The Most Violent Upgrade

Chapter 1936 Beauty throws herself into her arms

You know, in the tomb of the gods, there are countless treasures of heaven and earth left by the ancient gods.

However, Du Yuesheng is not attracted to treasures.

He wanted to enter the God's Tomb to see if there were any treasures that could upgrade the strongest body.

Everyone's eyes followed the snow girl.

Especially Huofeng stared at the snow girl's back, the lust in his eyes seemed to want to eat the snow girl.

But Du Yuesheng was very uneasy in her heart. What did this snow girl mean when she walked towards him?

Could it be that you have a crush on this emperor?

"Sir, do you mind letting me go to your box?" The snow girl spoke softly with her lips like an oriole.

When Du Yuesheng heard this, she felt happy and said with the most serious face:

"Since a beautiful woman wants something, it's natural to sweep up the bed to welcome her!"

"Ha ha!"

After that, he took the lead and walked back to the box. When everyone saw that there was no more drama to watch, they dispersed.

The manager looked at the backs of Du Yuesheng and Xue Nu as they left, and thought to himself, it seems that my vision after years of being in the world is not wrong.

Even a goddess-level figure like Yuki-onna is willing to betray her. It seems that this young master is indeed a big shot.

As for Huofeng, the person in charge didn't even look at it. A man actually begged for a woman. He might as well have committed suicide by jumping into the river!

At this moment, Huo Feng's heart was filled with overwhelming anger. He was laughed at by everyone, despised by the manager, and ruthlessly abandoned by the Snow Girl.

All of this was caused by Du Yuesheng!

Before meeting Du Yuesheng, although Huo Nu showed no strange emotions, she was still chatting and laughing and getting along harmoniously.

But since meeting Du Yuesheng, everything has changed.

He is the proud son of Huofeng Congtian, the most proud person of the younger generation, and the hope of the Flame Mountain!

Become a pitiful person in the eyes of others!

Therefore, he attributed all the reasons to Du Yuesheng, and he swore that one day, he would cut this Du Yuesheng into pieces!

But Du Yuesheng didn't notice it at this moment. Even if he knew it, he probably wouldn't take it to heart at all!

For a small character like Huofeng, squeezing him to death is as easy as squeezing a small ant to death!

The so-called genius is nothing more than a natural idiot. At least, this is how Genius is defined in Du’s Dictionary!

In the box, Du Yuesheng and Xue Nu stood side by side and looked forward!

"Do you know who the person you just killed on the street is?" Xue Nu said softly, seeing the nonchalant look on Du Yuesheng's face.

She wanted to say that the other party had a lot of background, so Du Yuesheng should be careful!

"Isn't he just the crown prince of King Wei? Don't worry, I can still handle this little power!"

Du Yuesheng said calmly.


Isn't he just a prince?

The snow girl was stunned.

That's the crown prince of the Wei Dynasty. Does he really not know? Or are you just pretending not to know?

But what the snow girl didn't know was.

At this moment, the palace of the Divine Wei Dynasty was in chaos!

Once the prince is killed, it is a major event no matter which dynasty it is in, let alone the Wei Dynasty in the chaotic area.

At this moment, the emperor of Shenwei sat high on the dragon throne and asked the people below who came to report the news:

"Do you know who it is? He is so bold and dares to kill my prince, the future master of the Wei Dynasty?"

"Also, how did you protect the prince? You actually let the prince be killed in the street!"

The furious emperor released a terrifying pressure that made the monks of Shenwei who came to report the news breathless!

"Your Majesty, all the guards protecting the prince were killed. According to the investigation, we learned from the monks who were watching that this was done by a young man!"

"At this moment, he is at the auction in Luoshui City! As long as we send out the experts from Shenwei, we can definitely cut the young man who killed the prince into pieces to comfort the prince's spirit in heaven!"

After hearing this, Emperor Shen Wei immediately gave the order.

"Here we come, declare my will, let all the masters of the Heaven and Earth Realm and above in Shen Wei follow us to Luoshui City to seek justice for the Crown Prince of Shen Wei and bring the unknown murderer to justice!"

Emperor Shenwei said angrily, so much so that he crushed the golden dragon head with so much strength in his hands!

His anger is palpable!

The Divine Wei Dynasty has fifteen people in the Heaven and Earth Realm, nine in the Taishang Realm, and three in the Supreme Realm. In the chaotic area, it can be regarded as a diamond force!

Especially the Cao family in the Zhongzhou area and the existence of the entire sect family, which makes even some big families in Zhongzhou not easily offend the Wei Dynasty to avoid unnecessary trouble.

And this divine prince of Wei, Cao Meng, has no scruples just because he is used to doing whatever he wants and relies on his own power!

In daily life, people often do things like bullying men and dominating women. This time, when they meet the unreasonable Du Yuesheng, they may lose their lives!

Emperor Shenwei had just given the order, and Cao Meng's mother, the queen of Shenwei, immediately rushed over from the harem!

"Your Majesty, my fierce son died miserably, you must avenge him!"

"I must cut him into pieces and cut him into pieces, so that I can take away the hatred in my heart."

The queen said fiercely.

For Cao Meng, both the emperor and the empress of Shenwei had devoted countless efforts and wasted countless talents and treasures to cultivate him!

It was gone, but it was still dead on the street, split in half.

It would be hard enough for anyone.

And Emperor Shenwei could only say comfortingly: "I will definitely capture this hateful young man! I will let you do whatever you want!"

"No, I want you to go with you. I want to see who dares to do this to my son. I will make his life worse than death!" the queen said sternly.

Obviously, Cao Meng's death has made this woman lose her mind!

Half an hour later, outside the palace of the Shenwei Dynasty, the emperor and queen, as well as the powerful men of the dynasty above the realm of heaven and earth, were all ready to go!

The emperor said to these powerful monks: "You are all elites of our dynasty, and you are here to avenge the prince of the Wei Dynasty!"

"If we don't avenge this revenge, how can the Wei Dynasty retain its dignity? How can it survive in this world? I'm afraid the surrounding forces will look down on us!"

"So, when we go this time, we must kill the murderer and avenge the prince, take revenge!"

The crowd was furious and united. These powerful men were all related to the Cao family by blood, and they had watched Cao Meng grow up.

How can I not be angry now that I have died in a foreign country?

In fact, Cao Meng's arrogance was caused by this group of powerful people!

Growing up, whenever Cao Meng got into trouble, these people would have to wipe his ass for him, which created his lawless character!

But no matter what, this revenge team set off in great force.


Falling water city.

Du Yuesheng! ! !

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