The Most Violent Upgrade

Chapter 1899 Level 718

Looking at Master Kuqin's smiling face that bloomed like a chrysanthemum, how could Du Yuesheng not know what he was thinking.

Why don't you take advantage of this opportunity to leave some of your inheritance to the Supreme Academy? After all, the Immortal Killing Sword is too powerful, and your own magic skills are also extremely powerful.

"Want to inherit? No problem." Du Yuesheng thought secretly.

I left behind a sword technique from the Flying Immortal from Beyond the World, and then added the power of space rules to it. Let's see if anyone can understand this peerless sword technique.

But Du Yuesheng estimated that in tens of thousands of years, no one would be able to understand the rules of space in the realm of the Realm Lord like himself.

"Since you have spoken, let me mention a few words!"

Master Kuqin was overjoyed and immediately set out to find a huge stone full of spiritual energy and placed it at the gate of the sect. The disciples immediately gathered around, wanting to see what Du Yuesheng was going to do.

"Here comes the sword!" Du Yuesheng pulled out the Zhuxian Sword, suddenly exerted force with his right foot, and instantly leapt into the sky.

"Flying Fairy from Heaven!"

Suddenly, the sun gradually faded away, and a bright moon slowly rose. Du Yuesheng stood on the moonlight, as graceful and elegant as an immortal.

"It's moving!" a disciple exclaimed.

I saw Du Yuesheng suddenly galloping downwards, and a ripple appeared in the surrounding space. Du Yuesheng disappeared and suddenly appeared next to the boulder. After a few sword energy passed by, he put away his sword and stood up.

"The twinkling waves follow the waves for thousands of miles, but there is no moon on the spring river!"

I saw that these words were vigorous and powerful, and the power of rules was flowing on them. Anyone who sees this word for the first time will be conquered by the sword meaning and power in it.

"I will leave this sword technique on this stone. If there is an amazing person who can obtain the inheritance, he can be regarded as my registered disciple!"

Du Yuesheng didn't know how much influence his words had on future generations!

"I'll leave the rest to you." Du Yuesheng said to Master Kuqin.

Then he turned around and returned to Merlin.

Although my cultivation level is said to have few rivals in this world of gods, the cultivation level of Liuli and Kuqin has not kept up. I can have system assistance and gain experience by killing people, but they can't!

"System, is there any way to improve the cultivation level of the people around me?" Du Yuesheng calmed down and asked the system.

"Players can summon characters, obtain their skills, and then teach them."

The system replied.

After hearing this, Du Yuesheng also suddenly realized that the skills of those mythical characters can be said to be heaven-defying magic. He summoned them and asked them to pass the skills into his mind, and then passed them on to Liuli. , Besides, with your own strength, do you still worry about not being able to find the elixir of heaven and earth to improve your cultivation level in a short period of time?

Thinking of this, Du Yuesheng no longer hesitated and immediately ran to a deserted place in the college and carefully selected among the mythical characters.

After a while, Du Yuesheng selected the female fairy Yao Ji and prepared to summon her.

Yao Ji is not the sister of Yang Jian, or the daughter of the Jade Emperor, but has a great background. She is the daughter of the Emperor Yan, whose strength and skills are ranked among the best in the entire myth.

"System, help me summon Yao Ji!"

"The summoning was successful, 20,000 divine points were consumed."

I saw a peerless beauty stepping out of the void. The woman was wearing a dark green raincoat. Her steps were light and her face was extremely delicate. There was a hint of melancholy in her almond-shaped eyes, and she was as calm and smart as the girl next door. Du Yuesheng couldn't help but feel a little crazy.

She is worthy of being the daughter of Emperor Yan, and her beauty is not an exaggeration to call her a flower shy of the moon.

"I pay my respects to the Emperor of Heaven." Yao Ji saluted Du Yuesheng. The sound is waxy and really nice.

After hearing this, Du Yuesheng came to his senses and coughed to relieve his embarrassment.

"Here, please teach me the skills you practice."

After hearing this, Yao Ji closed her eyes and transmitted the entire skill to Du Yuesheng with her spiritual thoughts.

Now that he has the ancient immortal world skills given to Liuli, Du Yuesheng's anxious heart can be relieved.

I can finally take a good retreat to consolidate my cultivation, and I have made further progress.

After handling the affairs of the academy and giving orders to the characters he summoned, Du Yuesheng began to retreat.

"The player's cultivation has reached the peak of the eighth level of the Realm Lord, and the only way to break through is through fighting."

Du Yuesheng, who was in retreat, heard the system's words and slowly opened his eyes.

"System, how long have I been in seclusion?"

"The player has been in seclusion for nearly a full year."

One year?

Du Yuesheng thought silently in his heart that it was time for him to go out.

"Space move!" Du Yuesheng instantly moved into the plum forest and saw Liuli sitting cross-legged, practicing Yao Ji's skills.

Du Yuesheng saw for himself that Liuli's cultivation had also improved by leaps and bounds, reaching the seventh level of Realm Master! This made Du Yuesheng very happy.

Suddenly, Du Yuesheng felt a call from Li Shimin and urgently needed Du Yuesheng's help.

Du Yuesheng didn't stop and immediately teleported over with Jin Bao.

"I didn't expect that a little human emperor would actually have the first-level cultivation of a Realm Lord! Killing you will definitely severely weaken the strength of the entire Supreme Realm!"

Du Yuesheng heard such vicious words as soon as he arrived at Li Shimin's palace.

The man was wearing a black robe, his voice was extremely hoarse, and he wanted to kill Li Shimin.

Du Yuesheng drew his sword, and a sword energy passed by, stopping the black-robed man's offensive.


The man in black robe was shocked. With his ninth-level Realm Lord strength, he didn't even notice that someone had come to him.

"I also want to ask who you are!" Du Yuesheng snorted coldly. This man in black robe has no enmity with him. He opened his mouth to attack the entire Supreme Domain. What a loud tone!

The man in black robe looked at Du Yuesheng carefully.

"Who did I think it was? It turned out to be a young boy!"

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