The Most Violent Upgrade

Chapter 1863 If ​​you dare to touch her, I will destroy your family

"I like watching ants struggling!!"

"Ha ha!!"

The master of Haotian sect looked at the bitter bamboo lying on the ground, and while he was speaking, he pointed at the other two again and killed them.

Grandmaster Kuzhu felt pain in his heart, he hadn't thought of such a thing at all.

He was ready to blow himself up.

To die is to die with dignity.

Thinking of this, he mobilized the remaining aura in his body and attracted his dantian in one fell swoop. When he felt the majestic aura, Kuzhu's face was determined.

"Don't you want to see how I choose? I'll tell you now."

When Kuzhu spoke, he completely detonated the breath of his dantian. He wanted to let the world master in front of him know that the so-called ants in his eyes also have dignity.

When the Master of Haotian Gate saw Kuzhu, he wanted to use self-destruct to resist himself, the expression of maniacal laughter stopped immediately, and then he held Kuzhu.

Frowning tightly, he said: "I haven't played enough, you want to die first, absolutely unforgivable, absolutely unforgivable."

While speaking, a breath appeared in Kuzhu's body, which actually suppressed the originally manic dantian vitality, even if he wanted to blew himself up, he couldn't do it.

Ku Zhu silently looked at the four headless corpses lying beside him.

A dignified generation of grandmasters would actually fall into this world.

"Haha, if you don't want to die, then it's time for life to be worse than death." He was about to continue using methods to make Kuzhu submit, but it was just the right time.

A voice appeared behind him: "Stop!"

boom! !

At the same time as the roar sounded, a terrifying sword glow came attacking with the power of thousands of gods.

not good! !

The master of Haotianmen's face changed, and he quickly shot out a ray of light covering his whole body with his hands, but he was still injured by the attacking sword light.

Drops of blood spilled on the ground.

He was injured!

"Ah, unforgivable!!" The eyes of the master of the Haotian sect were red, and the flames of the gods were so terrifying that they seemed to burn this world.

Under this anger, the surrounding disciples of Haotianmen couldn't help taking a step back, fearing that they would be hurt by the anger of the master of Haotianmen.

Ku Zhu looked at the figure who had saved her, and said in surprise, "Ku Qin, why are you here?"

That's right!

The person who came here was none other than Kuqin, one of the top ten warriors of the Supreme Academy, and the last warrior of the Supreme Academy.

"Dean, why do you think I, Kuqin, will be afraid?" Kuqin stands tall and strong, exuding the demeanor of a strong man.

So what about a woman, who said women are inferior to men.

"Kuqin, you are not his opponent, you take your disciples and leave quickly, and leave a flame for our Supreme Academy."

Kuzhu begged, Kuqin was only a master of the eighth level of cultivation, and was no match for the master of Haotianmen at all.

She is courting death like this!



Ku Qin didn't care about the sound of bitter bamboo behind her, and stepped forward violently, stabbing past with a long sword in her hand.

When the sword light appears, the world will be destroyed!

This sword is a pinnacle holy treasure, even in ancient times it was considered a good weapon, let alone in today's God Realm it is even more remarkable.

court death! !

The master of the Haotian sect looked at the oncoming Kuqin, his face was full of indifference, and the mere Supreme God also wanted to struggle, what a dream.


The master of the Haotian sect pointed two fingers, and suddenly, two terrifying rays of light tore through the sky and passed by, oppressing the sky like a gust of wind.

not good! !

Ku Qin looked at the rays of light sweeping across the world, her eyes changed, and she knew that these two rays of light were not so easy to resist.

Sword Light World!


In an instant, the divine sword in Kuqin's hand exploded and appeared all over the sky, forming a shield to protect him.

But Kuqin still didn't come to resist, and only saw the figure of the master of Haotianmen appearing in front of him.


Another finger! !

With one finger, the sword light protecting Kuqin disappeared, revealing her body.

ah! !

With a scream, a hole appeared on Kuqin's shoulder, and the divine sword in his hand fell to the ground.

lost! !

I still underestimate the World Lord too much.

This was the thought in Ku Qin's mind. Originally, she thought that even if she was not inferior to the World Lord, the gap would not be too far.

But the reality is too big.

With just one move, she was defeated.

The master of the Haotian sect looked at the figure of Kuqin flying upside down, and roared angrily: "Go to hell, you ant."

A terrifying killing intent turned into a rainbow and swept across the sky towards Kuqin to kill.

don't want! !

Bitter bamboo roared in the distance, his eyes turned red, but he had no strength left, and he couldn't stop it at all.

He could only watch Ku Qin die in front of him.


Why? ?

Bitter Bamboo shouted, could it be that Naive is going to perish the Supreme Academy?

Kuqin was not afraid, a vague figure appeared in his mind, with a smile hanging from the corner of his mouth.

"Yuesheng, are you okay?"


Kuqin's life was miserable, but after meeting Du Yuesheng, her life was ignited again.

But she could not wait for the day when Du Yuesheng came back.

A drop of tears fell quietly from the corner of his eyes, and he silently closed his eyes and waited for the arrival of death.

"you dare!!"

"If you dare to kill her, I will kill eighteen generations of your ancestors!!"


Suddenly, just as the Haotian sect master's attack was about to reach Kuqin, a roar that shook the heavens and the sky resounded from a distance.

This sound is like the wrath of the heavens, when it is angry, the sky roars, and the sky and the earth collapse.

This sound is like the roar of the gods. With a roar, the gods cry, and the common people die.

While the roar resounded, a mysterious man in the robe of the Nine Dragon Emperor came from a distance.

Nine purple divine dragons emerged from the emperor's robe, entrenched on the shirt, wearing a flat sky crown on their heads, a purple gold belt on their waists, and nine dragon boots on their feet.

This mysterious man was shrouded in a majesty of an emperor that people dare not look directly at, and everyone around him felt extremely difficult to breathe.

As if he is the emperor of heaven, people can't help trembling.

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