The Most Violent Upgrade

Chapter 1876 If heaven wants to punish me, I will defy heaven

Thunder disaster!

Let me test how powerful you are today.

Du Yuesheng punched the sky, like a giant hammer smashing into the sky.

Thunder rolled between heaven and earth, and it seemed that the thunder clouds were also angered by Du Yuesheng's attitude.

Or maybe it was just a test, and this time it was completely different from before.

In the thundercloud, a giant fire dragon descended from the sky.

It was coming towards Du Yuesheng.

Du Yuesheng just smiled slightly when he saw the fire dragon. What's so strange about dragons? I will kill you.


Du Yuesheng shouted loudly, and his body shape changed even faster.

Disappeared in an instant.

And when he reappeared, he was already in front of the fire dragon.

There was another explosion, but Du Yuesheng's figure was severely knocked down.

The fire dragon impacted for a while, but then gradually dissipated in the air.

"Oh? Is that just that?"

Du Yuesheng stabilized his figure in the air and continued to move forward. The cloud was actually higher than him.

Unforgivable, I want this day to be trampled under my feet.

If heaven wants to punish me, I will defy heaven.

If thunder wants to kill me, I will destroy it.

Between heaven and earth, apart from one person, one punch and one sword, there is only the endless thunder and fire.

At this time, people kept coming from afar.

The news that the Supreme Academy had destroyed the Haotian Clan a few days ago had shocked the divine world, and then the Supreme Academy got a group of lunatics from nowhere.

Those who obey me will prosper and those who go against me will perish. All nearby sects that do not submit to the Supreme Academy will be slaughtered one after another.

This group of people had no bottom line. When they were slaughtered, no one was left alive, and they died under the knife one after another.

For a time, among the many sects around, people who heard about the Supreme Academy were filled with fear.

Some sects even thought about uniting to fight against the Supreme Academy, but the news was leaked for some unknown reason. In the end, their alliance was completely killed by the Supreme Academy and the mysterious troops before it was even formed.

Since then, all the sects have expressed their respect for the Supreme Academy, at least on the surface.

And they all expressed their willingness to submit to the Supreme Academy.

The leader of the mysterious force, Li Shimin, said that he would need to go to the Supreme Academy in the future to form the final oath.

People didn't take it seriously at all.

There is turmoil in the God Realm, and everyone knows everything that happens.

If you really submit to the Supreme Academy and sign the oath, then when faced with annexation in the future, you will be treated as a member of the Supreme Academy and dealt with.

A supreme academy that only dominates the mysterious army cannot meet people's expectations at all.

But today everything becomes different.

At this time, huge spiritual energy fluctuations came from the direction of the academy, and all cultivators within a radius of thousands of miles were affected.

Such a strong fluctuation of the spiritual energy of heaven and earth made everyone realize that something extraordinary had happened, but no one was sure what happened.

It wasn't until someone saw the Nine Heavens Divine Tribulation that news finally came out that someone had been promoted to Realm Master.

Everyone set their sights on the academy. The academy defeated the Haotian Clan and killed a world leader. Not a single member of the Haotian Clan escaped, as well as the mysterious team that followed.

Let everyone clearly realize that this promotion to the Heavenly Tribulation is only possible in the academy.

As a result, the various forces began to weigh and calculate again.

But at this time, Du Yuesheng didn't know anything about this. In his heart, there was only the endless calamity in front of him.

Nine levels of calamity, nine levels at a time, ninety-nine and eighty-one levels, these calamities continued continuously, and Du Yuesheng's fist had no flesh and bones at this time.

After being promoted to Realm Master, Du Yuesheng's physical body became more powerful, but in the face of the catastrophe, he still could not fully compete. Even in a violent state, he was extremely traumatized.

Du Yuesheng looked at his fists that had only bones left: "The ninth level of heavenly calamity has passed, and it seems that it is about to reach the next stage."

His knowledge is naturally higher than Kuzhu's and others. He has heard of this nine-level heavenly tribulation, which is known as the God-Destroying Heavenly Tribulation.

It means a heavenly calamity that specifically kills immortals.

Each stage of this heavenly tribulation is much more powerful than the previous stage, and its power is becoming more and more terrifying.

Du Yuesheng slowly put away his fists, then took out a ginseng stick from the small world and swallowed it. After the ginseng mutated, its medicinal properties changed greatly, and the spiritual energy contained in it became more abundant.

The wound on Du Yuesheng's hand healed in an instant.

He held the Zhuxian Sword in his hand.

Then put the shell away again.

This will be his back-up.

He didn't expect this calamity to be so terrifying, so he was asked to start taking medicine in the first stage.

But even so, Du Yuesheng still didn't back down.

Soaring up into the sky, you will never get tired, and you will have endless fun competing against the sky.

Because this calamity was born in response to Du Yuesheng, after sensing Du Yuesheng's changes, the calamity immediately attacked again.

This time the Heavenly Tribulation was completely different from the last one, it actually transformed into metal, wood, water, fire and earth.

This thunder tribulation was originally a fire attribute thunder tribulation, but it transformed into so many attributes at this moment.

After Du Yuesheng saw it, he was inevitably surprised.

The five-element thunderbolt slowly fell from the sky, and all directions around Du Yuesheng were completely blocked. There was no angle of attack, but there were angles of attack everywhere.

After the thundercloud emitted the five-element thunderbolt, it calmed down again.

It seems that this is the second stage of the thunderbolt.

"Five-element formation!" Du Yuesheng said softly. Gold, wood, water, fire and earth are the five basic structural elements of heaven and earth. In this way, the fusion and mutual assistance between these elements will be a troublesome thing.

Du Yuesheng pondered for a moment and couldn't think of how to break this formation.

This most basic formation often has only one way to break it, which is also the way to break all formations.

That is to use brute force to fight against it and destroy it.

Du Yuesheng did not consider the Yin-Yang shuttle, but that thing was already broken and could not be used for the time being.

Knowing that brute force would be used, Du Yuesheng no longer hesitated.

"Unparalleled fury!"

Du Yuesheng directly opened the fury to the maximum extent.

A blood shadow appeared behind him, like a mad demon, and entered the five-element thundercloud directly.

As soon as he entered, countless golden spears appeared in the thundercloud and rushed over.

The golden spears looked small and like toys, but the energy contained in them was as strong as that of a realm master in every attack.

Not to mention the golden spears in the sky. If it was an ordinary realm master, he would have died here by now, but this person was Du Yuesheng.

It was not so easy to kill him.

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