The Most Violent Upgrade

Chapter 1912 The Final Era

Thor's confident smile disappeared in an instant!

He suddenly felt a power that was completely different from the rules of space and the rules of thunder and lightning emerged from Du Yuesheng, and suddenly covered himself!

"Create rules! This is impossible!"

The God of Thunder roared loudly, the arrogance in his eyes instantly disappeared, replaced by endless fear.

Creation ranks first among the three thousand rules, and no one can understand it.

"Correct answer, but the reward is death!"

Du Yuesheng used the Zhuxian Sword as the formation eye, activated the Tai Chi Yin-Yang Formation, and directly closed the space between himself and the Thunder God. Then his other hand suddenly attached to the Thunder God's body.

The rules flow!

Thor's body instantly began to collapse because he was forcibly overdrawing his life. He knew that the situation could not be reversed, so he could only watch as his strength began to evaporate over time.

"I will accept your rule inheritance!" Du Yuesheng then waved his hands gently, and the God of Thunder slowly fell from the air like quicksand, becoming a piece of dust in the tomb of the god.

When Long Aotian saw such a scene, he didn't know how to describe this duel.

This is simply a fight between gods and gods. It would be better for ordinary people like me not to get involved!

But aren’t all gods immortal? Why was Du Yuesheng beaten to death?

"Congratulations to the player for successfully killing the God of Thunder. The reward is one trillion from the God of God.


Due to plane reasons, the host has suspended upgrades, and the experience will be distributed after the Shattered Void ascends! "

"The host's Wushuang value has reached the activation standard! Unparalleled rage can be unleashed at any time!"

"So fast?" Du Yuesheng was dumbfounded for a while. Du Yuesheng still remembered that he had just released Wushuang Fury when he fought Haotian again, but it had only been a short time before he could suddenly activate it again.

Gods increase experience points so much? Aren't you afraid that this system will make you go crazy and kill the gods, causing the entire god world to be wiped out?

"The side mission begins! Kill the remaining gods! You will get additional rewards!"

The sound of the system suddenly appeared, and Du Yuesheng jumped up in surprise!

There are additional rewards!

It seems that this system has made Tie Tie determined to kill the other gods in this tomb of gods except Ditian.

Judging from the system's rules for issuing missions, the remaining gods have probably betrayed the divine world and are preparing to ascend together with the gods of destruction.

Du Yuesheng's heart was full of fighting spirit. Now, it was time for him to clean up the tomb of this god who had already changed the original will of the world.

"I discovered the power of lightning rules, do you want to extract it?"


After Du Yuesheng successfully absorbed the power of the God of Thunder, he began to prepare to fight with other gods!

"Long Aotian!, let's go! It's time to participate in the decisive battle!"

Du Yuesheng said to Long Aotian with murderous intent.

"Master, I want to ask a question?"

"Put it away quickly!" Du Yuesheng saw Long Aotian whining and didn't give him a good look.

"Why did this Thor die?"

Du Yuesheng told Long Aotian the whole story.

"This group of gods is so insidious. It seems that this world of gods is really hopeless!" Long Aotian gritted his teeth.

"It doesn't make any sense to talk about these things now. Only by killing these guys can we get the chance to ascend."

Long Aotian also knew that there was no way other than fighting to the death. The tomb of the gods was so cruel. If someone like Du Yuesheng did not appear this time, the masters of the entire god world would become the gods sleeping in the tomb of the gods. wedding dress.

Heaven and earth are so unkind that they regard all things as stupid dogs!

Du Yuesheng took Long Aotian straight to the cemetery of the God of Destruction.

Everyone thinks that they can obtain inheritance in the tombs of various gods, but who can know that these are all traps?

It's really ironic. Gods are supposed to work for the welfare of all living things, but now they use all living beings as chess pieces, using the heaven and earth as a board, and they are playing a good chess game!

At this time, in the tomb hall of the God of Destruction, God Liu, the real controller of the Chaos Realm, is trying his best to crack the crystal coffin in the center of the hall!

"Unexpectedly, this is actually the tomb of the god who controls the rules of destruction. If I obtain his inheritance, I will never be able to go anywhere in this world! Even if I ascend to the upper world, I, Liu Shen, will still have a place."

Changes abound!

The crystal coffin suddenly cracked from the inside, and the god lying inside suddenly stretched out his hands to pinch Liu Shen.

Liu Shen's eyes suddenly shrank and he instantly retreated.

"Who are you?"

The god lying in the crystal coffin slowly sat up from the void and opened his eyes.

A prehistoric aura hit his face, and Liu Shen was instantly addicted to the divine light of the Destroying God, unable to extricate himself!

"Who am I? I only remember that at the beginning of the world, the first gods in ancient times called me Jhin!"

The god who controlled the rules of destruction stood where he was, restoring his long-lost memories.

"Haotian fell?" Jin suddenly opened his eyes and looked at Liu Shen.

"Haotian? Who is Haotian?" Liu Shen saw Jin saying some messy words and asked him.

"What rules do you have? Can you actually wake me up?"

Jin ignored Liu Shen's inquiry and asked Liu Shen arrogantly.

"What I master is the Rule of Destruction among the Supreme Rules. I hope you can teach me the knowledge of the Rule of Destruction and help me ascend to the upper world and find the reason for the annihilation of the God Realm!"

Liu Shen was also overjoyed when he saw Jhin actually asking about the rules he had mastered.

‘It seems that this God’s Tomb is indeed a good place! These gods built their tombs here to help us improve and consolidate our flaws and deficiencies in the Realm Lord Realm, and to help people like us ascend! "

Hearing Liu Shen's words, a chuckle flashed across Jhin's lips, and the disdain in his eyes was not concealed at all.

"No, no, no! Maybe I would have helped you ascend in the past, but now, we gods no longer need to rely on you ants!"

God Liu felt the murderous intention of this destructive god, and immediately drew his sword and rushed towards Jin.

Jhin's eyes were filled with surprise. People in the past few epochs had always treated him with respect, but this Liu Shen actually dared to attack him.

Liu Shen's sword penetrated Jhin's body with destructive power.

"Gods? How much stronger can they be than us! Now that the entire divine world has disappeared, how can you get the endless power that this world has given you?"

Seeing that the God of Destruction who burst out of the coffin was so vulnerable, it was ironic.

"Ants are ants after all! You actually use the rules that I control to attack me? How ridiculous! I will accept your body!"

Jin said coldly to Liu Shen.

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