The Most Violent Upgrade

Chapter 1910 I will lift the boards of your coffin

"What's wrong, Master?" Long Aotian ran over in a hurry and flattered Du Yuesheng in a low voice.

"What kind of rules did you master after being promoted to Realm Master?" Du Yuesheng asked.

I also have to find a way to improve the strength of this Long Aotian, otherwise this guy's strength is too low, and he also likes to cause trouble everywhere. If he is accidentally killed, Du Yuesheng will not say anything. The key is that the dragon will report himself when he meets him. At home, if others know that his little brother is such a coward, it will bring shame on him. How can Du Yuesheng see anyone after this?

"If I had known, I should have left a way for Long Batian to survive. At least that guy had some skills."

Looking at Long Aotian's appearance, Du Yuesheng thought.

When Du Yuesheng asked about the rules he had mastered, Long Aotian was a little confused.

"Return to the master! The younger one masters the rules of fire."

Long Aotian could tell at a glance that Du Yuesheng mastered the space rules of the Supreme Law, but this did not match his own fire rules at all!

After all, the ability to understand rules is different for each person. Each person can understand at most two rules, and more than three rules have never been heard of.

Could it be that Du Yuesheng is planning to teach him the knowledge of space rules, but no matter how smart he is, it is useless!

"The rules of fire? Just so-so." Du Yuesheng muttered in a low voice. Unfortunately, this thing is still a five-clawed golden dragon. It's too rubbish.

"Do you think anyone can be as perverted as you..."

Long Aotian whispered.

"By the way, what is your relationship with Zulong?"

Du Yuesheng asked Long Aotian, because Du Yuesheng can be said to have seen countless dragon varieties in the entire dragon clan, such as green dragons, golden dragons, etc. Five-clawed golden dragons also exist like Long Aotian, but the entire There is only one ancestral dragon.

"As long as our bloodline concentration or cultivation level reaches a certain level, we dragons can automatically evolve. The first dragon is the five-clawed golden dragon that evolves. The premise is to awaken the high-level rules or absorb the blood of the dragon ancestor."

"So that's the case, then do you have a chance to evolve into the Archosaur?"

"I could have evolved into the First Dragon, but you and your pet, named Garuda, sucked all the energy from the entire Hualong Pond! I can't evolve either..."

Long Aotian looked at Du Yuesheng aggrievedly, feeling depressed in his heart.

Originally, she thought that Du Yuesheng would succeed in taking over after killing Long Batian, but after Du Yuesheng killed the ancestral dragon, if he absorbed the essence of the entire ancestral dragon, he would naturally be able to transform into another ancestral dragon after advancing to the ninth level of the Realm Lord Realm. But Du Yuesheng's pet Jinbao got there first and devoured the entire ancestral dragon's body. Forget it, there was also the Hualong Pond, which was discovered by Du Yuesheng. Du Yuesheng went directly in and took a bath, and wiped out the ancestral dragon's body. The essence and blood have been completely absorbed, what else can I do?

Although the five-clawed golden dragon can also ascend, after all, if it fails to advance, it can only wait to find opportunities for evolution in the upper world.

Du Yuesheng was also helpless, this Long Aotian was a waste!

I can only see if I can kill another ancestral dragon for him in the future.

"Let's discuss this issue later. I'll go find the God of Thunder!"


Du Yuesheng actually asked him to follow him to find the gods in the tomb of gods!

Don't die!

But before Long Aotian could say these words, he was led by Du Yuesheng to move the space.

The scene changed instantly, and Du Yuesheng and Long Aotian appeared in a space filled with thunder and lightning.

Why choose Thor first? In fact, there is a reason for this.

After all, Du Yuesheng had successfully subdued the Nine Heavens Divine Thunder when he had passed through the Nine Heavens Divine Tribulation before, which meant that he had glimpsed the breath of the Thunder Rules. Now even if the god who controls the Thunder and Lightning Rules does not agree to impart his understanding of the rules to Du Yuesheng himself could also directly blow up the god of thunder's head, and then let the system absorb the rules that were revealed.

"Master, the tomb area of ​​the God of Thunder is extremely dangerous. The power of the lightning floating around is comparable to the energy of thunder and disaster, and even worse! When you see the God of Thunder later, you must talk to the God of Thunder calmly. ”

Feeling the thunder and lightning that continued to fall from the nine heavens around the tomb hall, Long Aotian was also trembling in his heart, because generally people who control the rules of thunder and lightning have bad tempers. This has a lot to do with the attributes of thunder. After all, lightning has come from ancient times. Among them, it represents destruction and violence. Apart from the supreme rule, the most damaging one is the rule of thunder.

Du Yuesheng rolled her eyes at Long Aotian and didn't bother to explain anything to him.

After all, there is only one person like Du Yuesheng who has such a domineering life and system.

Du Yuesheng directly used spatial movement to reach the main tomb of the God of Thunder.

There was a crystal coffin placed in the center of the hall, and sleeping in the middle was a middle-aged man covered in blue spells.

Du Yuesheng closed his eyes and touched the coffin with his spiritual thoughts.

But something surprised Du Yuesheng happened!

This coffin can actually block the entry of spiritual thoughts. It must be blessed by some formation.

Long Aotian also discovered this and immediately persuaded Du Yuesheng:

"Master, I don't know whether this God of Thunder is alive or dead here, and this crystal coffin must have hidden secrets. It's better not to disturb the rest of the ancient gods..."

Long Aotian is afraid! Although the Dragon Clan is said to have a very long lifespan, these gods have survived since ancient times. It can be said that they are invincible existences in the entire God Realm. They are like ants in front of them, how can I compete with them?

"Stand away!" Du Yuesheng said to Long Aotian with a calm expression.

"Okay!" When Long Aotian heard Du Yuesheng's words, a smile appeared on his face. Since Du Yuesheng asked him to go further, he was probably ready to run away.

But the next scene made Long Aotian completely stupid.

"Swordsmanship of all heavens!"

Du Yuesheng suddenly drew his sword, summoned his spiritual power, and struck down on the coffin!

Turtle, is there such an operation?

With one strike of the sword, a crack appeared on the entire crystal coffin.

Long Aotian swallowed his saliva when he saw Du Yuesheng being so fierce.

"Oh? This tortoise shell is quite hard!" Du Yuesheng groaned when he saw that one hit failed.

If it doesn’t work once, then try it again!

Today I, Du Yuesheng, will lift the boards of your coffin.

This time, Du Yuesheng added the power of the Nine Heavens Divine Thunder. Purple light was seen on the sword, and the surrounding lightning seemed to feel the power of the king and gathered in an instant!

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