The Most Violent Upgrade

Chapter 870 Stronger Than A Dog (Part Two)

It's good that the son of Yaoguang didn't look at it, after all, Du Yuesheng didn't want the Tower of Rebirth either.

But when Du Yuesheng noticed the mighty gaze of Shengzi Yaoguang, he couldn't help but smile and raised his head.

Looking at Cai Lao on the stage, he said slowly, "Two hundred and one spirit stones!"

Hearing Du Yuesheng's tone as if saying that the sun is good today, and seeing his weak and indifferent expression, Shengzi Yaoguang almost spit out a mouthful of old blood.

You are acting too much.

Two million spirit stones, no, two hundred and one spirit stones, how rich are you to pretend to be indifferent?

Well, you like pretending, don't you?

Then, I will continue to play with you, Son of God, and see how long you can play!

Shengzi Yaoguang gave Du Yuesheng a hard look, then waved his hand and shouted domineeringly: "Two million and one hundred thousand spirit stones!"

In fact, he really misunderstood Du Yuesheng.

More than two million spirit stones are really nothing to Du Yuesheng, and Du Yuesheng's lack of interest is only because more than two million spirit stones are indeed a little small, there is no need to be too concerned, just play casually Just play!

Of course, if Shengzi Yaoguang knew Du Yuesheng's true thoughts, he might really vomit blood.

"Two and a half million spirit stones!"

Shengzi Yaoguang just added 10,000 spirit stones, and Du Yuesheng directly added an integer with five fingers.

The many masters who were still silent just now couldn't help but let out bursts of exclamation.

the reason is simple.

It's a good deal to buy this Tower of Rebirth with two million spirit stones, but it's not a loss to buy the Tower of Rebirth with three million spirit stones.

However, in this auction, the Tower of Rebirth is not the protagonist, everyone is here for the remnants of the Immortal Market.

If too much money is spent on the Tower of Rebirth, what should we do when the remnants of the Immortal Market appear?

It is also because of this that many masters at the scene withdrew from the auction so early. Otherwise, I don't know how many people are still bidding!

After hearing the number of two and a half million, the son of Yaoguang also shook his body and almost fell to the ground.

Is this bastard going to be right with me to the end? Adding hundreds of thousands of spirit stones in one breath, his family's spirit stones are all picked up from the river? So worthless?

He looked at Du Yuesheng, but saw that Du Yuesheng was also looking at him with a slight smile, and he looked at Du Yuesheng as if saying: "Brother, if you are poor, don't come to the auction!"

At this moment, Shengzi Yaoguang couldn't bear it anymore, slapped the chair, stood up with a bang, and shouted heart-piercingly: "Three million!"


There was a gasping sound, three million spirit stones had definitely reached the peak value of the Tower of Rebirth, if the price was increased, it might not be worth that much!

"Hehe, the Holy Son is a good means!" Du Yuesheng grinned and said lightly.

Hearing this, Son of Light Yaosheng thought that Du Yuesheng had surrendered, so he couldn't help but said, "Huh, it's not a matter of means. The treasure should belong to the capable, but it's just three million spirit stones. It's for me to shake the light." Holy Master, I can still afford it!"

Du Yuesheng laughed, and said: "The words of the Holy Son have given me a lot of inspiration. The dog of the Emperor's family has lived for fifteen years, and the end has come. With the Pagoda of Rebirth, I will definitely live for another fifteen years, so... The Heavenly Emperor sent out four million spirit stones!"

For a moment, the field fell silent.

Listening carefully, the sound of a silver needle falling to the ground and a drop of sweat falling to the ground can be clearly heard.

Four million spirit stones?

This is not a joke, is it?

And...he said, four million spirit stones to buy a tower of rebirth, just to save a dog?

Or a mortal dog that can only live for fifteen years?

The chests of all powerful masters and powerful monks were heaving violently. The calm mind that had been cultivated for thousands of years could not calm down at this moment.

Damn, who is your name, where do you come from, and spent four million Lingshi just for a dog, come, come, you bring your dog out, and I will change places with him!

The other monks were not calm, and the face of the son of Yaoguang became even uglier.

He just said that he spent three million spirit stones for his Lord.

Du Yuesheng turned around and said that he spent four million spirit stones for a mortal dog.

What does it mean? This means that your Holy Master is just a dog in my eyes!

If it wasn't for the inappropriate occasion, Shengzi Yaoguang would definitely kill Du Yuesheng with a wave of his magic weapon!

Since the day of its birth, the Shaking Light Holy Land has never been insulted like this!

calm down!

Shengzi Yaoguang kept reciting the meditation mantra silently in his heart, grinning his teeth at the same time, raised his trembling hand, and said word by word: "Four million and one thousand!"

He didn't want a price at first, but Du Yuesheng only called out four million for a dog. If he didn't spend more than four million spirit stones, wouldn't Du Yuesheng be able to say with great fanfare that your Holy Master is not even as good as a dog?

The Holy Land of Fluctuating Light absolutely cannot bear this kind of insult!

Besides, judging by Du Yuesheng's appearance, he should ask for a higher price. As long as he asks for a higher price, the son of Yaoguang will stop immediately.

After all, he has already proved that Lord Fluctlight is stronger than dogs once, so there is no need to prove it every time.

Sure enough, after hearing this, Du Yuesheng couldn't help raising his head, glanced at Shengzi Yaoguang, and said calmly: "I thought that one of my dogs was better than your Holy Master, but now it seems that it is still your Holy Master." It’s mainly ten thousand spirit stones more expensive than this Heavenly Emperor’s dog, that’s all, you can take this Rebirth Pagoda, this Heavenly Emperor doesn’t want it anymore!”


As soon as Du Yuesheng said that, Shengzi Yaoguang spurted out a mouthful of blood without warning.

Now he knows, Du Yuesheng is just playing with him, Du Yuesheng didn't want this Tower of Rebirth at all, Du Yuesheng is deliberately raising the price to make him lose money!

This time it was indeed a loss, and it cost two million more spirit stones than expected!

Shengzi Yaoguang thought that he had made Du Yuesheng spend an extra 200,000 spirit stones earlier, and now Du Yuesheng would immediately let him spend two million more spirit stones, and felt aggrieved and panicked in his heart.

What's more terrible is that Du Yuesheng insulted Du Yuesheng severely when the extra two million spirit stones were spent. ...what's the difference between this and losing?

Regret, anger, helplessness, all kinds of emotions were entangled together, and the son of Yaoguang spurted out a mouthful of blood.

" you dare to report your name?" Son of Yaoguang sat listlessly on a chair and asked.

Du Yuesheng grinned: "This Heavenly Emperor's name is Du Yuesheng!"

"Du Yuesheng?"

"This name??"

In an instant, all the cultivators in the auction couldn't help frowning when they heard this name.


ps: The second update is here! Ask for a ticket! Five shifts are guaranteed every day, and the remaining three shifts will be delivered in the morning.

The turtle is also very hard!

Seek motivation!


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