The Most Violent Upgrade

Chapter 806 In this life, I want you to pay in blood (third update)


Now it's time for the carnage!

Du Yuesheng looked at the fishtail queen in the distance, and he didn't intend to give her any chance, so he gave orders to the remaining troops.

"Kill me!"

"Destroy all zombies!"


Under Du Yuesheng's feet, the emperor's three steps exploded, and the speed was so fast that he came to the zombie queen in an instant. With a move of the Immortal Execution Sword in his hand, the sword light shone, and the sword energy whistled freely.

"Swallow the sky!"

Under the sword light's first shot, the zombie queen only had time to let out a wail, and before she could defend herself, she was directly chopped into pieces by the sword light.

With the death of the Zombie Queen, those mutated beasts could no longer resist the sharpness of the interstellar soldiers, and they were massacred, and those who tried to escape were blasted to pieces by the tanks, which was extremely miserable.

"System, this monster doesn't need experience, I want to know the exact location of the ultimate matrix!" Du Yuesheng said coldly.

The memory of the last zombie queen led Du Yuesheng to come here, but there is no specific location, and this zombie queen happened to appear here.

It means that this zombie queen just came out of a certain laboratory, and the information obtained from her must be more accurate.

"Ding, the system prompts, players can check it themselves!"

Without hesitation, Du Yuesheng directly summoned the interrogating judge to ask.

"Reporting to the Emperor of Heaven, this zombie queen has indeed just come out of the laboratory, but she only has memories of leaving the laboratory.

So the exact location of the ultimate matrix has not been found.

However, according to her memory, the ultimate matrix is ​​within a thousand miles. "

Waved away the judge, Du Yuesheng's mouth curled into a sneer, this ultimate mother was cautious.

All the memories of the Zombie Queen have been erased, but unfortunately, she still left a hole with a radius of thousands of miles.

A radius of thousands of miles is an incomparably vast distance for ordinary people, but for him, it is nothing.

"System, let me carefully detect things within a radius of thousands of miles, even if it's a grain of sand, you must search for it clearly!"

After finishing speaking, the smile on the corner of Du Yuesheng's mouth became more and more obvious. With the help of the system, how could a laboratory be hidden within a thousand miles?

"Ding, the system prompts, the scan is successful, due east, 500 kilometers away from the player, there is an energy fluctuation detected, and the analysis shows that the energy belongs to the ultimate matrix!"

Hearing this voice, Du Yuesheng moved and disappeared into the sky in an instant.

But at this time, the soldiers who survived the catastrophe raised their heads to look for the man who had just killed the zombie queen with a sword and countless soldiers, but they couldn't see anything.

However, almost everyone still knelt down on their knees at this moment, thanking Du Yuesheng for appearing...

Du Yuesheng didn't know what happened behind him. The distance of 500 kilometers was not too far for him, so he arrived in a short time.

But the virtual map shows that he has already reached the top of the laboratory, but here there is only the endless blue sea and blue sky, and there is no trace of the laboratory.

"Is it at the bottom of the sea?" Du Yuesheng didn't panic, but looked down at the blue water under his feet.

There is no smell of a mutant beast here, but just like this, Du Yuesheng is sure that there is a laboratory of the ultimate mother body here.

Because if one follows the trail of mutant beasts to find the laboratory, if the ultimate mother does this, his laboratory will never be found.

"It's very clever."

Du Yuesheng pursed his lips, turned the sword of Zhu Xianjian, and the sword energy roared out, and the sea that was still extremely calm just now was suddenly set off by huge waves.

"Zhu Xian!"

"Swing for nine days!"

As soon as the sword move was made, a 100-meter-long sword light suddenly emerged, detached from the Zhuxian sword, and went straight to the water.

Going down with a scoff, the sword light sank into the bottom of the water. At this moment, as far as the eye could see, the sea seemed to be split in half by a sword. The sea water kept swaying to both sides, and a deep trench appeared directly. .

And on the sea floor at the bottom of the trench, a magnificent laboratory was exposed.

It is unbelievable that there is such a magnificent building on the bottom of the thousand-meter-deep seabed.

Du Yuesheng squinted his eyes watching all this, his eyes suddenly froze, he stretched out his body and jumped, his body crashed down like a shooting star, and went straight to kill the laboratory.

"Human, it's really surprising that you can find this place!"

A female voice came from the laboratory, and the voice could not conceal the tyrannical aura. When most people heard this voice, they would lose their minds and become crazy in an instant.

But this kind of voice was like a deaf ear to Du Yuesheng, and after a blink of an eye, he came to the bottom of the water, without saying a word, with the movement of Zhu Xianjian, the sword light that could cut mountains and seas fell down.

There was a bang, and a huge defensive mask appeared outside this magnificent laboratory. The energy of this mask is so powerful that even interstellar soldiers may find it difficult to break through it.

But under the power of the Zhuxian Sword, the mask only lasted for a moment, and then it was chopped off in two sections, revealing the inner scene, and the unfinished zombie queens closed their eyes tightly in the petri dish.

At a glance, there are thousands of zombie queens here. If all of them are successfully cultivated, the world may be gone. Even if Du Yuesheng has the power to open the sky, it will be difficult to recover.

"Destroy me!"

Anger welled up in his eyes in an instant, and with a low shout, he swung the Zhuxian sword, and thousands of sword lights spilled out, as dense as rain, and instantly blasted on the laboratory.

There was no resistance erupted in the entire laboratory, it was like being cut into tofu, completely cut into pieces.

The moment the laboratory completely collapsed, Du Yuesheng also realized that the ultimate matrix was still not here.

The sound just now is just left over from the ultimate matrix.

"System, immediately explore the interior of the laboratory and find clues to the ultimate mother body!"

Du Yuesheng didn't want to leave any chance for the ultimate mother, this time, he must be dealt with directly!

"Ding, the system prompts that the detection is complete. Based on the internal information of Nanhai Laboratory, we found the traces of the remaining two laboratories."

"Found it?" Du Yuesheng was overjoyed.

"Ding, the information shows that there are two remaining laboratories, one at the Antarctic pole and the other at the small island country of Mount Fuji! "

The sound of the system made Du Yuesheng's lips twitch. This ultimate mother is really smart.

The sound of the system made Du Yuesheng's lips twitch. This ultimate mother is really smart.

The laboratory is actually built on a small island country, the South Pole, and the Nanhai point near the equator. In this way, the distance required to kill these three laboratories is very long. One, he has enough time to react and deal with it!

But Du Yuesheng is not in a hurry, now the ultimate mother only has time to escape, and there is no time to do other things, he can slowly find out the ultimate mother and kill him!

Thinking of this, Du Yuesheng jumped up, and with a bang, the sea water that was cut open also instantly closed, crushing the originally fragmented laboratory into ruins.

But when all this happened, Du Yuesheng's figure had already disappeared in the south.

"The next step is the laboratory of the small island country!"

He already has a goal, the small island country is not far away from here, and there is no room for a moment of delay!

Moreover, in the small island country, Du Yuesheng has deep grievances.

In the previous life, I killed countless Chinese martyrs and oppressed me countless Chinese men!

Oppress my country, oppress my ancestors!

This life!

I, Du Yuesheng, want you to pay your debts in blood, so that your country will be wiped out and completely disappeared.


The third update!

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