The Most Violent Upgrade

Chapter 849 Graceful Figure (Part 1)

Hearing the system prompt, Du Yuesheng couldn't help curling his lips.

This is not good in the world of comprehension. To upgrade to a level, you have to cross the tribulation, and the time to cross the tribulation will be shortened by the system actively using experience points.

But that's good too, it saves ten days, and when the time comes, it will be directly promoted to the fusion stage, and the strength will be enhanced, and the experience value will come faster.

Thinking of this, Du Yuesheng put away his dissatisfaction, and happily looked at the fifty lucky draw opportunities. The characters drawn in the cultivation world are quite tyrannical. I don't know what character can be drawn out of these fifty times!

"Brother!" At this moment, he happily pulled Rose back.

Behind Xi Le, Galen and the others followed with bruises and bloodstains on their bodies.

Just now when they fought those monks, although Galen and the others had powerful magic weapons in their hands, they couldn't hold back their cultivation level and were still a little lower, and they were somewhat injured.

But now that they have killed so many monks, their levels have been raised rapidly, almost all of them have reached the Nascent Soul stage!

This force is not weak in Tiannan and even in the entire cultivation world!

As a civil servant, Liu Bowen followed Zhao Yun's ass to make up a lot of swords. At this time, he stood up and said, "Heavenly Emperor, do we need to build a heavenly court here?"

Liu Bowen is good at management, and this kind of talent is somewhat ambitious. What he wants is to build a heaven in every place Du Yuesheng goes!

Du Yuesheng thought for a while, and then said: "This Tianyu Continent is already mine, but there are no people here, if you want to build it, you have to go outside to build it!"

Liu Bowen nodded, he also discovered this just now, so he immediately said: "In the future, our disciples of the Heavenly Court will develop outside, and we will use this as a base to spread our branches and leaves. If we encounter danger, this place will allow us to advance and retreat ,very safe!"

Du Yuesheng nodded in satisfaction, Liu Bowen was very considerate.

He said directly: "Yes, there are other monks in Tianyu during this period, all of them are loose cultivators. You can catch, kill, or suck them into the sect."

Liu Bowen immediately took the order, and led Galen and his group to build a new heaven happily. Xile even said happily that she wanted to be a senior sister.

In a blink of an eye, Du Yuesheng was the only one left here.

At this moment, Du Yuesheng turned his eyes around and murmured: "Since this Tianyu Continent is called Dalu, there should be a heart of Continent, why didn't it appear?"

He swept his eyes around, and suddenly his eyes froze, because at this moment the light on the throne was dissipating. Before Du Yuesheng thought it was a normal reaction for him to control the Tianyu Continent, but now that he looked at it, the light was clearly like that of the mainland. The light of the heart!

After a little thought, Du Yuesheng simply waved his hand, and a burst of spiritual power blasted out. With a bang, the throne was directly blown away, and the heart of the mainland appeared directly under the throne!

"Haha!" Du Yuesheng was overjoyed, and immediately picked up the heart of the mainland.

Since this Tianyu continent is in a fourth-level region, it is naturally a fourth-level continent.

With such a heart of the continent, you can directly enter the seizing the sky ranking battle in the fourth-level region!

"Ding, the system prompts that the Seizing the Sky Ranking Tournament is about to begin. May I ask if the player teleports into the floating island?"

When the system prompt sounded, Du Yuesheng's affairs were settled, so he immediately said: "Go!"

"Ding, the system prompts that the teleportation is on!"

"Transmission successful!"

When Du Yuesheng appeared on the floating island, there were loud shouts all around.

"Du Yuesheng!"

"Du Yuesheng!"


They were all calling Du Yuesheng's name.

Du Yuesheng touched his nose, but he never thought that he would have so many supporters.

How did he know that he surpassed 10,000 battles each time, and has become a legend of the floating island!

This time, Du Yuesheng's opponent looked at Du Yuesheng, but there was a sneer in his eyes: "Huh, he is just an incompetent person relying on luck. This kind of person is what I, He Yun, look down on the most!"

As soon as He Yun's tit-for-tat words came out, the atmosphere at the scene became more enthusiastic, and the people who supported He Yun shouted even louder, directly suppressing Du Yuesheng's supporters.

Seeing this, Du Yuesheng just smiled slightly, walked forward, and said lightly: "You said that this Heavenly Emperor got to this point by luck?"

He Yun nodded, not trying to hide his disdain!

Du Yuesheng shrugged and said: "The Heavenly Emperor may have better luck today, for example, if I look at you now, you will die suddenly!"

When He Yun heard the words, he suddenly became furious: "Boy, you are arrogant, I am standing here today, let me see how you make me die!"

Du Yuesheng raised his head and his cultivation base directly condensed into an imposing manner, he raised his head and looked at He Yun.

At that moment, the incomparably tyrannical momentum directly overwhelmed him, and He Yun only felt that in front of him was a huge mountain, towering into the clouds, majestic and majestic, and then his consciousness was plunged into darkness.

But Du Yuesheng turned around and walked towards the referee, found out the Continental Star of Tianyu Continent, and said calmly: "Now you can let me participate in the seizing the sky ranking battle in the fourth-level region!"

The referee was taken aback, and said: "With the heart of the continent of the fourth-level continent, you can naturally participate in the ranking battle of the fourth-level region, have not finished this competition yet?"

He Yun was still standing there, just motionless.

The supporters of He Yun in the audience also yelled, "Du Yuesheng, did you agree to take a look at He Yun and die suddenly?"

They didn't realize that He Yun was dead.

But just at this moment, a breeze came from a distance, He Yun's body shook slightly, and suddenly fell to the ground with a thud.

In an instant, all the voices supporting He Yun stopped abruptly, leaving only the sound of strong wind blowing.

After a long time, the referee said with a dull face: "The winner, Du Yuesheng, rewards will be distributed next!"

"There's no need for rewards..." Du Yuesheng curled his lips, the rewards for the third-level regional seizing the sky ranking battle are too useless and useless at all.

The referee looked embarrassed, knowing that with Du Yuesheng's eyes, he naturally looked down on this reward, so he quickly said: "Okay, I will report your information immediately, next time you enter the floating island, It will automatically enter the fourth floor."

Du Yuesheng nodded and let the system teleport him out of the floating island.

When he returned to Tongtian Palace, Du Yuesheng was about to go out to see how Liu Bowen subdued the monks to build a new heaven, but suddenly felt a strange atmosphere around him.

"Do you still want to hide and hide when you come to the site of the Emperor of Heaven?" Du Yuesheng raised his head and looked towards the back of the hall, which was empty at first.

But as Du Yuesheng's gaze fixed on there, a sigh came out from the air there, and a graceful figure came out of the air unexpectedly!

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