The Most Violent Upgrade

Chapter 811 Bloodbath of Lingwu, Heavenly Sovereign (1)


Their opponent, Du Yuesheng, just looked at this indifferently, and the disdain at the corner of his mouth became stronger and stronger.

"It's just this point formation method, if you want to kill me, it's a fool's dream!" Du Yuesheng laughed loudly, and with a wave of Zhu Xianjian, the Ten Thousand Immortal Sword Formation!


A piercing sound sounded suddenly, only to see thousands of sword lights suddenly descending from the sky, the golden net was instantly cut by countless sword lights, and more sword lights fell directly on the body of Jiezheng.

That's called one, bloody wind, suddenly hit.

Seeing this scene, countless people's eyes were tearing apart, and panic appeared on their faces: "Impossible, it is impossible for someone to escape from the big killing array!"

Those who were cut by the sword light were full of fear and regret, okay, why did they come to seize other people's High Heaven Pavilion, now it's okay, they died.

And Du Yuesheng was even more eager to kill, waving the Zhuxian sword non-stop, the sword light wrapped around his body like a streamer, and countless sword qi roared, like a hurricane, where there were only corpses and blood.

A group of Xiaoxiao who besieged the Lingxiao Pavilion in the distance saw this and fought with their legs, many of them wanted to escape.

"Want to escape? Dream!"

Du Yuesheng laughed loudly, and when he was about to hunt down those Xiaoxiaos by himself, he suddenly heard a pleasant voice in his ear: "The Kingdom of God has been unlocked! Players can summon characters from the Kingdom of Gods to come and help kill Xiaoxiaos!"

"I almost forgot that there are still you, Zhao Yun, Lu Bu, Galen, and others, come out, and kill all the people in the thirty-six caves and seventy-two mansions!"

Rays of light pierced through the clouds and descended from the sky, and when the light dispersed, Zhao Yun, Galen and others appeared here brandishing their weapons.

Seeing the enemies all over the mountains and plains, Zhao Yun grinned, swung his spear, and said, "Hey, I didn't enjoy killing last time, this time, Zilong will definitely kill it!"

Du Yuesheng didn't speak either, just waved his hand, and countless masters rushed out shouting.

How powerful Galen and the others are, rushing into those shrimp soldiers and crab generals in the thirty-six holes and seventy-two mansions is like sheep entering a pack of wolves, and no grass grows wherever they go.

And the disciples of Heavenly Court in Lingxiao Pavilion shouted excitedly when they saw Du Yuesheng appearing and such reinforcements coming.

Regardless of Liu Bowen's obstruction, he launched a counterattack, cooperated with Galen Zhao Yun and others, and directly made dumplings for the enemy!

"Ha ha!"

The battle situation was directly on his side, Du Yuesheng laughed again and again, and the killing became more and more vigorous.

In the blink of an eye, all the masters in the thirty-six holes and seventy-two mansions were slaughtered.

Taking a closer look, several corps, including the Elven Marksman and Sun Shangxiang's Guards Battalion, have already surrounded everyone in one place. Countless arrows are constantly being shot, and almost none of them will miss. Countless lives are constantly being harvested .

But two or three hours later, when everyone looked back, they realized that all the masters on Lingwu Continent, including the backbone, had been completely wiped out in this battle.

Du Yuesheng stood with his sword behind his back, and seeing the devastation and blood flowing like a river, he couldn't help but let out a long sigh.

People all over the world come here for profit, this time the appearance of Lingxiao Pavilion actually attracted all the masters from Lingwu Continent.

It's a pity that they were not strong enough, not only did they not take away the High Heaven Pavilion, but they were slaughtered.

Now in the entire Lingwu Continent, there is probably only the Heavenly Court, and the strongest sect is naturally the Heavenly Court!

"Report to the Heavenly Emperor, the task is completed!"

When Zhao Yungailun and others saw this happening, they naturally returned to the Kingdom of God without hesitation, but the disciples in the Lingxiao Pavilion in the distance were brought out by Liu Bowen, kneeling in front of Du Yuesheng.

"Reporting to the Emperor of Heaven, fortunately I did not disgrace my life, and defended the High Heaven Pavilion!" Liu Bowen said neither humble nor overbearing, but there was still a lot of guilt in his tone, and this time many disciples still died.

Du Yuesheng waved his hand and said, "I never thought that there would be so many enemies attacking our sect at the same time. Those who die will die. You don't have to blame yourself."

As he said that, he threw out a lot of pills and weapons, etc., and those pills and weapons piled up to almost form a hill.

"Think of these as my rewards for you to defend the Lingxiao Pavilion this time!" Du Yuesheng said indifferently.

These pills and weapons are worthless to him.

But these disciples don't see it that way anymore. They used to be in Lingwu Continent, and it was hard to get a single slightly better medicine pill, but now they got so much at once, why are they unhappy.

In an instant, the joy of getting the elixir and weapons directly diluted the sadness caused by the death of their companions.

All of them knelt down and shouted sincerely: "Thank you, Emperor of Heaven!"

And Liu Bowen continued: "Emperor Heaven, although the enemies on Lingwu Continent have been wiped out.

But around this continent, there are many other small continents, and I heard that these small continents are also ready to move, wanting to do something to our Ling Xiaoge! "

"Oh? How many small continents are there around Lingwu Continent?" Du Yuesheng asked.

"A total of thirteen yuan, although their individual strength is not too strong, but if they are gathered together, they are not weaker than Lingwu Continent!" Liu Bowen replied respectfully.

Du Yuesheng paused for a moment, then remembered that Zhang Qiaolin had told him at the beginning that this continent was divided, and the Lingwu Continent was the largest one, and there were many small continents around it, and there were clouds of experts on it.

Originally, Du Yuesheng didn't think of this, but these people on the small continent still wanted to attack him, so don't blame them for being cruel.

Thinking of this, Du Yuesheng directly waved his hand and said, "Zhao Yun listens!"

"The last general is here!" Zhao Yun knelt on one knee. He knew that there was still a mission this time, which was enough for him to kill him, and he was very happy in his heart!

"Go to a continent immediately and kill all the masters there!" Du Yuesheng said coldly.

"Take orders!" Zhao Yun stood up, holding a long spear, and disappeared in place with a movement of his body, which was teleported out by the system.

"Where is Galen, you choose a place yourself..."

Du Yuesheng immediately dispatched all the characters he summoned from the Kingdom of God, and people from all ten small continents went there.

As for the remaining three yuan, only Du Yuesheng can do it himself.

"If you want to kill and seize treasure, you must be prepared to be killed first!"

After Du Yuesheng sneered, he said directly to the system: "System, do you know where the remaining three continents are? Send me to one of them!"

"Ding, the system prompts, ready to send!"

As the foreground changed, the system voice came again: "Ding, the transmission is complete!"

Opening his eyes again, Du Yuesheng had already appeared on another small continent.

This small continent is only less than one tenth of the area of ​​Lingwu Continent, which is not bad.

And a sect named Gu Jianmen is the master of this small continent.

On this small continent, they say what they say, and whoever dares to resist will bring disaster.

And at this moment, above the ancient sword gate, all the disciples of the ancient sword gate gathered together. Its master led a dozen or so elders, standing in front of all the disciples, facing the direction of Lingwu Continent's Lingxiao Pavilion.

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