The Most Violent Upgrade

Chapter 1954 Who else?

"We walked separately. Their target was me."

After the words fell, Du Yuesheng ran in the other direction without giving Xiao Mo any chance.

Xiao Mo stretched out his hand, looked behind him, gritted his teeth, said nothing more, whispered "take care", and left quickly.

"Young man, put down your things and spare your life." Three people suddenly appeared in front of him, blocking Du Yuesheng's path and approaching step by step.

"What if I say no." Du Yuesheng raised his eyes disdainfully, his eyes filled with red mist.

With a flash of light in his hand, the Zhuxian Sword appeared in his hand, with a solemn look on his face.

"If you don't eat the toast, you will have to drink the fine wine."

The leader's eyes turned cold, and he winked at the other two people, who then surrounded Du Yuesheng.

The leader pulled out a whip with a "snap" sound and swung it hard, causing the air to break and produce fire. Several people cooperated and launched attacks on Du Yuesheng continuously. Two people were in charge of strength, one was in charge of speed, and the three of them cooperated perfectly.

But in Du Yuesheng's eyes, everything seemed slow enough, and the corners of his mouth curved confidently.

Three emperor-level clowns dared to dance in front of him.

The Zhu Xian Sword in his hand swung at one of the people without hesitation, and at the same time he kicked it out. The Zhu Xian Sword's light appeared, and with a tap of his toes, the person appeared behind the person with the main speed.

The sword was swung out, and the speedster's eyes widened. He was so frightened that he forgot to react for a moment, and screamed: "This is impossible... you are..."

Before he could finish what he said, his eyes were about to burst, blood flowed from the corners of his mouth, and he fell to the ground.

"who is the next?"

Du Yuesheng put the Zhuxian Sword on his shoulder, raised his head, and said arrogantly.

His eyes were like a hawk, as if he was really thinking about who his next target should be.

The other two people seemed to see monsters. At that moment, they felt the fear of death.

But at this point, retreat was impossible, so we had to bite the bullet and go forward.

"Let's work together and not give that kid a chance." The man holding the whip said viciously.

The whip was thrown hard at Du Yuesheng, and the originally slender black whip grew crazily in an instant.

Finally, it turned into a whip that was dozens of meters long and as thick as an adult man's thigh. The whip seemed to be alive and wrapped around Du Yuesheng's body.

The man holding the whip was delighted, and the other man did not dare to stop at all and rushed forward.

"Transform into the devil's palm!"

The palm of another person suddenly became extremely huge, like a huge stone falling from the sky.

Du Yuesheng clenched his hands hard, and veins popped out in his hands. The whip shattered with a snap, turned into fists, and faced him directly.


Du Yuesheng shouted loudly and kicked him out.


The man who was kicked by Du Yuesheng flew backwards and broke a dozen strong trees before stopping.

The ribs in his body were broken and inserted into his heart. Blood spurted out and he died.

The person holding the whip was shocked to see the Zhuxian Sword in Du Yuesheng's hand shining brightly, and he knelt down in fright.

The words came to his lips, but before they came out, he was pierced by the Immortal Killing Sword.

They lowered their heads in disbelief, looking at the sword inserted into their bodies, their eyes widened, as if they could not rest in silence, the corpse turned into dust, they may not understand what happened until they died.

"Ding, congratulations to player Du Yuesheng for killing an emperor-level monster and earning one million holy points."

"Ding, congratulations to player Du Yuesheng for killing an emperor-level monster and obtaining three million holy points."

Du Yuesheng didn't care about this, took a step forward, stared at the world and shouted:

"As for those who are tired of living, let me come out and deal with them one by one."

He deliberately amplified his voice. He knew from the time he killed the first person that these people had been hiding in the dark, waiting for the right opportunity to attack and defeat him.

He said these words just to act as a deterrent.

As soon as these words came out, some people around who were lower in strength than the three just looked at each other, a little afraid.

After all, they never would have thought that a person at the fifth level of the Emperor Realm could easily kill three people at the fourth level of the Emperor Realm in an instant.

Although temptation is in front of you, you still have to live to enjoy it.

"Humph, he's just an arrogant boy."

There were also some people who couldn't stand the temptation. After hesitating for a moment, they still chased after him.

"Let's go together. Don't give this kid a chance. We will compete fairly when the time comes."

Someone in the crowd drank loudly, and people around him gathered around. Some people watched the fire from the other side, waiting to catch the fishermen.

Du Yuesheng raised his eyebrows, took out a pill from somewhere, and held it in his mouth.

This was given to him by the previous system and could quickly heal his injuries and return his strength to its peak state.

The dense wounds on his hands began to heal, and there was an itching sensation. The powerful strength spread to his shins and limbs. He looked at the people surrounding him and ignored them. He was injured and still able to fight, but now that he has recovered, these people are just ants in his eyes.

The Zhuxian Sword was held high, shining brightly, the sky was filled with dark clouds, and the power of heaven and earth formed a spiral nest, gathering on the Zhuxian Sword, and everyone around felt the huge pressure.

"What exactly is that person's strength!"

"Everyone attack him, don't let him launch this attack."

Hearing these words, everyone woke up as if from a dream, dazzling light emitted from all around, and they rushed towards Du Yuesheng in the center of the crowd.

"The sky is falling apart."

"A broken ax sinks a boat!"

Du Yuesheng's eyes flashed with cold light, and his body flashed with golden light. A set of gleaming soft armor covered his body. The defense of Jiuxiao Armor could withstand a supreme fatal blow.

"Frenzy, start." With a loud shout, Du Yuesheng's body expanded rapidly, with abundant strength in his body and muscles bulging.

The whole person has grown several times, like a crazy savage, punching the person who sneaked up on him from behind.

The man exploded, blood scattered everywhere, and Du Yuesheng's aura expanded to the extreme.

The huge energy on the Zhuxian Sword spread, a huge red light gathered at the tip of the sword, and the sword energy swept out.

Some people who were in the first level of Saint Realm or lower were directly broken at the waist, although some people with higher levels could barely escape.

But he also suffered a lot of injuries, and the others looked at him as if they were looking at a monster.

At this moment, Du Yuesheng had cold eyes, holding the Immortal Killing Sword in his hand, and blood sprinkled on his body. He was like a Shura from hell, making people retreat.

Some people were already a little scared and started to retreat.

They didn't expect that such a young man could beat so many of them by himself.

"The method of breaking the sky."

A sound of breaking through the air came from behind, and a strong wind hit Du Yuesheng directly.

Du Yuesheng turned around quickly and faced the punch forcefully. His body sank, a huge hole formed under his feet, the ground cracked, and he swung the palm of his hand directly towards the man's forehead.

The man was startled and wanted to run away, but was directly sucked into Du Yuesheng's palm. He could only watch death coming in front of him, and the man was directly blown into pieces.

"Who else?"

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