The Most Violent Upgrade

Chapter 1854 Supreme Crisis

His cultivation base of the Supreme Ninth Layer God, is where Du Yuesheng can let him run.

When he saw that he couldn't escape no matter what, he sat helplessly on the ground.

"What kind of sect is Haotianmen, how many people are there, why do you want to attack the Supreme Academy, I am satisfied with what you say, and I will save your life."

Du Yuesheng said, the Supreme God with the Severed Hand, who was already in despair, immediately revived.

He didn't beg for mercy just now, because he knew that he had no way out, but now it seems that this person still doesn't want to kill them all.

"Bang" he knelt down, hoping that this would make Du Yuesheng more satisfied.

Regarding this, Du Yuesheng just glanced at it slightly, and the Supreme God said: "I am just a small captain of Haotianmen. There are countless masters in Haotianmen, and there are dozens of masters. I even heard that there is a world leader It’s just that these are all legends, and with my status, I can’t get in touch with such a big man.”

When he said this, he took a peek at Du Yuesheng, hoping to see a trace of fear on Du Yuesheng's face. After all, dozens of masters and one world master are enough to prove the horror of Haotianmen.

But he was disappointed, the person in front of him didn't seem to hear it, he didn't listen to what he said at all.

How did he know that just a few days ago, Du Yuesheng had just killed two master gods, and those masters were nothing at all.

"Go on, tell me why you attacked the Supreme Academy."

"The ancestor of the Supreme Academy, Kuzhu, has not made any progress for thousands of years, and this Supreme Academy has a vast territory and rich resources. If they had not had a large number of people, they would have been annexed by other forces. That’s how I thought about it.”

As he spoke, he became proud and completely forgot about his current situation.

Du Yuesheng smiled slightly, he had already fully understood that he was just a world master, and he wanted to annex the Supreme Academy.

Knowing the general reason of the matter, Du Yuesheng didn't want to say anything more to him, but put a breath into his body before leaving.

He promised to spare his life if the man answered satisfactorily.

But after abolishing all his cultivation bases, can he survive in such a region?

This is simply not a world in which ordinary people can live.

Ignoring the screams coming from behind, Du Yuesheng had already fled away.

In the empty city, it is a small city in the God Realm, where monks gather, and Du Yuesheng will be able to reach the Supreme Academy in the last few days.

When we arrived here, the fighting had become more and more intense. There were wars everywhere outside the city, and because there were various monks in the city, the Haotianmen would not take action easily.

So this place is still a place of peace for a while, and Du Yuesheng killed a lot of miscellaneous fish along the way.

Instead, a few useful cards popped up.

As for the summoning cards, they are just some permanent summoning cards with the strength of masters and supreme gods. If the names were not for their kindness, Du Yuesheng would not bother to put them away.

Dugu's nine swords dominate the eight layers, the sword energy is vertical and horizontal, wide open and close, there must be dead souls under the nine swords.

The introduction was awesome, Du Yuesheng thought, maybe it would be useful.

There are two worlds inside and outside the city. After Du Yuesheng sat down, he just wanted to see if there was any useful news in the city.

But in this restaurant, there is no peace.

Just less than a quarter of an hour after entering, a group of people walked in.

The leader held a machete, and behind him, a group of people came in with a child-like person.

The man just glanced at it, and Du Yuesheng felt inexplicably kind.

It felt very special, and his eyes couldn't help but kept falling on him.

But he didn't expect that, after just looking at it a few more times, the man with the machete spit out in one gulp.

"Bah! Bastard, you dare to stare at Lao Tzu's prey, someone, gouged out his eyes for me." While speaking, he waved his hand behind him, and a group of thugs came forward.

There is a grand background behind a cultivator who can live as a dandy, otherwise there would not be so many supreme god thugs gathered around him.

If there is a fight, the restaurant will suffer a lot.

The boss immediately ran out to persuade the fight.

"Gentlemen, there are gang fights outside, and there are enough dead people. These days, people in our city are bored with watching it, so what's the point of fighting and killing now? In this way, this gentleman, Quickly apologize to Young Master An Ran, if you are not with me, it will not be in vain that you did not lose your life."

While the boss was talking, he winked at Du Yuesheng, and Mr. An Ran hugged his shoulders and let out a cold snort.

He looked at Du Yuesheng with a haughty face, and the faces of the supreme gods behind him were also full of arrogance.

"Master An Ran's father is the supreme being who dominates the Nine Layers. You're lucky today. Master An Ran doesn't want to argue with you. Hurry up and kiss Master An Ran's boots."

That young master An Ran's subordinates came out, then pointed to his boots and said.

And an expression that you took advantage of.

"Fuck, kill him if I say so, what dares to stare at my prey."

"Kill him, it's not cheap, if you want me to say, you have to destroy him, then turn him into a slave, and torture him well."

"The young master has already expressed his position. If we want to forgive, we can't help it. Hey, I have been holding back in the city these days, and finally I have a plaything."

When they were talking, the young master quietly gave them a look: "Play first, after he kisses Lao Tzu's boots, everyone can do whatever they want."

That Young Master An Ran was just a sound transmission, in his opinion their actions were extremely private, at least the guy in front of him, he was already convinced, looking at his sluggish expression, he knew that he was completely terrified.

The boss originally thought that the matter was over like this, but seeing Du Yuesheng's sluggish face, he thought he was frightened.

He hurriedly smiled at Young Master An Ran, then walked in front of Du Yuesheng and prepared to remind him.

Who knew that at this moment, Du Yuesheng stood up.

He felt relieved, seeing him walking in front of Young Master An Ran, he immediately breathed a sigh of relief, it seemed that today's catastrophe had been avoided.

It's just that Du Yuesheng's actions afterwards made all his comfort completely fall into the dust.

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