The Most Violent Upgrade

Chapter 1956 Entering the Imperial Capital


Du Yuesheng will definitely take revenge.

If you are kind to him, he will definitely repay it a hundred times; if you are evil to him, he will definitely be sent to the underworld.

However, for now, we should first consider how to improve our strength.

Du Yuesheng took out a demon core from the space, which was the demon beast that Cao Cao killed earlier.

"System, how many holy points can this demon core be exchanged for?" Du Yuesheng asked, holding the demon core.


"The system reclaims 100 million holy points."


Du Yuesheng said nonchalantly, this thing is of no use to him anyway.


"Recycling successful!"

"Congratulations to player Du Yuesheng for his upgrade."

"The level has been improved, and the current level is the sixth level of the Imperial Realm."

"Congratulations to player Du Yuesheng for his upgrade."

"The level has been improved, and the current level is the eighth level of the Imperial Realm."

"Congratulations to player Du Yuesheng for his upgrade."

"The level has been improved, and the current level is the ninth level of the Imperial Realm."

keep going!

Depend on!

One hundred million is only enough to upgrade to level three.

Du Yuesheng was speechless.

According to his estimation, he could be upgraded to the Heaven and Earth Realm, but in the end, he was only at the ninth level of the Caihuang Realm.

"System, the coordinates of the Wei Dynasty that I want to create."


"Players can reach the capital of the Wei Dynasty by crossing the mountain range in front of them."


Du Yuesheng was also surprised when he heard the answer given by the system. He didn't expect that the god Wei Dynasty was so close to him.

"very good!"

Du Yuesheng held the Zhuxian Sword tightly and looked at the mountain in front of him, which was the perfect place for him to upgrade.

"Kill monsters and level up!"

"You should be able to level up a lot by crossing this mountain."

So Du Yuesheng did not hesitate and immediately walked towards the depths of the dense forest mountains.

In an instant, the entire figure disappeared from the entrance.

In the dense forest, some towering trees, dozens of feet high, soar into the sky. The ground is covered with dead branches and leaves. There are various and dangerous auras, and extremely powerful monsters can be vaguely seen wandering among them.

Du Yuesheng also walked slowly in the mountains. He did not dare to walk quickly because who knew what would happen in the next second. Soon he saw his target.

Each fat monster is leisurely absorbing the spiritual energy of heaven and earth.


"Kill, in order to upgrade."

After Du Yuesheng saw the monster, he immediately took action without hesitation.

With his sights set on the target, Du Yuesheng rushed toward the monster.


One hit kill.

The gorgeous head fell to the ground and died, and the system's prompt sound also sounded: "Ding, congratulations to the player "Du Yuesheng" for killing the monster and gaining 100,000 holy points."


With the first one, Du Yuesheng continuously waved the Zhuxian Sword to kill the monster, and each time it was basically a one-hit kill.

One after another, the monsters fell to the ground on the grass.

"Ding, congratulations to the player "Du Yuesheng" for killing the Emperor Realm monster and obtaining 500,000 Holy Points."

"Ding, congratulations to the player "Du Yuesheng" for killing the Emperor Realm monster and obtaining 300,000 Holy Points."

"Ding, congratulations to the player "Du Yuesheng" for killing the monster in the rules realm and obtaining 10,000 holy points."


after one day

"Ding, congratulations to the player "Du Yuesheng" for his upgrade. He is currently at the Imperial Realm."

"Finally upgraded."

Du Yuesheng listened to the system prompts. After a day of massacre, he finally upgraded to the imperial realm.

Not enough, still not enough.


Another two days passed.

"Ding, congratulations to the player "Du Yuesheng" for his upgrade. He is currently at the third level of the Emperor."

"Kill, kill!"

"Breakthrough, breakthrough!"

Du Yuesheng seemed to be possessed by a demon, holding the Kaitian in his hand and continuing to kill the native pig beast.

Ten days later.


A violent explosion echoed through time and space, and a huge monster fell to the ground.

Its size is a hundred feet high, and standing in front of the fallen monster is a man holding a long sword.

"Ding, congratulations to the player "Du Yuesheng" for killing the supreme demon and obtaining the Holy Five Million."


"Congratulations to Du Yuesheng for his promotion to the fifth emperor level."


"Congratulations to the player for obtaining five thousand unique points."

"Ha ha!"

"Shen Wei Dynasty, Cao Yu, wait for me. I will come to you to settle accounts. Your good days are over."

Du Yuesheng laughed.

After ten days of killing, he finally arrived at the territory of the Wei Dynasty.

I have gained quite a lot in these ten days, my level has been upgraded to the fifth level of the Emperor, and the biggest gain is the unparalleled value.

With this thing, he ignores everyone.

Thinking of the next killing, Du Yuesheng went straight to the Wei Dynasty.

The Divine Wei Dynasty is located at the junction of the Fringe Zone and the Chaotic Zone.

A prosperous city, this city is called Shenwei City. Walking into the city, Du Yuesheng stood directly on the city gate, overlooking all living things.

In this stormy city, time flies by like a fleeting moment, and today, he is the one who bloodbathed the Wei Dynasty.

"Look, there's someone at the city gate."

Suddenly, a man pointed at the city gate and shouted loudly. People around him gathered around. A man who looked like a guard flew forward, pointed a red tassel gun at Du Yuesheng, and shouted: "Who are you?"

Du Yuesheng looked down and saw that the guard fell directly against the city gate. His eyes were closed and blood was bleeding from all his orifices. The people below did not know whether they were alive or dead.

"Go tell your emperor, I, Du Yuesheng, that we are here to collect debts."

Du Yuesheng looked at the people below, like a high-ranking emperor, pointing out the country in just a few words, as if he was born to be a king, a man standing at the top of the world.

"Du Yuesheng! It's Du Yuesheng, he's here, he's really here!"

Someone in the crowd recognized him, pointed to the city wall, and was shocked. He was also present during the hunt that day, and happened to hear Du Yuesheng's heroic words. He thought he was just talking, but he didn't expect that he was actually here.

Today, the Wei Dynasty is destined to shed blood.

If he loses in today's battle, he will be an eternal joke.

If he wins, no matter who knows him or not, his name, Du Yuesheng, will resound throughout the entire fringe area. This is a battle of honor.

After jumping down from the city gate, the people around him subconsciously gave way to a path.

Du Yuesheng had an unobstructed journey and arrived at the foot of the dynasty. The entire Wei dynasty was magnificent and resplendent, which showed its strong strength. There were already heavy guards at the palace gate, and everyone had the strength of the saint realm.

The city gate is wide open, and in the center of the palace, there is a huge high platform. On that high platform, Cao Yu is sitting high, surrounded by people. Looking at the aura exuding from his body, you can tell that he is very powerful.

At this moment, Cao Yu didn't seem to care about Du Yuesheng and was laughing loudly with the people next to him.

Du Yuesheng, Du Yuesheng, you are still too arrogant. The people in his dynasty are not low in strength.

"Come here!!" Cao Yu shouted, and instantly a large wave of soldiers surrounded Du Yuesheng.

Du Yuesheng glanced at a few people coldly. The bright sun reached the sky and shone on him. His whole person looked like he was covered with a layer of golden armor. The Nine Heavens Armor originally worn on his body was now shining with dazzling light, as if a god had descended.

"The winner is the king and the loser is the bandit."

A clear voice resounded throughout the imperial city, and everyone looked at Du Yuesheng with blazing eyes and a hint of expectation in their eyes.

"Kill without mercy."

Cao Yu watched Du Yuesheng spit out a few words lightly.

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