The Most Violent Upgrade

Chapter 1850 Earth

To say that Du Yuesheng has the ability to move mountains to fill seas and destroy the world, but there are laws between the world and the earth. If you want to break the rules of a world, you will naturally have to pay a corresponding price.

Unless one day, he can control the rules of this world.

Just like Night God and Yichen Wushen in the Realm of Death, they already have a certain degree of control over the rules.

It's just the superficiality of talent. It's not an exaggeration to say that the existence of Daozu Hongjun can see through countless rules.

Du Yuesheng came to this cave firstly to satisfy his curiosity, and secondly because after seeing so many things, he can be sure that there will be some treasures here.

As for whether it is what he needs, those are not important compared to curiosity.

At least there is a small world beyond the domain of death outside, that is another harvest entirely.

After all, a teleportation array that can be teleported to another world is a big treasure.

Du Yuesheng threw the shell into the space ring. Although the space ring was completely frozen soon, it is estimated that if you want to use this shell next time, you have to break the space ring.

But Du Yuesheng is still willing.

"It stinks."

This cave is full of accumulated bird carcasses. Those seabirds from the realm of death are all piled up on it. As time goes by, the meat will completely turn into bones in just a moment.

This is the essence and blood being absorbed again, Du Yuesheng secretly thought, and subconsciously moved away from the bone pile.

There are quite a few spirit stones near these white bones, but if it was just that, these birds would not come here in such a crazy way, there is nothing to attract them, and a world away, how could these birds come here.

Du Yuesheng circled around the pile of bones, and then his eyes stayed on one spot.

It was a white stone, like a beautiful woman's jade neck, white and smooth, one glance made one's mind confused, and Du Yuesheng had exactly the same idea in his mind.

I want to keep this thing as my own, and enjoy the feeling of playing.

Subconsciously took a step forward, Du Yuesheng woke up quickly. Immediately, his gaze became cold, a stone could actually give him such an illusion.

No wonder these birds would die, it turned out to be illusion and house-grabbing spells.

It is rare for this stone to have such a strange skill. All things in the world are primates, followed by animals, and finally mountains and rocks.

But once the mountain rock has transformed into spiritual wisdom, it will be far more powerful than ordinary people and animals.

I don't know what kind of opportunity the stone in front of me gave birth to spiritual wisdom.

"Let me break your spell first, and have fun with you." Du Yuesheng waved a sharp attack, and the attack was full of majestic energy, and it hit the stone.

In the cave, the attack actually made muffled thunder sounds, which were transmitted back and forth by the cave, making it even more terrifying.

The stone was very ingenious, it jumped up from the ground when it was about to be hit by Du Yuesheng.

After Du Yuesheng saw it, he laughed out loud. Although his attack looked terrifying, it was just to force the stone to show its original shape, and now the stone jumped out.

That appearance was extremely weird, so Du Yuesheng laughed out loud.

The stone has an extremely beautiful neck, but its head is only the size of an egg, and its two legs are ridiculously slender.

"Bold, you dare to attack me."

It even spoke human words, but the words were very unclear. Du Yuesheng was amused, and then saw that the two feet of the stone were constantly absorbing the vitality of the bone pile. it kills.

Originally, he still wanted to keep this thing, but at this moment, Du Yuesheng had a strange calculation in his heart.

"When you see this emperor, don't kneel down!"

It stretched out its slender arms, and Du Yuesheng just wanted to laugh, but found that as its arms pointed out, all the surrounding mountains and rocks turned into needlepoints and attacked towards him.

In this narrow cave, it turned into a Shura hell in an instant.

The needlepoints turned into rocks all shone with a gloomy light, and just looking at them made people feel very uncomfortable, as there was some kind of strange power on them.

That little stone egg, grinning, full of stone teeth, made people extremely annoying. Thinking that he wanted to take this thing away just now, Du Yuesheng became even more disgusted.

"I didn't expect people to seek death everywhere in life." Du Yuesheng calmed down, opened his arms, and then clenched his fists tightly.

With just a light grip, those sharp thorns that had grown wildly disappeared without a trace in the blink of an eye, without even a trace. On the top of Du Yuesheng's head, those rocks had completely disappeared.

Instead, it turned out to be a blue sky with a high moon hanging in the sky, and many plants around seemed familiar.

This blue sky has a feeling of earth.

Is it really the earth?

Don't mention how excited Du Yuesheng is. If it is really the earth, he can go home. The journey of cultivating immortality is endless. After such a long time, the earth still exists. I don't know what it has become now .

Du Yuesheng lost his patience, and stomped on the ground with both feet, all the rocks turned into powder one after another, fell and collapsed.

This kick was just that Du Yuesheng wanted to see the outside world clearly, and did not attack the stone egg, but even so, it still couldn't bear it.

The berserk power created countless cracks in its body.

A little bit of fluorescent liquid leaked out from his body, and for a while a strange fragrance appeared in the stinky cave.

But Du Yuesheng's mind was not here at this time. Looking around, he shook his head in disappointment, because in his field of vision, he could clearly see the dark universe.

It's just a very small world.

This mountain may be the tallest place in the world.

"Tell me what kind of place this is." This stone egg can talk to people, so it must have communicated with people, but Du Yuesheng has already sensed it just now, and there is no living thing here except plants.

The stone walked over tremblingly, and then bowed down: "This is the mustard space, the master has always called this place."

Master, in the mustard space, Du Yuesheng got up again and walked outside, and then carefully inspected it.

If it is really as the stone egg said, then this mustard space is a bit big!

What makes Du Yuesheng even more strange is that this place always gives him the illusion that it is the earth. Is it because the former owner of this mustard space is also a person from the earth?

If this is the case, he should study it carefully.

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