The Most Violent Upgrade

Chapter 1887 Battle Post


A mere master also wants to assassinate himself?

Du Yuesheng didn't even have the intention to dodge. He took a step forward and allowed the shadow man to attack him.


The shadow man saw that his weapon was stabbed into Du Yuesheng's body, but there was not even a single wound, which surprised her.

You must know that the sword in her hand is a holy treasure. Even the master at the peak cannot stop its murderous aura, but Du Yuesheng blocked it easily.

Could it be?

The shadow people felt uneasy. Unless Du Yuesheng was the Realm Master, only the Realm Master could withstand the long sword attack.

While the shadow man was thinking, Du Yuesheng turned slightly to avoid the edge of the sword and grabbed the shadow man's hand. Sure enough, the touch on his wrist was so good.

Her flesh and bones were well-proportioned and her skin was delicate. Du Yuesheng grabbed her forward and held her in his arms, feeling a burst of woman's unique fragrance.

The shadow man was furious, she struggled away, and then came up to slash with the sword, his movements were sharp and vicious.

Du Yuesheng smiled: "Oh, it's still a little pepper, it's delicious, I like it!"

Du Yuesheng made a strong wind with her left hand, which narrowly missed the shadow person's face, taking away the demonic energy around her, revealing a young and pretty woman.

Seeing Du Yuesheng staring closely at her, Bei Shahua was a little proud. Her little face raised and her tone was arrogant: "What are you looking at!"

Du Yuesheng thought she was cuter, "Why don't you follow me?"

Bei Shahua was stunned. She hesitated for a moment. She was a little tempted by the man in front of her, but thinking of her sister who was still in the hands of the ancestor of Xihai, her heart was slightly sour. She gritted her teeth and said: "Dream! Suffer death!" .

Bei Shahua threw the sword away, took out the wandering spirit whip, and whipped the whip towards Du Yuesheng with a whistle. Du Yuesheng rolled up the lightning and raised his sword to block, but saw the purple lightning on the sword dissipate.

Du Yuesheng looked at Bei Shahua doubtfully.

Bei Shahua was a little proud. She took away the wandering spirit whip and rolled it on her arm, and said crisply: "Wandering spirit whip, my sister killed the wandering spirit demon deep in the Xihai Forest Prison and used its bones to train it. "The power of the system"

Du Yuesheng smiled and said, "The girl is really interested in me."

Bei Shahua said bluntly: "That's right!"

After a while, he realized that he had been teased, and the wandering whip came out of his hand.

Du Yuesheng didn't want to play with her anymore and shouted: "Li Shiming!"

A white shadow flashed and he knelt on the ground, "Master, what are your orders?"

Du Yuesheng didn't even look at Bei Shahua: "Take this woman down and do whatever you want with her. Don't kill her. Ask her for something valuable!"

Li Shiming lowered his head and said, "Yes."

In the meeting hall of the Supreme Academy.

After hearing what happened, Taoist Master Kuqin frowned slightly.

"If we don't succeed this time, the ancestor of Xihai will come again."

Du Yuesheng didn't take it seriously: "Come and kill one, come and kill both!"

Taoist priest Guqin looked at Du Yuesheng, "It seems that you already have a plan."

Du Yuesheng smiled and said: "Well, just sitting around and waiting for death is not my style! There is no reason to let an outsider enter my home casually."

Master Kuqin hesitated and said, "What do you mean?"

Du Yuesheng's eyes were fierce: "Yes, I am going to Xihai Forest Prison to meet this Xihai ancestor. There is no need for two overlords in this world! Either you die or I die."

While he was talking, Li Shiming walked in and asked for help.

Du Yuesheng asked: "How's it going? Did you find anything useful?"

Li Shiming knelt down: "This subordinate is incompetent."

Du Yuesheng said displeased: "How hard can a girl's bones get? What's going on?"

Li Shiming replied: "Her memory is protected by a secret method, which cannot be unlocked by the incompetence of my subordinates. Ordinary physical torture is useless. The woman has blocked the five senses, so I used the punishment method to impact her consciousness, but even if she is in pain, she will die." , and never said a word!”

Du Yuesheng frowned: "Then what?"

"Currently passed out."

Du Yuesheng rubbed her brows and said helplessly: "It's simple. Find a few ugly men to take her turn. Even a woman can't bear this blow."

Li Shiming hesitated: "This?"

Du Yuesheng interrupted him: "It's okay. Just do as I say and you go ahead."

After Li Shiming retreated, Liuli came up hesitantly: "Isn't this too cruel?"


Du Yuesheng smiled. If he were not cruel, he would be the one to die.

"You guys should guard the Supreme Academy while I'm away."

After saying that, Du Yuesheng disappeared into the academy and headed to the West Sea.

The Eastern Region has been very lively recently, and the biggest topic is Du Yuesheng. This world leader who has just overcome the tribulation and achieved success uses thunderous means to command his men and kill all the casual cultivators who are unwilling to surrender to the West Sea Shrine and Longting. , beating those casual cultivators without the ability to fight back.

If the defeated casual cultivators are willing to surrender to Du Yuesheng and submit to the Supreme Palace, they can still save their lives. If they disobey, they will be killed on the spot. Blood will flow for a while and people will be in panic.

As a rising star, Du Yuesheng's reputation spread throughout the Eastern Region, and he seemed to have become the third largest force after Xihai Palace and Longting.

Eastern Region, Western Sea

The azure sea and sky are one color, and rare and rare birds on the sea are flying low and circling. Islands of all sizes are scattered like pearls, tightly surrounding a huge island. The island is surrounded by green ridges and is surrounded by pastels. The scenery is beautiful and pleasant, and the island is enveloped in abundant aura.

Looking up at the sky, the sky above the island is covered with a transparent film, with five-color halo flowing on it. This is a barrier formed with Yuanli to resist the invasion of outsiders.

The island was as peaceful as ever, when suddenly a burst of golden light burst out! It was a jet-black arrow that penetrated the barrier unstoppably, its tail trailing a long tongue of flame, and instantly shot into the largest palace on the island.

In the palace, the ancestor of Xihai was lying on the bed, closing his eyes and relaxing, leisurely enjoying the grapes handed to him by his concubine's fingertips.

Suddenly he opened his eyes, jumped up, waved his sleeves, and firmly grasped the flying black arrow in his hand. A concubine next to him was so frightened that his face turned pale and she screamed uncontrollably.

The ancestor of Xihai focused his eyes sternly and threw a fire spell over her. The concubine who had lost her composure had turned into a pile of black powder.

Qingguang Jun hurried over outside the door. When he saw the scene in front of him, he winked and asked someone to clear the scene and drag the other limp concubines down.

Qingguang Jun stepped forward cautiously and asked: "Ancestor, are these cheap maids making you unhappy? It's the people below who have not been trained well and disturbed the ancestor. I will make them all disappear."

The ancestor of Xihai remained calm, and his dry voice slowly sounded: "As the head of my Xihai Palace, you didn't find anything unusual?"

Big beads of sweat rolled down Qingguangjun's cheeks. For a moment, the breathing around him was clearly audible. His heart was beating like a drum. Qingguangjun tried hard to keep his voice unchanged. He knew that his master I hate rash and rude servants the most.

"My disciple is stupid, please let me know clearly"

Ancestor Xihai looked at him with a dark expression for a while, then took out something.

Qingguang Jun secretly breathed a sigh of relief, knowing that he had passed this test. He leaned forward respectfully and held the thing with both hands. He took a closer look and saw that it turned out to be a war invitation?

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