The Most Violent Upgrade

Chapter 1904 God’s Tomb

Although the God's Tomb is extremely dangerous, it is also full of opportunities.

The world of gods is constantly being born and destroyed, but this tomb has been passed down from ancient times to the present day. There must be countless people who have entered it, and they must have reached the sky. Some people may have ascended to the upper world, but where did they fall? There will definitely be no shortage of people. If I have the opportunity to obtain the treasures of those people, I will definitely gain a place in the struggle.

Find wealth in danger! Along the way of cultivation, isn’t it about fighting against others and against heaven?

"Are you ready? Let's go then"

Looking at the many realm master realm masters from the Dragon Clan gathered here, Du Yuesheng said lightly.

Du Yuesheng used his space rules and took the lead in arriving at the door of the God's Tomb.

The entire entrance to the God's Tomb has been tightly blocked. Some people with high cultivation levels and powerful families have already occupied favorable positions in advance. Those who are not strong enough can only queue at the back and watch from a distance. .

In order to get a favorable position, some people can enter the tomb of the gods in advance, and even fight with the people in front of them. Some beautiful female monks even volunteer to become the slaves or playthings of the strong.

Human nature!

Du Yuesheng sighed silently in his heart.

Du Yuesheng flew through the air and slowly landed at the front of the entrance to the God's Tomb.

"Where did this stupid young man come from! How dare you stand in front of us!"

I saw a burly man behind Du Yuesheng, sneering at Du Yuesheng, with a hint of evil flashing in the corner of his eyes.

Du Yuesheng frowned and ignored the big man.

When the man saw that Du Yuesheng ignored his words, a trace of anger flashed in his eyes, and he instantly slashed at Du Yuesheng with his knife.

With a "ding" sound, the knife struck Du Yuesheng's body, but nothing happened.

Du Yuesheng has the strongest body at level five. This person is only at level five of the Realm Lord Realm and cannot cause any harm to him at all.

"If you want to die, I will make it happen for you!"

Seeing that this person dared to attack him, Du Yuesheng also instantly became murderous. Although such a person, with such a level of cultivation, would kill him by myself, and the experience given to him would be so little that he would be too lazy to do anything, but now that so many people are eyeing this position eagerly, he must kill to establish his authority!

Just when the big man was stunned, Du Yuesheng moved!

Du Yuesheng was seen drawing his sword out. He didn't even bother to pinch the sword skills. He directly used his spiritual power to attach to the Zhuxian Sword and swung the sword upward.

The big man holding the knife saw the dazzling light of the Zhuxian Sword and turned around to run away.

"No! Why can't I move!"

The big man's hair suddenly stood up, and the space under his feet rippled. It turned out that Du Yuesheng had already sealed the space under his feet when he drew his sword.

The sword flashed, and a red line appeared on the tough man's neck. After a few seconds, blood instantly spilled out.

At this time, Du Yuesheng had already sheathed his sword, turned back to his position, and sat cross-legged.

Everyone around was dumbfounded!

No wonder this person dared to directly pass through the crowd and come to the front of the tomb gate. Such strength can directly kill the fifth level of the world lord. This strength has at least reached the eighth level of the world lord.

"I don't want to be disturbed. If you want to cause trouble, don't blame my sword for being ruthless!" Du Yuesheng said this lightly and closed his eyes on the spot.

The big man is dead.

His position became vacant. The people behind were ready to move when they saw this scene, but the blood spilled on the ground kept warning the remaining people that someone had just jumped into the street.

"May I ask your surname? Our master hopes that you can come to our camp to get acquainted and have a chat."

A boy came to Du Yuesheng cautiously, with a flattering smile on his face and said to him.

"Who is your master?" Du Yuesheng opened his eyes and asked the boy.

When the boy saw that Du Yuesheng had replied to him, he was also happy, and his bent knees were instantly raised:

"My master is the controller of the Divine Realm, the Hongshen who is called the Divine Ancestor in the Divine Realm!"

The people around him also took a breath when they heard the boy using his name.

"It's actually Hongshen!"

"This Hong Shen was a master of the ninth level of Realm Lord a thousand years ago. Now he must have reached the peak of ascension. In this world, the only ones who can compete with Hong Shen are Demon Ancestor and Liu Shen!"

Everyone started talking.

"Demon Ancestor?"

Du Yuesheng heard the conversation between these people and felt funny.

This Demon Ancestor was killed by me just a few days ago, and now this Hong Shen has appeared again. It seems that he has to follow some bosses in various fields in the God Realm to deal with them.

"Hongshen? I've heard something too, please lead the way!"

Du Yuesheng said calmly to the boy. It is now difficult for this master in the God Realm to make Du Yuesheng have the desire to fight.

Although Du Yuesheng's words were not loud, everyone around them heard them. He couldn't help but look at her with a hint of pity.

Hongshen is notoriously petty in the God Realm. Now that he is being despised by Du Yuesheng, how can he breathe this sigh of relief? Although this young man is quite strong, he is probably not enough to be seen in front of Hongshen.

"Long Aotian pays homage to the Emperor of Heaven!"

Just as Du Yuesheng stood up, Long Aotian led the masters of his clan to rush outside the tomb of the gods. When he saw Du Yuesheng's figure, he immediately rushed to Du Yuesheng's side and spoke to Du Yuesheng respectfully.

Seeing Long Aotian's feeling, Du Yuesheng nodded, turned around and left with the boy.

This scene simply scared the eyes of the masters outside the God's Tomb.

Dragon clan!

The dragon clan actually respectfully called this young man master!

Then it means that this person's cultivation far surpasses that of the dragon clan leader. Judging from Long Aotian's cultivation, he is at least the eighth level peak of the world lord realm, or even higher. And if the dragon clan transforms into its own body, Its strength is extremely powerful, and it is difficult for ordinary human monks with the ninth level of realm master cultivation to compete with it.

At this moment, those who had evil intentions towards Du Yuesheng just now broke out in cold sweat.

If they had attacked Du Yuesheng just now, there wouldn't be just one body lying on the ground now.

"Could it be that you are Du Yuesheng?"

Du Yuesheng entered the tent, but before he spoke, the person sitting inside revealed Du Yuesheng's identity.

"Oh? I didn't expect that you still know my name? It's not as good as Qiu Shitian

stupid. "

Du Yuesheng smiled at Hongshen. There was a sneer in his eyes.

This Hong Shen still dares to put on airs for himself now?

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