The Most Violent Upgrade

Chapter 803 Super Crab (Fifth)

what happened?

Even Du Yuesheng stopped!

"Zombies, zombies are coming!"

In the distance, a human voice suddenly came.

Accompanied by this sound, big waves suddenly rolled up on the originally calm sea.

I saw a huge mutant sea beast suddenly turned out.

One of the octopus-like sea beasts suddenly stretched out its tree root tentacles.

It actually directly dragged the battleship Yishou into the sea.

Although it is said that most of these warships at the Hainan Island base are only converted from merchant ships and coast guard ships.

However, the volume is also very large, and there are many weapons on it.

However, this time, they all suffered.

In an instant, all of them were attacked.

The surrounding fishing boats were also not spared.

Sea beasts often appear in the sea.

However, the survivor base on Hainan Island, because of the construction of an inland bay, was able to use the turrets on the shore to spare this fishing ground.

But obviously this time the mutant beast's attack is different from the past!

"Damn it!"

Du Yuesheng cursed secretly.

Unexpectedly, he was still finished.

Even if Du Yuesheng found the commander of the survivor base, it would be too late to deploy defenses.

Damn it!

The sound of gunfire has already sounded.

Those who opened fire first were undoubtedly those at the outpost.

In the past, these sentries were always able to detect the enemy in advance, and then retreat quickly!

But this time, obviously, it was too late.

Sirens, cries, and gunfire all plunged the Hainan Island base, which had been peaceful just now, into chaos.

Du Yuesheng's figure flickered again and again, and he had already arrived on the city wall.

And he went to the city wall near the beach.

At this time, the few soldiers on the city wall kept running down.

Let this city wall become an empty wall.

Except for a few automatic turrets, there are only a dozen soldiers monitoring the sea here!

Du Yuesheng knew very well that this time the tide of zombies would be dominated by sea beasts.

However, the people in the Hainan Island base don't know.

At this moment, their attention had already been fully focused on the zombies on the beach.

Du Yuesheng didn't hesitate anymore, with a wave of his hand, a star soldier appeared on the city wall and quickly set up defenses.

At the same time, Du Yuesheng kept teleporting, using all the places where tanks could be placed.

Now that Du Yuesheng has encountered such a thing, it is impossible to stand by and watch.

Then, leave two thousand interstellar soldiers and fifty tanks to help defend!

In fact, he can only keep so much, after all, space is limited.

Those whistlers looked at these soldiers who appeared suddenly, all of them were shocked.

The Hainan Island base also has kinetic armor, but the total amount does not exceed 300, but there are thousands of people in front of them!

what on earth is it?

However, Du Yuesheng ignored them at all, but looked into the distance!

"System, search for the location of the zombie queen. Find him for me!"

"Ding! The system prompts, scanning!

The scan is successful and the map is given! "

In an instant, a virtual map appeared in front of Du Yuesheng's eyes, and what the map showed was naturally the location of the zombie queen.


This guy is actually hiding under the sea.

Du Yuesheng looked in that direction, but he didn't believe it, this guy never came out!

"Ka Ka Ka!"

The space troopers opened fire.

Because, the mutated sea beast finally launched an attack here.

Perhaps this Zombie Queen's plan is really good.

The hordes of zombies on the ground attracted the attention of the survivors of the base, and then unexpectedly sent sea beasts to break through the city wall.

If Du Yuesheng did not appear, I am afraid that the Hainan Island base would undoubtedly become a new purgatory and would undoubtedly be destroyed by zombies.

Fortunately, Du Yuesheng is here.

A huge crab!

Yes, it was a crab, a super big crab more than 50 meters long appeared! !

The carapace is as hard as steel.

The crab waved its big pincers brazenly and rushed towards the city wall.

There is no suspense, in front of him, this city wall is as soft as tofu!

He only needs to lightly wave his big pincers, and he can easily break through the city wall.

The big crab was extremely excited and kept approaching the city wall.

However, in an instant, deadly tongues of flame sprayed out from the city wall.

The interstellar soldiers waited until it approached before firing.

As for the tank, there has been no movement so far.

"Puff puff puff!"

Iron-like armor, is it very hard?

However, it is impossible to resist the rifle bullets in the hands of interstellar soldiers.

In the blink of an eye, the big crab was beaten into a cork, and it couldn't die any more.

"Such a big crab, if it is steamed, it must taste good!"

The corners of Du Yuesheng's mouth turned up slightly, looking at the bloody sea water, he said lightly.


A huge sea beast emerged from the water, and sitting on him was the target that Du Yuesheng needed to find this time!

That zombie queen!

And around him, there are countless mutated sea beasts!

It seems that these creatures on the bottom of the sea all vary in size.

Each one is so huge!

Of course, Du Yuesheng didn't care about these at all.

"Tanks are ready, attack freely!"

Suddenly, Du Yuesheng gave the tank an attack order!

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

Massacre, this is massacre at all!

The sea surface was directly stained red by the blood of those mutated sea beasts!

It's like purgatory.

No sea beast can survive the tank attack.

Even a level nine sea beast can't stand the endless bombardment of tanks at all!

The entire surface of the sea kept throwing up waves of monstrous waves one after another.

The deafening bombardment.

The people in the survivor base on Hainan Island were stunned.

What kind of weapon is that!

Their base, what roommate has such a powerful weapon!

One of the tanks in particular thought the position was not very good and missed the sea beast.

He bombarded the group of zombies a few times.

Only then did people have the most intuitive feeling for tank attacks!

One shot down, no matter what level of zombies you are facing, no matter what special abilities you have!

All instant kills, instant kills without any suspense.

Not even a dead body will remain.

Vaporize directly!

The violent attack of the tank is not something that should appear in this doomsday copy at all.

How can this attack power not be strong?

Of course, Du Yuesheng didn't care about these things at this time. At this time, Du Yuesheng, with a movement of his figure, had already rushed towards the zombie queen who hadn't figured out the situation yet!

This zombie queen is Du Yuesheng's real goal!

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