The Most Violent Upgrade

Chapter 1872 Familiar Smell



At this moment, Wuge no longer had the arrogance he had before, and his eyes were completely panicked.

His body couldn't move, but his eyes could move, and he saw someone walking towards him.

Immediately he couldn't help begging the other party with his eyes.

It's just that what he did just now has completely angered everyone in the Supreme Academy. His plea at this time is nothing more than repaying the debt.

Du Yuesheng's face showed no emotion at all.

He took out the crossbow arrow from Wuge's body with a calm expression.

There was an aura arranged on the crossbow arrow. Du Yuesheng sensed it for a moment and found out that it was an extremely powerful fire magic soul.

This is not a power that Wu Ge can control. From this power, it can be seen that Wu Ge's father, the ancestor of Xihai, will definitely be a powerful world lord.

It's just a pity that such a person has a son like this.

Du Yuesheng put away the crossbow arrows.

The ancestor of Xihai is waiting for this emperor.

Du Yuesheng doesn't want to go to the Xihai Ancestor right now, because the Supreme Academy is currently full of enemies, his own territory has been destroyed, and he needs to find a new territory as soon as possible.

The West Sea side is a good choice.

Du Yuesheng considered whether to go over there and seize the Xihai Palace.

After just thinking about it, he finally gave up. Liuli once said before that the West Sea Shrine is still tens of millions of miles away from here, and it would take at least a year to reach it.

In a period like this, one year is enough to do too much.

Du Yuesheng couldn't afford to delay.

"Throw away all this rubbish together."

Du Yuesheng didn't give these masters any chance. In his opinion, these were just rubbish.

It was merciful enough that I didn't kill them myself just for some experience.

When these people heard that they would not be left behind and were thrown away together with Wuge as trash, they all struggled one by one.

Du Yuesheng just glanced at it and thought of a very interesting scene.

He made people stop and then unlucked the men's mouths.

As soon as these masters could speak, they immediately began to beg for mercy.

"Senior, we are blind. We deserve death. Please don't implicate us. This is all our business, it's all his."

"Ah, yes, it's all his seniors, his father Xihai Ancestor, who sealed our fate. If we don't obey, we will die. Please give us a chance. Please give us a chance."

They cried while talking: "Senior, we can make cows and horses for you, as long as you let us go, please."

Du Yuesheng sneered. Just now, they were constantly mocking him. They seemed to be hearing words like garbage ants all the time.

"In that case, I will give you a chance." After he finished speaking, he pointed at Wuge and said, "You go over and destroy him now, and then you can leave."

When they heard that their chance was to destroy Wuge, the faces of these people struggled.

Wugena was the son of the ancestor of Xihai, and he was the only one. His pampering could be said to be to the heavens.

If they kill him, he will never be able to hang out in the God Realm again.

But if he doesn't kill him now, then... he will die immediately.

It's not like they haven't seen the consequences of becoming slaves. They can't accept that kind of life like a pig or a dog.

Someone walked up to Wu Ge, holding his own magic trick in his hand.

As long as someone takes the initiative in this kind of thing, everything will become easier.

All the masters and followers walked up to Wu Ge. They knew that if they wanted a chance to live, Du Yuesheng would be relieved of them only if they really did it.

"I'm sorry, young master."

"Young Master, we have no choice but to do this."

The same words appeared in Wuge's ears again, but this time it seemed particularly ironic. Although he could not move, he was trembling because he was so short of breath, and his eyes were full of anger.

Are these guys who are like pigs and dogs actually going to attack me?

How dare they!

Wuge still hasn't figured out the situation yet. He is the son of the ancestor of Xihai. Can they still survive if he is touched?


He suddenly found that his body could move.

The teleportation array has been taken away by Du Yuesheng, and it would be a joke for him to escape now.

But even if he couldn't escape, he would still kill these losers who dared to despise his majesty.

The followers did not expect that Wuge would recover.

But now the critical point has been reached, and everyone has understood each other's intentions.

Everyone looked at each other, no one said a word, and they all started to move their hands.

Du Yuesheng just stood aside and watched the battle. In order to prevent people from the Supreme Academy from being injured, he deliberately placed a barrier on the side.

The battle soon came to an end.

Nawuge died tragically on the spot, and several of his men were also killed or injured. The only one who was not killed or injured had a heavy face at this time.

"You can leave. Remember to take them with you and throw them far away. If I sense them nearby, your life will be..."

Without saying a word, the man simply cleaned up the mess on the ground and left quickly.

Panic is like a lost dog.

Everyone looked at each other, no one said a word, and they all started to move their hands.

Du Yuesheng just stood aside and watched the battle. In order to prevent people from the Supreme Academy from being injured, he deliberately placed a barrier on the side.

The battle soon came to an end.

Nawu Ge died tragically on the spot, and several of his men were also killed or injured. The only one who was not killed or injured had a heavy face at this time.

"You can leave. Remember to take them with you and throw them far away. If I sense them nearby, your life will be..."

Without saying a word, the man simply cleaned up the mess on the ground and left quickly.

Panic is like a lost dog.

Du Yuesheng returned to the main seat again. This time he sat in this position to make this Supreme Academy flourish, in the God Realm, the West Sea Palace.

What a so-called hidden power.

When he comes, he will surrender under his feet.

All will surrender.

He looked around indifferently.

It's broken, maybe you need to use some of your own methods.

He slowly immersed himself in the system.

Then a pair of hands slowly touched his head.

Massage him gently.

Still so familiar, still with that sweet scent, Liuli served Du Yuesheng wholeheartedly.

Needless to say, Du Yuesheng suddenly opened his eyes after being immersed in it for a moment.

It turns out that I have accumulated so many resources.

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