The Most Violent Upgrade

Chapter 1945 Abnormal

Xiao Mo couldn't help but rolled his eyes.

He still wanted to say a few words, but the person on the opposite side immediately caught up with him, and without saying a word, he was ready to start a fight.

Seeing this posture, Xiao Mo couldn't stop complaining. These dozen people were at the Saint level at the lowest level.

One or two, maybe more than a dozen, who did this guy offend?


"Kill my god, the prince of the Wei Dynasty, with your life."

With lightning speed, more than a dozen people surrounded the two of them and looked at Du Yuesheng.

Du Yuesheng glanced at them coldly and said disdainfully: "It's just a bunch of bastards. Those who are not afraid of death can come."

As he spoke, the Immortal Killing Sword appeared in his hand, and it was filled with light, giving people an invisible oppression.

Looking at the Zhuxian Sword in Du Yuesheng's hand, Xiao Mo looked at him with some envy, good guy, what on earth is this thing.

But after reacting to what a few people said, I was shocked again.

The divine Wei Dynasty?

This guy actually killed the prince of the Wei Dynasty! ! !

Holy shit!

Xiao Mo couldn't believe it was true.

The Divine Wei Dynasty was considered the supreme power in the peripheral areas.

As for the prince of a country, needless to say, his status can be imagined.

Du Yuesheng saw Xiao Mo's expression and said calmly: "You came here because of my involvement. You can leave later. There is no need to get hurt."

After all, they are just a temporary combination.

Xiao Mo smiled bitterly and shook his head. If he left, he would have to leave.

The dozen or so people around them had already surrounded them tightly, and there was no place for them to escape.

"Since we are in a group and are friends, how could I just leave like this?"

After saying that, Xiao Mo put away the folding fan in his hand with a "pop", and his expression changed from the initial cynicism to shock.

Hearing Xiao Mo say this, Du Yuesheng also changed his mind a lot.

This person values ​​love and justice. Since others value love and justice, he has nothing to hide.

His figure swayed slightly, but before they could understand it, Du Yuesheng flashed behind them and said, "Zhu Xian."

With a loud shout, the Zhuxian Sword was poured directly into the person with the lowest rank, killing him with one strike.


Congratulations to player Du Yuesheng for killing a saint-level monster and earning 5 million holy points.

The rest of the people looked shocked, as if they didn't expect a person at the fifth level of the Imperial Realm to have such strength.

Kill the saint with one sword.

Of course, those who were surprised included Xiao Mo.


Seeing how powerful Du Yuesheng was, the man in black who led him shouted loudly, and the rest of the people reacted from the shock.

In an instant, everyone surrounded Du Yuesheng, and quickly formed a shadow on their hands. A huge formation flashed at the feet of the two of them, while the rest of the people each occupied a position.

Du Yuesheng winked at Xiao Mo, and the two of them attacked separately. As soon as they reached one of them, an invisible wall blocked them.

Du Yuesheng did not hesitate and swung his sword directly. The attack seemed to be placed on cotton and had no effect on the barrier.

The leader of the men in black stood at the center of the formation, looked at the two people with contempt, and shouted loudly. The tops of their heads were densely covered with silver needles, which glowed green.

"It's poisonous, Xiao Mo, be careful."

While Du Yuesheng blocked the rain of needles, he did not forget to care about Xiao Mo. Seeing that Xiao Mo dealt with it easily, he felt relieved.

"This rain shower is just the first attack of the formation. How can you two break through the unique formation of the dynasty?"

The leading man in black looked at the two of them coldly and said contemptuously.

The leader of the man in black was radiating light, muttering something in his mouth, clasping his hands together, and looking at Du Yuesheng with cold eyes.

If you kill him, he will be able to return to his life. When the time comes, the emperor will give him endless glory and wealth.

Ha ha!

Thinking of this, he couldn't wait to see it.

Before the needle rain ended, the sky was suddenly covered with dark clouds, lightning flashed, thunder roared, and the wind howled. Bolts of lightning fell from the sky with thunder. The dust on the ground was picked up, and sand and rocks flew, which confused the eyes of the two people.

Du Yuesheng tried to destroy the barrier, but the barrier was like cotton, and all attacks were absorbed.

He was okay, but Xiao Mo on the side was a little powerless and was completely eaten up.

Du Yuesheng looked at this situation, and he was a little hesitant to use the Supreme Cards he had obtained before.

But Du Yuesheng was a little reluctant to use it on these bastards.

Suddenly, he remembered that he had killed someone before that.

He has always felt that it was a little strange. If they came together, then there must be a flaw in the formation if one person was missing.

After figuring it out, Du Yuesheng began to prepare to defeat them one by one.

Standing in the sky, the leader of the men in black watched Du Yuesheng jumping up and down inside, thinking that he was at the end of his rope and was fighting a trapped beast inside.

Suddenly, Du Yuesheng's eyes flashed with a hint of cunning, and he looked at the vacant position of one of the array eyes.

The sword energy of the Zhuxian Sword flows, and all the sword energy finally gathers on the tip of the sword. The sword body sinks into the ground and slides all the way to the barrier.

"Fuck me." Du Yuesheng shouted.

There was a bang, and the ground trembled for a long time. The ground slowly cracked, and finally a ravine four to five meters wide and bottomless was opened.

The person at the head of the formation squeaked out, blood spurted out, his face turned pale, he looked at Du Yuesheng and screamed in disbelief.

"No way, this is impossible."

"Nothing is impossible. Go back and tell that dog emperor of yours that if you mess with me again, I will destroy his country."

Slowly raising the Zhuxian Sword in his hand, in the fearful eyes of everyone, it was like a ghost appeared in front of several people and before they had time to resist, they became the dead souls under the sword.


Congratulations to player Du Yuesheng for killing a saint-level monster and earning seven million holy points.


Congratulations to player Du Yuesheng for killing a saint-level monster and earning three million holy points.

The leader looked at Du Yuesheng with a hint of fear in his eyes.

This man, this man is so terrifying!

Du Yuesheng looked at the leader and walked slowly in front of him. In the eyes of the leader, Du Yuesheng was now Shura from hell. She looked at him tremblingly and closed her eyes in despair, waiting for death to come.

"Don't worry, I won't kill you. After all, I still have to leave a messenger behind."

He put away the Zhuxian Sword in his hand, turned around, and left domineeringly.

Xiao Mo, who was on the side, had already noticed him, looked at him coming, and said dumbfounded: "Are you at the fifth level of the Imperial Realm?"

Du Yuesheng raised his eyebrows and said funnyly: "As you can see."

He had indeed changed a lot about Xiao Mo's previous righteous behavior, and regarded him as a friend in his heart.

"I go!"

Thousands of words came to his lips, but only two words came out. God knows how shocked Xiao Mo is now.

He originally thought he was just looking for a random strong person to join the hunt.

But now it seems that what he found is simply a perverted existence.

And he is also a very perverted person.

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