The Most Violent Upgrade

Chapter 313 [Nobita's Red Envelope]


System, stand up for me?

I promise not to kill you, what do you mean?

To actually say that I am not qualified enough, so I can only join the scumbag red envelope group? ? ?

Moreover, is his sister a group?

Du Yuesheng remembered that when he took the exam, not to mention the first place in the front, the top ten from the bottom could still get in.

However, now he doesn't even count as a scumbag.

"Ding, scumbag Li Liqun is about to distribute red envelopes, players please get ready."

'What! '

'The red envelope is here.'

Du Yuesheng saw a 3D image in the void, and a red envelope with a pair of black wings floated out.

'Rob! '

However, before Du Yuesheng could make a move, the red envelope floated away from his eyes.

'Damn it! '

'Nobody else has this speed.'

Du Yuesheng was so angry, but when he saw the other party, he was immediately confused, it was Xiao Ming.

This is the classmate of the legendary great god 'Xiao Ming'.

'Come on! ’ Du Yuesheng remembered what the system said.

Before grabbing a red envelope, send a red envelope first, maybe the effect will be better.

So when the second red envelope flew out, Du Yuesheng directly threw out a red envelope at the same time.

Sure enough, when he threw out the red envelope, many people in the group looked at his red envelope differently.

"Hey, it's a red envelope from a newcomer. This must be grabbed."

"That's right, how can you let go of the newcomer's red envelope."

Most of the people were attracted by Du Yuesheng's red envelopes, which greatly reduced the pressure on Du Yuesheng when he snatched the red envelopes in the group. However, Du Yuesheng's red envelopes had no farts in them.

After successfully grabbing the red envelope, the sound of the system prompt came out.


"Congratulations to player Du Yuesheng, for grabbing Daxiong's red envelope."


"Because the player sent blank red and white, he was permanently blocked by the scumbag 9999 group."

"Ding, the player opens Nobita's red envelope and gets a fallen killer."

Du Yuesheng was extremely dumbfounded by three prompts in a row, what is this? Grab a red envelope and grab it from the kid Daxiong.

Didn't he get blocked by the scumbag red envelope group because of this?

What the hell is this fallen killer?

Special Item: Down Killer

From: Doraemon series animation

Description: A small robot that can only be used by people below the Difficult Realm!

This is a bit out of luck.

Forget it, who told me that I didn't get into a good red envelope group.

It seems that I'm not lucky today, so don't grab the red envelope.

After exiting the system, Du Yuesheng began to calculate, there is no way for this fallen killer to be used to shady people.

So now, the most important thing is to find the target.

Needless to say, the people of Pilobao must be yin.

What is missing now is another goal.

As the saying goes, when you want to fall asleep, someone will give you a pillow. No, Du Yuesheng was thinking about how he could confuse the people in Jilubao and provoke trouble, so he heard a different voice.

"Hmph, boss, I don't think we need to participate in this martial arts tournament anymore?"

"The people in Tiaolobao are pure dogs who see people as inferior. Why did our Yunyu Gang offend them and refuse to let the young gang leader participate in the competition!"

"Okay, needless to say, they are powerful, and they are not something we can provoke."

"Let's go, since we are not allowed to participate, there is no point in staying here."

From the voices of these two people, Du Yuesheng heard other meanings. It seems that, relying on his own strong strength, Du Yuesheng actually offended many people.

The Yunyu gang really doesn't have much strength. Looking at their help, they only have two disasters. With this strength, they still want to participate in the martial arts tournament?

Even Du Yuesheng would not let them participate. However, such a person can just be used.

Following behind these people, Du Yuesheng had quietly released the "killer who fell to the ground".

The Knockdown Killer is very compact, and with its built-in stealth function, it is really hard to find it.

When the members of the Yunyu gang walked up to a group of people from Jilubao, Du Yuesheng directly gave the order.


The head of the Yunyu Gang suddenly fell to the ground, and fell a piece of shit, and when he stood up, he heard the unscrupulous laughter of the guards of Zilubao.

One must know that besides his two little brothers, besides the leader of the Yunyu Gang, there are only the guards of Zilubao.

Anyway, he is also a cultivation base of the second calamity realm, how could he fall down while walking?

In the eyes of the leader of the Yunyu Gang, this is definitely the work of the guards in front of him.

"You guys, you people in the Pokpo are too deceitful!"

The leader of the Yunyu Gang pointed at the guards of Qilubao and said angrily, being repeatedly humiliated.

Now, he even bullied a small guard on his head, how could he hold back.

Normally, the two guards of the Fort Pill would greet them with a smile.

At this moment, someone pointed at them and scolded them, and it was the lowly Yunyu Gang.

The two guards naturally didn't have a good face.

"What did you say to you? Master Yunyu, you can eat more food, and you can't talk nonsense. I'm not a small fish like you who can provoke you."

"You! You're courting death!" The leader of Yunyu was furious, and he threw his fist at the guard of the fort.

The strength of the guard is naturally far behind that of the Yunyu gang leader. The capital of his arrogance does not come from his own strength, but because he is a member of Zhilubao.

At this moment, the leader of Yunyu made a sudden move, and he had no way to resist it, and was directly thrown away by a punch.

"You, you dare to openly attack my people in Zilubao!"

"Come on, someone is attacking Zilubao, kill him quickly!"

Being punched and flying, this person didn't suffer much damage, but he was very angry in his heart, so he directly called out to his companions loudly.

Soon, a group of guards from Zilubao rushed over and saw their companion being beaten.

Those who beat people were still a small gang with low strength. Those guards would not be afraid, and they wanted those Yunyu gang leaders regardless of indiscriminateness.

At this time, there was a commotion here, which naturally attracted the attention of many people around.

The strength of the Yunyu Gang is low, but it is precisely because of this that they usually behave with their tails between their legs, and often make friends with other gang sects or big families.

Their popularity has always been pretty good, otherwise, they wouldn't be able to survive to this day with such little strength.

But after all, what the Yunyu Gang was facing was Zhilubao, even though these people came, they didn't dare to persuade them.

"It can't go on like this, things have to get bigger!" Du Yuesheng, who was hiding among the crowd, muttered, although there are many people coming now, the scuffle he hoped for didn't happen.

It seems that we need to add some ingredients.

After spotting the two people standing beside the guards of Qilubao, Du Yuesheng directly issued an order to the "killer who fell to the ground".

Because of being surrounded by so many people, the guards of Zilu Castle were naturally a little nervous, and their weapons had already been taken out.

Suddenly, two people fell towards them. They instinctively thought that someone was attacking them, and subconsciously raised their long swords!

Perhaps the guards were only meant to be defensive.

However, those two people's cultivation bases were not low, and they were suddenly attacked and fell to the ground, how could they react.

Therefore, both of them directly bumped into the long sword in the hands of the guards of Qilubao.

"Good opportunity!" Du Yuesheng's eyes lit up.

He immediately shouted at the top of his voice.

"Killed people, killed people, and the people of Zhiluobao killed people."

With this shout, everyone's attention was immediately directed to those two people.

They didn't know what happened at all. In the eyes of these people, all they saw was the guards of Zilu Castle holding long swords, and the two young men had already fallen in a pool of blood.

PS: The fifth update, please recommend tickets, please subscribe, please ask for rewards, please ask for monthly tickets, the subscription is so low recently, I beg everyone to support the genuine version.

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