The Most Violent Upgrade

Chapter 1950 Shameless

Du Yuesheng shrugged indifferently and said indifferently.

"Since we are brothers, don't be polite to me. Just take it. You are mentally injured now. Let's go back to the camp first. I will protect you while you absorb this technique.

Such a big thing happened here. There can't be no movement. It's definitely not safe now. Let's leave first. "

Xiao Mo nodded, and with Du Yuesheng's help, they quietly returned to the tent under the cover of night.

Just after returning, Du Yuesheng went to say hello to Wu Hang. Wu Hang was preoccupied with the previous battle and did not doubt that he was there, so he perfunctorily asked him to pay more attention to his safety.

Back in the tent, Xiao Mo glanced at him weakly. His face was paler than before, and his mind felt like needles pricking him. He only felt that everything was double-imaged in front of his eyes. He blinked hard and finally managed to See clearly.

"Without further delay, you must absorb this technique first, otherwise your mental strength will not be able to support it and collapse." Du Yuesheng frowned, and he could tell at a glance that something was wrong with Xiao Mo.

Xiao Mo also knew that now was not the time to be polite, so he nodded and entered.

Du Yuesheng went to guard the door for him. The technique slowly floated on Xiao Mo's chest. Wishes of red light were like little snakes, turning into thousands of threads and worming their way into Xiao Mo's body.

Feeling the impact from the outside world, Xiao Mo groaned, frowning, and dense beads of sweat covered his forehead. His whole body was trembling slightly, as if he was trying his best to endure something.

Du Yuesheng stared at him closely to prevent him from having any accidents later.

Mental exercises are not so easy to understand. If you are not firm enough, you can easily be backlashed by the newly practiced exercises and suffer a mental breakdown.

"Tiger's Roar is an earth-level fifth-level peak spiritual skill. It can enhance mental power, speed up mental power repair, concentrate mental power, and launch mental attacks. Tiger's Roar can give people a heavy blow."

A sentence slowly emerged in Xiao Mo's mind and he looked at the introduction. I couldn't hold back the excitement in my heart.

It can not only enhance mental power, but also perform mental attacks. It is worthy of being something found in high-level monsters. It truly lives up to its reputation. Even its techniques are so abnormal.

Mental power is not like cultivation, which can be enhanced as the cultivator's level increases. It can only be cultivated through exercises. This is why some people have reached the realm of heaven and earth, but their spirits are vulnerable.

He felt even more grateful to Du Yuesheng in his heart, and at the same time affirmed his strong strength. Looking at the red light on the technique, Xiao Mo directly absorbed it without hesitation.

The red light suddenly hit the center of his eyebrows, and a sharp pain came, as if someone was hitting his brain hard with an awl. The original mental power collided with the red light group, making a harsh buzzing sound.

He took a breath of cold air, beads of sweat fell from his forehead, his body trembled, and he gritted his teeth, not daring to relax at all. After all, if he was not careful, he might become a fool.

Holding back the pain, he slowly guided his mental power to integrate. He didn't believe that he couldn't cure a small local level skill.

The jade-like white light intertwined with the red light. This was his original mental power. The white light entered bit by bit at an extremely slow speed. Feeling other breaths, the red light group suddenly retreated, and it continued in his mind. Crash.

The roar of the tiger came clearly in his mind. It was sharp and harsh, as if it was about to pierce his eardrums. The huge pain left two lines of blood in his ears.

Seeing Xiao Mo's appearance, Du Yuesheng frowned slightly and slowly raised and lowered his hand.

He couldn't take action easily before the last moment, otherwise, all Xiao Mo had endured would be in vain.

Staring at him closely, eyes burning.

Gritting his teeth, Xiao Mo was cruel and summoned all his mental power. His mental power rushed towards the red light group overwhelmingly, wrapping him in it. No matter how the red light group escaped, there was nothing he could do.

Forcibly integrated into the red light group, the light group finally felt a hint of fear, trembled slightly, and was finally covered by white light.

The pain finally eased, and Xiao Mo's eyebrows relaxed. I felt as if I was lying in the sea. The moonlight was bright and scattered on the sea like silver light and snow waves, and there was silence all around.

The vast spiritual power overflowed, and he felt that his whole body was refreshed. He slowly opened his eyes, and a strong light burst out.


Du Yuesheng raised his eyebrows and said with a smile.

Feeling the vast spiritual power in his mind, Xiao Mo was overjoyed and his complexion recovered a lot. He could not feel the injuries he suffered before and nodded towards Du Yuesheng.

There is no need to say any more words of thanks. From this moment on, he, Du Yuesheng, is his brother Xiao Mo.

At this time, Wu Hang, who was outside the tent next to him, suddenly opened his eyes, looked in the direction of Du Yuesheng and Xiao Mo with confusion, squinted his eyes coldly, and for a long time, shook his head in the negative. The feeling just now... no, it must be him. Got it wrong.

The group hunted in the forest for two days, and the harvest was pretty good.

Most of them are monsters above the imperial realm. Although there is nothing rare, it can be said that they have gained a lot.

"Today is the last day. Tomorrow we will go to the center of the Monster Forest. Everyone must have a good rest. I'm afraid there will be a tough battle to fight tomorrow."

After the words fell, Wu Hang took the lead to leave. He still had some things to prepare.

He knew the strength of these people. It would be difficult to hunt and kill the monsters at the heaven and earth level.

But the monster is a monster after all. Although it is powerful, it is not as flexible as humans. He will be well prepared when he comes out. As long as the plan succeeds...

He raised the corner of his mouth coldly, looking greedy, as if he had seen him become a strong man.

"You two boys, go have a good rest and don't cause trouble, so as not to hold us back tomorrow." Lu Lin looked at Du Yuesheng and Xiao Mo and said impatiently.

These two people were eating and drinking in the team all day long. If the eldest brother hadn't said they were useful, he would have eliminated these two boys long ago.

A trace of displeasure flashed in Du Yuesheng's eyes, but he didn't show it. Xiao Mo had a straight temper and was about to get angry when Du Yuesheng interrupted him: "Okay, don't worry, we won't hold you back."

As he said that, he winked at Xiao Mo and the two of them left quickly.

"That person named Lu said such unpleasant things, and you can still bear it. This is not like your style." Xiao Mo frowned, a little confused.

In his image, Du Yuesheng was not such a good-tempered person. On the contrary, this guy was definitely not a kind person.

After looking around, he made sure there was no one around and waved to Xiao Mo.

Xiao Mo came closer, and then he slowly said what he heard about the conversation between Wu Hang and Lu Lin before.

After listening, Xiao Mo's eyes were filled with anger: "These bastards actually want to use us as bait."

He thought that at most they would use them to hunt together, and at most they would steal their trophies, but he never expected that this would be the case.

"They are all like this, why are you still so calm?"

"Otherwise? Make a big fuss with them? Anyway, we have the same goal, but... we can't tell who will be the bait then."

Du Yuesheng narrowed his eyes slightly, exuding a cold aura. Since he had the guts to plot against him, he didn't know if he would have the guts to bear the consequences.

After a long silence, Xiao Mo finally reacted. He looked at Du Yuesheng as if he were a monster, and said with some fear: "Fortunately, I didn't offend you, a pervert, otherwise I don't know how he died."

"Are you perverted? That's what I call smart."

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