The Most Violent Upgrade

Chapter 859 Holy Land of Ascension to Immortals (Part 1)

Seeing this, Du Yuesheng couldn't help but sneer, took out Zhuxian sword, smiled lightly, and said: "Who will come up first to die?"

A group of geniuses under Muyun can't bear it anymore, we are all geniuses, although we are dormant under Muyun's subordinates, it's not just a random person who can kill them!

"Death to the madman!"

Immediately, seven or eight geniuses rushed out in unison, and the magic weapons in their hands burst into light, colorful, and looked as dazzling as a rainbow from a distance.

Du Yuesheng curled his lips, snorted disdainfully, moved the Zhuxian sword, and shouted in a low voice: "Excalibur Yulei Jue!"


In an instant, the sky was full of wind and clouds, and bolts of lightning pierced through the clouds, and suddenly fell from the sky.

At that moment, the seven or eight geniuses who had just rushed out were suddenly bombarded by five thunders!

The genius who hadn't made a move on one side quickly shouted: "Defend quickly!"

"It's thunderous this day!"

But no matter how loud they shouted, the seven or eight geniuses who were locked by the sky thunder had no time to react, and they would be killed by the sky thunder.

bang bang bang!

When the sky thunder hit those geniuses, a burst of sparks exploded, directly smashing the geniuses to the ground, burning all their clothes, and turning their bodies into a piece of charcoal. This shows how powerful the sky thunder is!

"Boy, you can barely control lightning with one hand, let me, Lei Ming, fight with you!"

However, Du Yuesheng beheaded seven or eight geniuses in one fell swoop, which didn't make people frightened, but another person rushed out.

This person held a long sword engraved with traces of lightning in his hand, and was wearing a blue robe, which also had lightning marks on it. One could tell at a glance that this man was a genius who was good at controlling lightning.

Du Yuesheng grinned, he is not good at controlling thunder and lightning, but he just knows how to control lightning with both hands, but someone wants to fight him to the death on this, and he doesn't mind just blowing the opponent down with lightning.

At this moment, he suddenly remembered a spell that was rewarded during the task of being an enemy of the world: Ten thousand thunders and burning the sky!

At that time, he was not cultivated enough to cast it, and he never used this spell later, but he can use it today!

Thinking of this, he couldn't help but said: "The art of lightning control? Then try it!"

Without Du Yuesheng's consent, Lei Ming had already raised his sword, he just moved, and there were traces of electric light around his body, crackling, and the light shot out.

Immediately afterwards, Lei Ming jumped up, raised his long sword and pointed it at the sky, and shouted: "Heavenly Thunder Strike!"

Booming, there was a muffled sound of thunder in the sky. When I looked up, I saw blue and white thunder and lightning surging in the clouds, and the rays of light were hesitating, as if thousands of thunders were brewing and were about to fall. .

When Du Yuesheng saw this, he just smiled and said, "That's it? I'll let you see my Wan Lei Burning Heaven!"

Following his low shout, there were bursts of thunder and lightning roars in the sky, more than twice as loud as the noise caused by thunder.

What's more terrible is that, in just a moment, the sky was suddenly covered with dense thunder and lightning, and the thunder and lightning criss-crossed, directly covering the entire sky, forming a huge lightning network.

Afterwards, Du Yuesheng raised his hand and pointed at Lei Ming, and the lightning network composed of thousands of lightnings crashed down, and all of them fell on Lei Ming.

Lei Ming didn't even have time to howl, but was directly blasted into blood mist by the thunder and lightning, and the air was filled with a burnt smell everywhere.

At this time, Du Yuesheng grinned, and said lightly: "Your lightning is also considered lightning? At most, it can be regarded as static electricity generated by friction!"

After he finished speaking, he looked up at the other geniuses under Muyun, and was about to speak, when those geniuses suddenly lowered their heads and retreated one after another.

Du Yuesheng was too tyrannical, in fact, the seven or eight geniuses and Lei Ming who rushed out at the beginning were all Mu Yun's right-hand men.

Basically they teamed up and were able to take on all of them.

But even so, Du Yuesheng still easily defeated Lei Ming and the others, so they had no choice but to die.

They thought that Du Yuesheng was a soft persimmon, so they dared to rush forward in unison.

But looking at it now, Du Yuesheng is clearly a stubble!

One hundred thousand spirit stones is good, but not as good as my own life!

"Want to leave now? Dreaming!"

Du Yuesheng would not give them a chance to retreat, spread his five fingers and press down.

Click click click! Wan Lei Fentian crashed down, directly enveloping those geniuses one after another. Suddenly, many geniuses were in chaos, and with the lightning and silver snakes shuttling between them, the light was extremely dazzling.

But not long after, those geniuses turned into charred corpses and fell to the ground.

In the distance, when Mu Yun saw this scene, a trace of surprise flashed in his eyes.

Although he could kill all of his subordinates by himself, he didn't expect anyone else to be able to do it.

Thinking of this, he couldn't help squinting his eyes, and said: "It seems that I underestimated you, but unfortunately, if I want to kill you, it's still like killing a chicken and a dog. The boy sees the trick, and Huang Quan refers to it!"

After finishing speaking, Mu Yun raised his hand and pointed, and a black finger glow pierced through the sky. Wherever the finger glow went, a dawson cold wind suddenly blew up. For a moment, Du Yuesheng seemed to see the scene of hell and hell!

But in just a split second, Du Yuesheng came back to his senses, he smiled, swung the Zhuxian sword, and swallowed the sky!

Thousands of sword lights bloomed like the sun, and the surrounding area was instantly illuminated as bright as day, and the dark clouds in the sky turned into white clouds.

And the jet-black Huangquan finger struck and collided with thousands of sword lights, but it didn't even penetrate the first layer of sword lights, it just exploded with a bang and turned into nothingness!

"What! How is it possible!"

Mu Yun was taken aback, he didn't expect that his strongest Huang Quan finger could not even break through the opponent's sword light!

Du Yuesheng sneered again and again, without saying a word, his body moved with his heart, and Tuntian followed him, and went straight to Muyun!

"Do you dare to kill me?"

Seeing this scene, Mu Yun finally knew that Du Yuesheng was strong and wanted to kill him, so he hurriedly shouted: "I am the Holy Son of the Holy Land of Ascension to Immortals in the Cangyun Continent, if you dare to kill me, even if you are in other continents, I will kill you!" The Holy Land of Immortal Ascension will never let you go!"

"Oh? The Holy Land of Ascension to Immortals? The Emperor of Heaven, Du Yuesheng, come to me if you have the guts!" There are also many planets and continents in the cultivation world. Du Yuesheng has never heard of this Cangyun Continent, let alone be afraid.

So when Mu Yun yelled loudly, not only did his movements not slow down, but they doubled in speed. When he slashed down with his sword, Wan Dao Jianguang also slashed down. It was cut into several sections!

And at this moment.

In the vast universe, on another comprehension continent, in a palace made entirely of white jade, an old man held a broken soul jade slip in his hand, with a murderous look between his brows: "Du Yuesheng! Find out this for me!" Which continent is this son from, I will never die with him in the Holy Land of Immortal Ascension!"

"Dare to kill my son of the Holy Land, you must be killed!!"

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