The Most Violent Upgrade

Chapter 1860 Academy Crisis

Among the Supreme Academy.

At this time, Kuzhu was sitting on the chair comfortably, with a gloomy expression, and there were bursts of roaring sounds in his ears from time to time.

"How long has Haotianmen been attacking?"

He continued to ask, and someone bowed to answer, but his face was extremely ugly.

"Reporting to the dean, it has been three full months. If it continues, our mountain protection formation will completely collapse." When the man said this, his expression was extremely ugly.

It has been three months, and the Supreme Academy has been trapped for three months. All the direct descendants of all people have gathered in the big formation. As for those peripheral personnel, alas, they can only be brutally murdered.

Kuzhu thought of going out to fight back more than once, but he had no choice but to dominate the ninth level, while the opponent was a master of the world master. Although he was only the second level of the world master, even so, it was a world of difference.

It was a difference of one level, and it was thousands of miles away. This Haotianmen was a huge force that suddenly appeared in the God Realm, and it happened to be in the same area.

Ever since the vitality riot in the God Realm, I don't know where it came from. Only the forces that unify the world can have a glimmer of life when the God Realm is shattered in the future.

Everyone is crazy, and those without power are eager to join the power. Who knows that after joining the power, they have to face the cycle of the big power being coveted by the small power, and the small power being swallowed by the big power.

This life is at stake.

Originally, the Supreme Academy was one of the most powerful forces in the God Realm, but right now, there are many world masters in this world. If he did not fail to break through a while ago, he can still fight against one or two at this time, only to blame this vitality riot.

Although his strength has skyrocketed, but because the improvement is too fast, the foundation is not very stable.

The large array can protect the security of tens of thousands of people, but once it is broken, there will be a bloody massacre at that time.

Kuzhu felt depressed, so he stopped talking, the man also knew what was going on, turned around and left the hall, and went to the front for inspection.

In the Supreme Academy, deep sighs were everywhere, and there was no hope at all on the faces of everyone.

Everyone knows that the day when the big formation is broken is the day when everyone dies.

No one thought of surrendering, because after all sects are broken, they will face massacres. It is said that this is to reduce the waste of resources. Only the only strong one can enter another world alive.

Don't know if it's true, but it's all done this way.

After the man patrolled around, seeing the formation that could last up to seven days, his heart became even heavier.

I don't know how to go back and answer.

But at this moment, he found that the roar outside had stopped, and the magic cannon that attacked the formation actually stopped.

This made him feel a little happier.

But he was even more curious as to why the Haotian Gate stopped attacking.

He walked to the edge of the formation and poked his head out.

I saw banners waving everywhere outside, and the rows were all people from Haotianmen, neat and mighty, completely different from the Supreme Academy, and all these people had proud expressions on their faces.

In front of them, a figure stood in the distance, but with his ability to dominate the fifth layer, he couldn't see through that person's appearance.

With a chill in his heart, he immediately guessed the identity of the person opposite him.

"World Lord!"

The man stood in nothingness, with the long line behind him, and it turned out to be majestic and orderly at this time. Just standing there, he had a feeling of looking down on the world.

People outside were constantly pointing at something with their hands. Seeing this person, he suddenly had an idea.

They stopped attacking at this time, are they going to launch a general attack?

Or did they think of a way to break the formation?

When this idea just appeared, he couldn't help but subconsciously shiver.

If this is the case, he still needs to report quickly. Thinking of this, he will turn around and go back to the hall to report.

But at this moment, the world lord who had been standing still, started to move.

With his movement, all the people in the battle formation retreated one after another.

The elder became even more curious, and at the same time, a bad thought rose in his heart. It seemed that the world master was really going to do something.

It's just that this is a large formation that can compete with the existence of the world lord. What kind of method does he have?

In any case, he had to go back via sound transmission first, and Kuqin and the others had to make preparations. He made up his mind to pay attention, and a sound transmission talisman had already flown out.

The large array of guards here also discovered the movement of the world lord.

Seeing their own elders at the side, people came over one after another to ask for instructions. After the elder stabilized them, he signaled everyone not to panic.

Talking at this time is unnecessary, because when that person took out something from the void, he clearly knew that the formation was lost.


On the other side, Du Yuesheng and Li Muyi should have arrived at the Supreme Academy three days ago.

It's just that there was a little problem on the way, which made it a few days late.

Du Yuesheng was leading Li Muyi to the border of the Supreme Academy, and when he was about to reach the Supreme Academy, he happened to see a group of Haotianmen coming to stop him.

It was a checkpoint with many monks, blocking and killing anyone who approached.

It's just that when the leader saw Du Yuesheng and Li Muyi, his face suddenly became very exciting. He shouted back his subordinates, making Du Yuesheng, who was about to kill, notice this abnormal behavior.

Because with his obstruction, Li Muyi's face became very ugly.

"You know him?" Du Yuesheng asked, Li Muyi nodded: "He is my enemy, my parents were killed by him, and I was also sold to An Ran's house by him."

After saying this, Du Yuesheng immediately understood, he nodded lightly, and then walked over.

The man also came over, and when he saw Li Muyi, he pointed with his hand and said, "Who was I at that time, it turned out to be you, a bastard, I didn't expect you to escape from Master An Ran's house, come and follow me Tell me how you escaped."

He completely ignored the existence of Du Yuesheng, walked in front of Li Muyi and was about to hold Li Muyi's head and make him kneel down.

"An animal like you is not suitable for standing up and talking. Come and kneel down and let me sit on it. I'll hear what happened."

After he finished speaking, he saw Du Yuesheng, then pointed to the subordinates beside him and said: "There is still this trash, let's sit down together."

It's just that he didn't know what kind of existence he had provoked.

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