The Most Violent Upgrade

Chapter 851 Crossing Tribulation (Third Change)

Seeing this, Du Yuesheng frowned, tapped his fingertip lightly, and a sword light shot out directly from the fingertip, and collided with the phantom of the white dragon head-on.

With a bang, the two exploded directly, sending out circles of light waves and turning into nothingness at the same time.

Du Yuesheng couldn't help being taken aback, he just hit casually, but the power was not weak, and he didn't have the power to defeat Long Wushuang directly.

And Long Wushuang was also shocked. Although she was attacking with the sky thunder, she must know that she is a dragon princess, and she has a certain resistance to the sky thunder. In addition, she has also survived countless catastrophes.

She spends it alone every time, so that day's calamity doesn't suppress her very much.

But just like that, she hit with all her strength, but was resolved by Du Yuesheng's random blow!

Du Yuesheng was about to speak, but saw that under the bombardment of the sky thunder, the entire Tongtian Palace was reduced to ruins, and the huge abyss in the palace looked even more hideous under the thunder.

"Stupid woman, you ruined my Tongtian Palace!"

Du Yuesheng shouted angrily, although Tongtian Palace is very old, it is also a very good place to stay.

But now because of Long Wushuang's obstruction, Tianjie has completely destroyed this place!

"Dengtuzi, it was your own catastrophe that destroyed Tongtian Palace, and Tongtian Palace is not yours, it is an ownerless thing!" Long Wushuang said loudly, and with a snap of his fingers, a thunderbolt dissipated.

Du Yuesheng was so angry that his teeth were itchy, and he didn't care about morality. He stepped on his foot and rushed forward. He rushed in front of Long Wushuang in an instant, and punched him out.

Looking at it, Long Wushuang didn't even try to dodge it. He pushed out with a backhand palm, and a palm and a punch collided in the air, bursting out waves of light, accompanied by thunder and lightning intertwined all over the sky, which was extremely gorgeous.

"Stupid woman, don't blame me for not reminding you, if you don't undo the suppression of your cultivation, you will die!" Du Yuesheng only used a third of his strength, but it could be seen that Long Wushuang had already used all his strength, of course After suppressing the cultivation base, the full strength!

Long Wushuang's beautiful eyes widened, and said: "How can this princess be afraid of you as a disciple!"

Du Yuesheng was amused, and said: "You say "Deng Tuzi" on the left and "Deng Tuzi" on the right. I have been wronged by you so many times. Wouldn't it be a loss if I didn't really do what Deng Tuzi did!"

Thinking of this, Du Yuesheng was no longer in a hurry to kill Long Wushuang, he simply turned his fist into a palm, and grabbed Long Wushuang's hand as fast as lightning.

For a moment, Du Yuesheng only felt that Long Wushuang's palm was weak and boneless, slightly cold, slippery and very comfortable. It was hard to imagine that this wonderful palm could flatten a mountain with one palm!

Long Wushuang was caught by the hand, and his expression changed drastically: "Deng Tuzi, what do you want to do!"

As he said that, Long Wushuang raised his other hand and slapped again, but with the same level of cultivation, she couldn't beat Du Yuesheng at all, and Du Yuesheng firmly grasped this slap.

"You!" Long Wushuang couldn't have imagined that, as a princess of the dragon clan, one of the strongest races recognized in the cultivation world, she was suppressed to death by a human race like Du Yuesheng at the same level.

And now that Du Yuesheng grabbed her both hands, with malicious eyes on his face, she yelled in her heart: "Let me go!"

Hearing this, Du Yuesheng sneered and said, "Have you ever seen that Deng Tuzi would let go of a beauty like you?"

Long Wushuang was angry and impatient: "If you dare to touch this princess, this princess will definitely make you look good!"

Du Yuesheng couldn't help laughing: "If you don't threaten the Emperor, the Emperor doesn't have much interest in you, but the more you threaten the Emperor, the more the Emperor wants to touch you!"

After finishing speaking, Du Yuesheng pulled hard with both hands, Long Wushuang was caught off guard, and was pulled directly into Du Yuesheng's arms.

"You are shameless!" Long Wushuang and Du Yuesheng bumped into each other's arms, and the vital parts of his chest naturally came into close contact with Du Yuesheng's body!

"You still dare to scold me?" Du Yuesheng thought immediately, took out the fairy binding rope, and directly tied Long Wushuang's hands tightly, then looked at Long Wushuang with a playful face, finally stretched out his hand, gently picked Lifting Long Wushuang's chin, he said lightly:

"Believe it or not, the Emperor of Heaven really did something shameless?"

"You..." Long Wushuang subconsciously wanted to say that you didn't dare, but after thinking carefully, Long Wushuang suddenly realized that every time she thought Du Yuesheng didn't dare, Du Yuesheng had to do it.

Thinking of this, Long Wushuang quickly shut up and didn't say a word.

Seeing this, Du Yuesheng smiled again, and said: "Pretend to be dumb, the Emperor of Heaven will not let you go!"

After speaking, Du Yuesheng's fingers lightly slid across Long Wushuang's fair and delicate face.

Such a frivolous action made Long Wushuang extremely humiliated, his eyes were tightly closed, and his whole body trembled.

But even so, Long Wushuang didn't have the slightest intention of begging for mercy.

"You have a tough temper." Seeing this, Du Yuesheng smiled, and said, "As long as you say a word of begging for mercy, the Emperor of Heaven will let you go immediately!"

"The Dragon Clan will not bow their heads!" Long Wushuang gritted his silver teeth.

Du Yuesheng frowned, not to mention anything else, the stubbornness in Long Wushuang's bones was admirable!

On the contrary, he had some good intentions towards Long Wushuang, and he didn't intend to destroy the flower with his hands. He just wanted to tease this stupid woman, and then let her go.

Human calculations are not as good as heaven's calculations. At this moment, the catastrophe has dissipated, and the system prompts suddenly, he has successfully entered the realm of integration, but before he can be happy, there is a huge abyss in Tongtian Palace. Great suction.

This suction is extremely strong, even with Du Yuesheng's current strength, it is difficult to block such a strong suction, he was directly sucked into the abyss by that suction without paying attention.

But Long Wushuang's cultivation base was suppressed, his hands were trapped, and he had no strength to resist. Together with Du Yuesheng, he was directly sucked into the abyss.

When Du Yuesheng opened his eyes again, there was darkness everywhere he entered his eyes, so he quickly mobilized his cultivation so that he could see at night.

Only at this time did he realize that he was actually in a cave with a stone wall above his head and walls around him. a sealed environment at all, and I don't even know where I came in from.

And Long Wushuang also woke up leisurely at this moment, but because his hands were tied behind his back, he could only lie on his side on the ground and said bitterly, "Deng Tuzi, where is this!"

"The Emperor of Heaven is not called Deng Tuzi, but Du Yuesheng!" Trapped, Du Yuesheng didn't have the heart to tease Long Wushuang anymore. He stood up and punched the wall with all his strength, only to find that his strength was like a mud cow falling into the sea. Gone!

"Huh? There's something weird here..." Du Yuesheng hurriedly asked the system, "System, help me find out..."

Before he finished speaking, he heard the sound of the system prompt:

"Ding, the system prompts, congratulations to the player's main task, my monk, why do you have to fight and enter the third stage, the Dragon Clan has a son-in-law Du Yuesheng (on)!"

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