.

The entire room was empty, only this sculpture existed here. If this sculpture was not a treasure, Du Yuesheng would be the first to believe it. The most valuable thing in the tomb of Wu Zu belonged to this sculpture.

Gently placing a hand on the statue of Martial Ancestor, Du Yuesheng was excited. He had gone through a lot of things for this Martial Ancestor's treasure, and now it finally has a result.

All of a sudden, the sculpture of Martial Ancestor was brilliant, and Du Yuesheng found that he couldn't move his whole body. Du Yuesheng frowned, and his palm couldn't be pulled out from above. The eyes of the sculpture of Martial Ancestor flashed, and a golden light entered Du Yuesheng's consciousness in the blink of an eye. middle.

Bai Xiaoling's face couldn't help becoming anxious, when a sword condensed with spiritual energy in his hand was about to strike at the sculpture of Martial Ancestor, a hand stopped her action, Bai Xiaoling turned his head and saw that it was the task summoned by Du Yuesheng Sun Wukong.

"What do you mean?" Bai Xiaoling looked at Du Yuesheng worriedly, killing intent burst out from her body, no one could stop her from saving Du Yuesheng.

"Sorry, I'm afraid you misunderstood. I am a character summoned by the Emperor of Heaven, so I must have absolute loyalty. I can feel that the Emperor of Heaven is absorbing the energy in it, and I have not encountered any danger."

Sun Wukong knew it from the golden light in the eyes of the Wuzu sculpture.

So he directly intercepted Bai Xiaoling. Once the statue of the Martial Ancestor was damaged, the host would probably suffer a severe backlash. Bai Xiaoling looked at Du Yuesheng who was motionless, and just hoped that Du Yuesheng would be fine.

Du Yuesheng entered the boundless and vast world, the infinitely bright starry sky, just as Du Yuesheng was thinking about how to get out, the screen turned over, and the shadow of a young boy appeared in front of him.

"This is Martial Ancestor."

The young man held an ordinary wooden sword and swung it in the open space on the ground. Du Yuesheng was watching the young man's sword skills with the third consciousness. First of all, the young man's sword skills were still very unfamiliar.

When the random screen changed, the boy stepped into the nearby mountains and began to fight with some fierce monsters. Du Yuesheng witnessed the life of the martial ancestor practicing swordsmanship, fighting with people in the high mountains, and practicing in the boundless snow. Swordsmanship.

A mysterious feeling slowly rose from Du Yuesheng's heart, and he gradually had a deeper understanding of swordsmanship. The next moment, the young man had become the most powerful overlord in the mainland, and he fought against the sky with one sword and one man, endlessly. Even the Thunder Tribulation couldn't stop his pace, the ferocity was fully displayed on Martial Ancestor's body.

In the end, Du Yuesheng saw that after Wu Zu broke through the thunder tribulation, he disappeared into the world. He sincerely lamented that Wu Zu was really a martial arts genius, and of course his hard work was not lacking.

"Congratulations to the player who has learned the Sword Art of Zhantian. Since it is of the same lineage as the Sword Art of Jade Immortals, it is directly fused into the Sword Art of Zhantian."

Du Yuesheng was stunned by the sound of the system. He never thought that it would be fine to learn the Zhantian swordsmanship, and it would also be fused with the Zhuxian swordsmanship to become the Tianzhu swordsmanship.

Heaven-killing swordsmanship: As the host comprehends the fusion of the purest heaven-slashing swordsmanship and the Zhuxian swordsmanship of a generation of overlord martial ancestors, it cuts everything, and the sky collapses and the earth shatters when it is swung, and all the vegetation in the world can be a sword.

"That's right. I'm going to try the power of this sword technique when I get out. In his opinion, the Zhuxian sword technique is already very strong. Now that it's merged, it probably won't disappoint me."

After Du Yuesheng received the confidence from below, his heart started beating thumpingly.

It turns out that the whole castle here is a magic weapon of war, the simple and rude name of the war fortress, after Du Yuesheng received all the information from Martial Ancestor, the method of controlling this battle fortress also naturally entered the depths of Du Yuesheng's mind.

"The War Fortress is a fort built by Martial Ancestor himself. It can accommodate tens of millions of people. Every part of the War Fortress is made of high-grade material crystals, and every part is wrapped with formations." Du Yuesheng whispered softly. Well, with the War Fortress, the strength of the White Demon Palace may be improved by an unknown amount.

According to the control method, Du Yuesheng first came to the central control room of the War Fortress. Under his control, the spiritual power in his body formed a complex and mysterious imprint. Du Yuesheng cut a small cut from his finger, and a drop of blood melted into the in.

The imprint was instantly stained red with blood. When the imprint fell, Du Yuesheng found that he had a slight connection with this war fortress. The war fortress was like another body of his own, and he could move wherever he wanted.

After Du Yuesheng's various investigations, it was found that this war fortress was trivial to deal with people below the Supreme Realm, but it was completely able to draw a tie against the master, as long as it had enough energy, it could also be beaten by a dozen.

After Du Yuesheng absorbed the essence of the Martial Ancestor sculpture, it gradually turned into a ball of powder, and disappeared after a sigh reverberated in the castle.

Du Yuesheng searched the entire castle and found nothing else. At this moment, he found a golden imprint in his mind, which was very similar to the previous imprint.

After he penetrated into it with his own consciousness, he realized that this is the space node to enter the Martial Ancestor's secret realm, and it is precisely the key to enter.

That means that Du Yuesheng can come in whenever he wants.

"Ding, the final stage of the ultimate mission in the domain of death has begun. After collecting the tomb of the martial ancestor, the White Demon Palace will become the number one overlord in the domain of death, and the entire domain of death will be recovered."

"Mission reward: Obtain the blood of Pangu, and obtain the Baguio Permanent Summoning Card, one of the three nights of the ancient prehistoric times."

Du Yuesheng was stunned by this award, it was so luxurious, it was very powerful in ancient times, after all, this was the era of prehistoric times.

But Du Yuesheng also murmured in his heart, the task given by the system is absolutely impossible to be so simple, after all, these three rewards are too rich, maybe there will be other things hidden in it.

"It doesn't matter, it's time to take a step and take a look."

When Du Yuesheng thought of the entire Martial Ancestor Secret Realm, his heart suddenly became hot. With the support of the huge resources in the Martial Ancestor Secret Realm, and what sects he could not conquer in this war fortress, he felt This task is the same as the benefits given to him by the system.

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